Sunday, April 9, 2017

will you come »»

Hey friend,
Thanks for the forward,
so eye opening, so chivalrous, so timely, so liberating, so full of the spirit of freedom, honour and gallantry so so so Chivas Regal Royal Saluté {90 proof}
so great an Ideal commensurate with what's represented by THE HARMericAN statue of Liberty {not HARMericAN, friend, it is bu† a gift of the people of France - freedom friers}.

To the exhortations therein contained, to contribute to funds for BERSERK

  “…should they arrest me,  put me in the same "experiential situation" as the guy who ?suicided from the balcony of MABCDE HQ?
[Blessed are the dead:the envy of the poor 'alive alive-0's]
if they make my entire family & dependents - ducks, geese, k8s, k9s, k6s, cocks, bulls roaches, & other, exotic pets  like Amaskian HUGFies, {btw i have 3; one male, a female & another of 'indeterminable gender' cannot confirm by ANY known test akin to some other 'fiends' of mine)
& all my other defendants;  the caterpillar about to butter his fly in the pophercheery tree, the colony of wood chomping termites ruining around running around outta sight in the woodworks

if they make me & these my dependents unable to breath the  air or bask in the sun (free air & sunshine  ~~~ till ~~~ 3023?)
[oh yes! when  BERSHi† does its job fresh air and sunshine  WILL FOREVER BE free & fresh?
       hear yEE 
     hear Yee 

if they do that — with their vested powers; which they have;
in this place, from which i am disinclined to leave - i am born of here;
via their army of gun handling death dealing 'employees' —
And make my living life, a living hell.
tell me high idealised folks, good happy people based and funded, from a far away dream-like world of high (white? black?  yellow? green? turquoise? wow TURQUOISE? ) castles;  
       inspired fooly fully with awful awesome ideals, fired with undoable Quixotism of mainly fashionables, trendies, and other smell good Shakespearean audio visual furies of zeroes heroes ;
who from behind rose tinted walls/fences of “charity, kindness, care, share,  Xtian “love”  & oh yes former denizens 
who Loved this nation but ran away - self preservatively..

        [denied their birth rights ~ being born btw gives only ONE right - to ""life"" then ultimately to have life taken back - to DIE - 
that though is another chapter]

who were of this nation BUT now having adopted the “save them, these pitiful wretched  poor folks so UNliberated & infected with the underdeveloped 5th world MENTALity who are NOT able to think like those HIGH IQ'd who scooted tail between asses to FREEdoom -actually for sake of better opportunity of children - oh yea? - PLééééé$é hold the emetic.

blessed are you too - LBGTW..
but please
hey pal, hi buddy, yo friend, Wai low sai, Hoi dingkum, Dimmed sum,

did you BERSERK fund canvassers & glam seekers, see  yourselves this morning with the REAL  eyes inside of your REAL selves ?

please I humbly ask you enlightened BERSERK liberated fellarse to inform me, poor guy, me the fella, bum, BODOH, Fark


[EXACTLY same as you too before you so 'glamorously' 'CHICKENLY' eMIGRATED to another freer nation of  X-colored skin, Y-colored eyes,
 Z-colored hair 'heavenly' creatures {though Homo Sapiens like any others only different form factor, pigmentation & supposed possessed of  CRASS ooops CLASS]

 who in this day and age is still so un-liberated, a person who only can be found in the 5th world (aiyooo poor guy so UNinformed about own basic human rights - 
"°°° FYI only human rights any human is birth right'd with is to do to himself what ever he wishes BUT to others NO no NO don't do the same or any Evil°°°"

Please dear BERSERK fund canvassers {self-glamorized freedom/fighters/liberators )


    will you come »»

