*If according to Christians God's love is so gloriously Agape how is it that HE will not embrace those who do not love or accept His Son our Lord JC?
*If a Christian father or mother or grandpa or grandma is able to love their children and grandchildren even if these kids take out an affidavit or make a statutory declaration they do not acknowledge or recognize their parents & grandparents, would the Love of the parents/grandparents even then be with-held?
*If you can love an unrepentant child who adamantly refuses your love what is lesser in God to be unable to accept His created 'children'?
*Are we exerting our spiritual ego when insisting on Heaven only for our own Christians based on a single verse in the bible that - "No one comes to the Father accept through me" (so St. Paul said JC said) Thus is it then correct to surmise that within the books comprised the Holy Bible the God from whom His son came, has imparted ALL needed for Christians to understand?
On a single encompassingly exclusive phrase, presumed critical for gaining eternal salvation, Christians have degenerated spiritually! Are Believers in a romanticized Christian God now better than the Jews of old who held the gentiles as outcasts? Yet we call ourselves brothers of JC and sharers in the Kingdom, when we originally were not the chosen - not Jews;
Have we thus become more chosen now & are looking at the non Christ-believers as gentiles, as they do not fulfill the single paramount condition of accepting and acknowledging Christ as Lord & Saviour?
*On what premise is this restrictive Love based? On the all encompassing AGAPE Love God has or on the exclusive love reserved only for the chosen the ones who HUMBLY(?) accepts our Lord as savior?
Members of the exclusive Christ Club!
What did JC say when he said (according to St Paul) that the kingdom is opened now to gentiles & not just only Jews. As Pope Francis just said managing to attract a load of spiritual exclusivity & arrogant posturing, breasts thumping & religious staking of the spiritual borders to exclude "gentiles' & non "Christian"
If His love is extended even to infectious lepers, sinners, tax collectors, whores & pariahs & especially 'vermins' what should disable Him from accepting or embracing folks who do godly works but are not of the same religious Faith or Groups - i.e. not Christians or even believers in the savior or even in a supernatural god?
John 10:35 " .. but in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is acceptable to him" & this is from one of those same books that make up HOLY BIBLE.
Acts 10:28 - Peter said to them: "You are well aware that it is against our law for a Jew to associate with or visit a Gentile. But God has shown me that I should not call anyone impure or unclean". If Peter should not call others impure or unclean, should it not be even more so Christians should not?
Yet having the LOVE in them they do acts which are godly, (& Christian, if you will), but they do not profess the faith as brothers & sisters of our Lord, and are thus NOT to be accepted into the Kingdom of our CREATOR?
What motivates (so-called)missionaries to forsake their comfort zones & homes to make supreme 'sacrifice' so to bring the good news to those who have never heard of Him; even to the far UNCIVILIZED reaches of the world? I wonder often; if it were really LOVE or was it an expression of religious superiority, patronization and haughty misplaced attempts to justify the Christian's (often misinterpreted idea) of LOVE.
Simple put if we Christians are able to appreciate God's AGAPE unconditional love which is a respecter of no person or acts of good works to qualify for His grace and receive salvation yet find it hard to appreciate He would love an unbeliever, on the extremely, irrelevant ONE SINGLE qualifying criterion set by ourselves, we need MUCH MUCH more loving patience & good earthly time to get cognizance of that fact! - Christians DO NOT practice God's LOVE!
We profess shout from roof tops empathize with suffering folks, declare lasting devotions to Him BUT thats about it - we DON"T personify His LOVE.
We now appreciate why many do not wish to associate with Christianity, preferring to be labelled godless Atheists.
If Christian charity is restrictive, & Salvation is extended to only Christ acceptors, does it not become obvious why atheists are opting not to associate with these new JEWS?
'Atheists are those who know a god that don't belong to any religion'
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