“Selfishness” is crucial to any individual’s survival. Part & parcel of the ‘selectivity’ self-destruct gene where-by unhealthy pre-formed embryos are ‘aborted’ before they could see daylight & become a burden to the ones who has to selflessly give it more support & unSELFishness SELF SACRIFICE??
than called for as parents
{actually fornicators}
Displays of : care, concern, love, affections, sacrifice, ideals of noble-ness
be these familial, communal, national, r€£igiou$, are roo†ed in "self"
The day may dawn when
It is the decree of this court that
~“Thou Shalt LOVE thy neighbor”~
By order of the HIGH court
Till then so called acts of showing
wow & 'double wow'
wow, wow {'love' uurrrgh}
are accepted as basically rooted in
Almost every act, thought or intent by huMANs are aimed at increasing what is beneficial to
to own-well-being
~ selfCENTEREDness ~
Most common huMANs are
concerned with SELF
More so than with the welfare of the one(s) whom caringly lovingly we should be more concerned with.
Tragically these Common huMANs number MOTHERs in their ranks -
The traditionally touted icons
SacrifiCîér Süprémé.
Surely there are great examples of such altoMOTHERs in your friendly neighborhood.
Contrary to general accepted norms too; the root of all things BAD or EVIL is NOT money.
No tree with money as fruits has yet been discovered.
If no tree with fruits of MONEY are around how then could MONEY be the "roots" from which such trees grow.
Thus money is NOT the root of Evil per se (you all know that).
Also if it MONEY alone is the root of EVIL
simply removing "money" from the equation of life should make HEAVEN happen
It never does happen that way:-
• 'cause there is no such thing
as heaven?
•'cause "life" isn't so simply to be so
•Or 'cause one has no recourse to the determination of one's Finalé
be it
discouragingly FACTual~?
That fact is only 'factual" to the C0Mm0n huMANs
To the UNcomm0n ones -
[you know who you are} that so-called "FACT" has little or no
"factual significance"..
Just as the MANY countless
traditionally accepted NORMS & Values, & SOPs
that are without questions considered as "TRUTHs" "FAC†s" "Standards" "Sacramental CORRECTness" which are only "REstrain†$" that keep the
C0Mm0n huMANs within Manipulative CONtrol.
Hence the attainment of a life "situation"
where all unGood roots have been removed
is a doable process
only if & when
in which "evil" has root
arises from,
daily, everyday
is no more .
$îqmåññ ƒ®åü∂
circa 00o0
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