««feed my family & my dependents
««tend to my vegetables
««to spoon the porridge for my widowed grandmother, 
    three time daily
««prepare her porridge
««clean my trash cans so bugs don’t over breed
««take my  grand child for the WHO prepubescent    
    vaccination, 5 miles ««down the road, walking holding    '   her hand she loves the stroll NOT the vaccination.
««give my 4 tortoises their daily shell scrub & their foot 
     rubs in the  pool filled with rotted kangkung
««put gasoline in my motorized vehicle, so my neighbour   
    could send his single grand uncle for physiotherapy for    
    his spasticity.

     will you come »»

«« sweep the dust from my floor using the coconut husk     
     broom; not a vacuum cleaner cos the migrant maid is 
     not yet able to come help out with the chores
«« pull the gates shut, & lock them at night. 
«« shut the windows at night keeping the mosquitoes, owls 
     other lost & homeless undesirables out, including      
     night creepie crawlies spidermen , 
«« not excluding the dengue haemorrhagic fever & zika 
     causing viruses  on the stingers of mosquitoes
«« fill the jars with water boiled with my kettle
«« make sure electricity is not be cut off by trying to                  negotiate with the     
«« electricity board to pay my bills over a longer         
     installment period.
«« buy eggs, fish and daily essentials from Ah Ming s/o       
     Ananda Clancéy Lim's corner sundry shop

Will you come  »»

BERSERK fund raisers/canvassers/freedom fighters/heroes/Liberators - 
all based SAFEly overseas in "developed" nations with high (non-human)living standards of X-colored Eyes & Y-colored hair, and Z-colored skin pigmentation born near HEAthen ooops Heaven-like scenarios?

Why are you BERSERK fund raisers/canvassers/freedom fighters/heroes/Liberators  -  not here in this 5th world you left, emiGRATEd from;
for reasons n0ñé wants to know - often : "for my child's chance for a better future/welfare"

Yet now you’re so far away, so fool  full of  patronizing sense of wtF it is that you’re fool full of —
you now want
 to help raise funds
  to canvass support
   to help us fight
    to liberate us,
     to give us human rights,
        to teach how we could self determine ?

With the BERSERK funds you’re raising ?

OK if in all likelihood should all of the above NOT happen, 
& i do not need BERSERK canvassers/fund raisers/freedom fighting zeroes heroes help to daily do for me if I should languish in detention,


if BERSERK did succeed to 'restore' DEMOCRACY & FREEDOM & HUMAN rights & DIGNITY & Free LUNCH & Rights to be HUMANs unlike RIGHTS to be barbarians - •• <for list of barbarians go here >
when the FREEDOMS  & etc etc are  restored -

                were they lost in the first place? 

BERSERK fund raisers/canvassers/freedom fighters/heroes/Liberators who ran away from their birthed RIGHTS & responsibilities AND in a non direct way allowed such RIGHTs to be deFANGed to be given another nomenclature, & hijacked for somebody else's purpose/manipulative-ness

would i, my neighbours, my dependants, & others, including
BERSERK canvassers/fund raisers/freedom fighting zeroes heroes & other despicable oops disposables ooops dispossessed others

Be motivated to instinctively 
No† ««»»
«««« throw my trash into my neighbors' trashcans
«««« try extort/appeal/ask for aid/help by annually blackening        
         the air space ««««««««««««««««««««««««
    of  neighbors with slash and burn farming technique.    
«««« openly burn the trash which i am not allowed 
         to throw in my neighbors' trash cans        

«««« sleep with the neighbors mother, my neighbour, as well as her pet Bitch
         when we are all bored from shopping
«««« take my Chikukuahahe for a walk in the municipal    
         park, on days meant for RATS & RATS 
«««« eat with chopsticks, toes or just mouths to plates  [like    thalodimide*  defected  'cucumber' babies]
«««« pick my nose, scratch my butt with fineness &    
         sophisticated grace
         when no one is looking [what about HE]

«««« say AMEN or "Oh Mé C Foot" or Ohmmmm »»»»
                 (maybe  Yeah Yeah Yeah is ok?)

If BERSERK can unequivocally say YES; to sending some one, 
           a real life red-blooded person,  
       (blue is acceptable, thank you) a living person ;  
     not a LOUD voice of support;  noT a huge  FUND 
         with nobody to relief me while i languish in 

Would BERSERK be coming with a real life helper
    to do the above list of daily non glamor  non -trendy            
YET essential to "live" chores?
if & should i be in same hole in a deFUNCT JAIL as a former Highly ranked PUBLIC servant

 will BERSERK be standing solidly with me.

I'd say “YES”
                        ---- otherwise -----

you don’t want to know what my
 vehemently vulgar
   unacceptably crude
       unpolished response
         would be....

         T.N. Séñg?

$îqmaññ F®åü∂ (instigated by JéåLøü$ $éåzü®é)

circa: 00o0

Monday, April 3, 2017

Facts? of life..

 “Selfishness” is crucial to any individual’s survival. Part & parcel of the ‘selectivity’ self-destruct gene where-by unhealthy pre-formed embryos are ‘aborted’ before they could see daylight & become a burden to the ones who has to selflessly give it more support & unSELFishness SELF SACRIFICE??
than called for as parents
{actually fornicators}

Displays of : care, concern, love, affections, sacrifice, ideals of noble-ness

 be these familial, communal, national, r€£igiou$, are roo†ed in "self"

 The day may dawn when




                                                                     It is the decree of this court that 

   ~“Thou Shalt LOVE thy neighbor”~

By order of the HIGH court

Till then so called acts of showing

                 L O V E

wow & 'double wow'

    wow, wow  {'love' uurrrgh}

are accepted as basically
rooted in    

Almost every act, thought or intent by huMANs are aimed at increasing what is beneficial to

 to own-well-being

          ~ selfCENTEREDness ~

 Most common huMANs are 

 concerned with SELF 
 More so than with the welfare of the one(s) whom caringly lovingly we should be more concerned with.

Tragically these Common huMANs number MOTHERs in their ranks - 
      The traditionally touted icons
         SacrifiCîér Süprémé.

 Surely there are great examples of such altoMOTHERs in your friendly neighborhood.

Contrary to general accepted norms too; the root of all things BAD or EVIL is NOT money.
No tree with money as fruits has yet been discovered.
If no tree with fruits of MONEY are around how then could MONEY be the "roots" from which such trees grow.
Thus money is NOT the root of Evil per se (you all know that).
Also if it MONEY alone is the root of EVIL

     simply removing "money" from the equation of life should make       HEAVEN happen     


It never does happen that way:-
•  'cause there is no such thing         
as heaven?
•'cause "life" isn't so simply to be so
•Or 'cause one has no recourse to the determination of one's Finalé 

be it 

   ~ A fact UNDENIABLY 
         discouragingly FACTual~?
That fact is only 'factual" to the C0Mm0n huMANs
To the UNcomm0n ones -
 [you know who you are} that so-called "FACT" has little or no
"factual significance"..
Just as the MANY countless
traditionally accepted NORMS & Values, & SOPs 
that are without questions considered as "TRUTHs"  "FAC†s" "Standards" "Sacramental CORRECTness" which are only "REstrain†$" that keep the
C0Mm0n huMANs within Manipulative CONtrol.
Hence the attainment of  a life "situation" 
where all unGood roots have been removed
 is a doable process
       only if & when


        in which "evil" has root


         arises from, 
          daily, everyday

                   is no more .

$îqmåññ ƒ®åü∂

circa 00o0

Sunday, March 12, 2017

There Is a purpose ...

    Despite the DotxiLion nos of systems of governments man labor under:
   Despite the EocktiLion nos of theologies Man embrace to give honor to Him:
   Despite the Fü†øzLiion nos of faith groups Man belong to, so to DIFFerentiate HIM

 (:)- one from the otHER-(•)
   Despite the Gii†mone¥Liøn 

nos of Banking systems Man utilizes for Trade, Commerce & other $ini$ter pecuniary Covertism$:
   Despite the HaHihüIøßåLîîon nos of Languages Man utter as Communicative Innuendoes & Misrepresentations:
   Despite the IdüªñéîmLLion nos of LifeStyles, Cuisines, Entertainment, Thrîll$, Challenges Man find pleasure indulging in:
   Despite the Jü∆rhiniLLion nos of Medical/Scientific/Knowledge-based DisCOVERies Man employ for Comfort, Protection, Offence, Healing & other self benefitting UNsavorie$:
   Despite the KîkøøkåkåkåîLlion nos of Means/Instruments Man use to give vent
via Melodious Expressions to his Innermost TurBoil, Emotive Deviousness & Sensual Diversions:

   Despite the above & other nos of systems; too innumerable, too mind-freezing to itemize
     There is ONLY 1 (øñé) nos
      of way Man invariably terminate
where Man… would have to “Flame off”
    back to whence Man was 

      before here.

But what the Høî Hé¥ Hîø¥éG Heck!
as long as Man is alive, is strong, is capable, is ARSEnalled, is Fø$;
Man will do HIS uTMO$t best to ensure, every & each Man -
other than the ones Man has no malice or fear of - would be made to ShîT his pants 
   choicest opportunity     
     rears its stinGing head.

That the purpose Man was given life(no?).
    that others’ LIVEs are made unliveably MISerABLE {no

if A lesser Man misFORTUNately, KarmaNegatively crosses the path of a more enable,
   more armed, 

    more biceps-full, 
     "more" in every way the     former is    
        "less" of;
he the former, would be made to  SH°† his pants by the more'd man

Who, which Man truly gives a Sh°I°† to ensure
 a Life well lived
  so to gain
        ’‘ D E A T H ’‘

             died well?
N0† When so MUCH MORE misery is available/waiting to be inflicted, sadistically,
thrill-fully; ripé & réåd¥ to be unleashed  on every other


which in $o doing {would} make one feel worthy of one's  insignificance.
claiming justifica†ion in the name of HE/$Hé ~ 
whom one calls the       
       Almighty ?

$igmåññ ƒ®åü∂

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

So Now You Know ..

A young meter reader, allowed into the compound,  was peering at the wall mounted electricity meter, 10' up the wall from the floor

When asked if he really needed the extra visual aid :

His reply:
"It's *employer-provided-equipment*" 

     Whether he needed the BINOCULARS to help see clearly
and read the meter correctly,
only 10 feet from the floor,

is NOT the issue.

His answer is reminiscent of the .. 'famed' response to the query:
    Why Mount Everest was scaled :

"..Because it was there.."

 So now you know :)

$împlé¥ $îmøñé¥

Friday, February 10, 2017

Fairér Justîér Freer Equalér ..?

Zheng XiokDé why r U so involved/concerned/obsessed  in trying to tweak the political scenario of NALAYAYAnananananinnut  all the waaaaay fr ÑŻ0o0lalaLAND,



*U cannot bear injustice?

*U want, demand, extract that ounce of flesh
as payback, a perverse revenge for ur Di$criminated mIS†reatment whilst here in
as a
citizen? Yet,  dispossessed AND marginalized ?

*Ur fellow long lost frens SEOW Jien & Khann Niéé NéHh   
& Tiew NiaH Séhñ˜˜ñg are gettin  fargged by the local BPLMN coalition govt here, & u want relieve their tortuous 

*U feel a sense of duty to the land where ur mom & dad first copulated & u came into the then NALAYAYAnananananinnU ?

*U want to be seen as a "hero", a sort of Don Quixote, jousting, fighting ur fictitious dragons?

*Or u got nothing better to do over in ÑŻ0o0lalaLAND?

Hoi my long lost fren fr far awaytime & longagoplace,


GOD if u really knéw who, where, when, &
what, all HER(u sure it should be HE?)plans for this group of Animals called Homo Sapients are; 

u would just realize/acknowledge ur insignificance in the BIGGER scheme of HER 'things'.
     Btw apart fr ur interest to be seen as a fighter for a cause or a hero without 
any relevant cause :

*can u cook a meal of fried rICE or prepare a substantial meal from the 
diseased fish u would need to catch from the stinking river (fill'd with drain-offs 
 from upstream industrial Enterprise$) & with the thinner shelled eggs laid by the
 scrawny chicken u rear in your back yard?

*Are u able to MANure, MANually digup, loosen the dirt, water & "MANage" the 
 vegetable plots without Dêéré or Casé or TATA?

*Can U nurse a sick old "baSke†eer" "SOB" or "KU0WéI fruitcake" lying in his
  GovernMentally subsidized ICU bed & to Spoon broth u cooked urself into his 
  mouth, without choking AND killing the "foîñk" with all the tubes, pipes & IV lines
  in his orifices? (his death might be a welcomed event tho for his long time 
  monetarily  challenged family)

*can U live in a house with out all the contemporary trimmings, computer,
 electricity related trappings & other appliances (all paid for by ur so claimed FREEr Nation tho 
 actually funded fr your own taxes tat u contributed to the Treasury coffers for
 every other $ervice$ u really could do without)

*can u or would u resuscitate do CPR or 1st AID on a fainted
 OmyOhMyocardioLi infarcted 'AdiDot' on the sidewalk ?

*can u DO ANY BASic LIVING SKILLS at all -

 better or as well as ur rantings, ravings & bitching & preaching on human
 rights, freedoms & all tat other non life sustaining sh*t from a so far away so
 FREEr Nation like the one u ran off to?

°°°other than to try bask in the Glam of appearing to be a trendy Politically 
    aware citizen of a FREEr NATion --

have u any skills -intellectual or physical- to add to society's wellbeing?

*Besides trying to reset the political balance by remote control FROM
FREEr demoeRATdICker ÑŻ0o0lalaLAND or whatever the "F" FREEr land ur living in

*& besides wanting to showcase/faceb00K/shout to all the world
 ur story of 'ur marginalized long suffering dISCriminaté∂ against' life, u went through here due to 
 prejudices & bias & a load of other crap which u tot u ran away from 

-- to the 
 present FREEr nation..which is 

 totally full of 

FAIRplay.                                                            JUSTice.

(of course)
Hoi fren from far awayTime  & long agoPlace, know that the essence of ur presence here:: in this here land or

 that over   
   there               ÑŻ0o0lalaLAND  

or    any other land where the tuft grass is greener
 (of course greener ~ it's silicon - not VEGé~grass) 

for the next åxyzΩ years of ur life, is to just try appreciate HER (god’s) gift to u

                                              …a balanced ecosphere…
 - try with some semblance of awareness of ur insignificant dog-shit nature - to engage/enjoy/appreciate/live in awe of the beauty & revel in its wonders ..

Zheng XiokDé, u should just rejoice, 


   with the balanced Beauty all around U, here in
NALAYAYAnananananinnut ur birthLAND and there in
ÑŻ0o0lalaLAND too..

 but hell No no no, U hv to try be so much more -

*to appear a trend setting POS/PITA
*to appear suave, & politically connected & aware of ur human rights
*to try be a hero to do all this "F" sh•t political activism from another piece of earth where ur safely ensconced!
     If u r taking for granted that where u live now is the Land of 

the FREEr
the home of the bRAVEr
       non color BIAS
        rule the day

 - please "jerk" urself awake from that delusional stupor -

For heathen'$ sake$ for goodne$$ sake$ 
go get a BETTER existence, doing beneficial acts like "u should know what"
than attempt to be an "idealistic 
{non action 
 non attainment 
  nor achievement of ANY pluses} kind of POS"
All the Time attempting to ‘keh poh ChiBAI’

& try be a political ANALyst of the political scenario here 
     … the place where u were given existence
 where u shåt on & now escaped from.

To a BETTER FREEr life..?

I love u Zheng XiokDé, BUT not when U try be a "champion" for sh*t.            
U know how to do "life" well?

Go do that..

Leave that Political heroism
the CHri$†ism
& other Fai†h based rhetoDick-$pouting institutions of GrabberGangs†erî$m -

Leave the fargface büstürds to their own deVICE$
      they will ALL come into their rightful inheritance when their terms' (games') over..

Lemme from this impoverished country's creaky leaky platform ask, 

Zheng XiokDé:

*have u been Inside the lockUp or detention, or rehab cells?

*were u ever been at the receiving end of a "Guantanam0 bay" like {Now freely available out side of GUANTANamO too}

*hv u been thru the "hell" dished  out to political dissidents who so glamorously  
fought for FREEdoom?

 {"gimme freeDOM or GIMME DEATH"}
 - so BRAVELY uttered the soon to be dead champion of no cause --
wat else to utter when  DEATH is the only item on his menu for his soon to be "F"d zero ooops hero?

If u think
ÑŻ0o0lalaLAND or in the so claimed FREEr more democratic nations, such "hell" do not exist, u r right!
But ONLY part right.
Cos the politically more democratic nations that fake ooops 

promote, preach humanitarianism, freedoms, humus oooops human rights, & love for God (synonymously equal to & only is Christianity
 & 0nly Chris

& LOVE for ur fellow Man & all such BS,  
do their "HELL" in other peoples(impoverished by them in the first place)countries.

   "Extraction" it's called - like removing a sore tooth or cancerous mass fr the human body.  

$o charitably LOVEfilled. $o kind  
$o health giving ya?         
So semantically Cleverly C0Ntrived huh?

Hoi come DOWN to earth. 

Please dream the right (not the idealists' UNreal) dream of god's promise of a mansion with many wonderfully heavenly rooms, where one has been prepared SPECIALLY for god's followers & for insignificant pieces of organic masses like u AND me.
If u really believe in such goshpell truths †0o

*ask whether that mansion is on state Land  

  *or on occupied territory or has  
 *property tax been paid?

*ask if the one who promised u a room has the permission to do that fr the  building owner?

"Story books" tales with a slant like Eosop's fables, written, tweaked to be relevant & contemporary so to MANipulate cows & cattle like u & me in order that commerce, industries, & other credit generating/inges†înG enterprises would run efficiently, 
greased to their slipperymost effectiveness, to so enable powers tat be, to be "more equal" than the other supposed as equal citizens (i.e. U & me) while alive in the here & now.

U mean u dun know?

The trueR Creed of the good IntelligentER apostle :

"I believe in God Almighty- Creator of heaven & earth, of ALL that is seen
& unseen


    °°°full stop•••

The rest of the omi††ed parts if left intact, & subscribed to,
 - gives much room for manIPULATORY excesses.
  Be safe Zheng XiokDé in ÑŻ0o0lalaLAND but be real    
heaven is not here yet


                      god is neî†her Christian  



Nor of ANY religious affiliations


"Delusionary ideas that an idealistic society; where freedom, justice, equality, fairness, regardless of other colorbaised considerations; is doable AND can be realised"
    —— is the "canon" stuffed with u n I as fodder ——

-----which folks fîlled with MALéintent$ in the ensconced governmentaLLy powerfilled seats, 
in Religion$ altars of FAITHderived power,  
& other seats of empowered         ""
attempting to do u into a pAWn.

From the obvious symptoms of incessant spouting of CHRISTIANITY (AND CHRIS†iani†y AND JESus

AND CHRî$only)
plus add_0ñ & üp$îzé∂
 FREEDOM & justice ala ÑŻ0o0lalaLAND;
I'm sorry my fren fr longago & faraway
u have been totally AND complete†y dîagn0$ed as fürggüéd.

   U already a Påwñ 

 a piss oooops piece on the game$†er$' board ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  

n0† even knowing it.

$i©maññ F®åü∂
