° there is none.
° there is no need for any.
° those who say or believe a purpose or meaning is necessary has great need to re-examine themselves or get
themselves examined.
° there is need for a meaning to 'life' - ONLY if you are having nothing BETTER to do.
• You mean there is a need to explain or justify your needs,
your wants, your urges, your intentions, your self serving
cravings, your charity, your adoration, your love, your deeds,
done with good or bad or no intentions?
done with good or bad or no intentions?
• You need a meaning to justify the breaths you take, the
beats of your heart, the thoughts that come & go in you, the ecstasy of a moment of over-powering emotion ?~ Do you have to explain, to find meaning in everyday things
you do without thinking?
~ Do you need to find meaning in things you find difficult to
understand, which you also do rather well?
~ Do you have a necessity to explain, to find a reason, a
purpose, to ennoble, to make 'great', what trillions like you
are doing along a similar trajectory all days and nights of
their lives?
~ There is a need to account for these acts, thoughts, ideas,
plans, devices, inventions etc. etc. which countless others
long gone, dead and forgotten, have done, spontaneously,
in far better, greater, (more devious perhaps), awesome,
astounding ways?
• You mean in all this while you have a need to justify or
explain or answer to anyone, the thoughts, expressions,
deeds you have been actuating, fomenting or just obsessing
• You have to have a reason, purpose to perform or not
perform what you have been doing, undoing or simply
paying scant regards for, in your living?
explain or answer to anyone, the thoughts, expressions,
deeds you have been actuating, fomenting or just obsessing
• You have to have a reason, purpose to perform or not
perform what you have been doing, undoing or simply
paying scant regards for, in your living?
∆ If all the stuff you have engaged in all these while ARE WITHIN the confines of the community you live in; whether the practice of religious deviationism, Dalai Lamaism, Catholicism or Christianity, blasphemy, Nazism, Capitalism, Putinism, Maoism, Beatleism, yourMotherism, Mormonism, cannibalism, cunnilingism, sodomy, Sai Babaism, nudism, Atheism; AND you have NOT been decapitated, invaded or in every other way neutered THEN there is NO NEED for any meaning or justification!
UNLESS you are feeling very disturbed, troubled, unable to blissfully do what you are doing or thinking or just observing being done!
In which case you need plan 26!
In which case you need plan 26!
LIFE is meant to be just lived. What else do you think there is to it than to just live it?
° If you feel you wish to marry and procreate then do it within the rules of the community you live in, within the rules of Nature as it was meant to be. Don't for fucks sakes marry your priest and try to copulate, procreate with him if THAT IS NOT ALLOWED in your circle! OK?
° Same goes with attempting to screw and make a child with your 'mother' ( which might have taken place way back in the beginning then, when there were only 3 creatures on this entire earth. But that is irrelevant here & is unprovable & conjectural ).
The laws of any society are formulated for the expediency, the preservation of the well being, the good function of the members of that community. They were devised that members of that community would be enabled to attain the maximum potential (also perhaps the lowest level) of their aspirations, in every sphere of human endeavor/enterprise. These laws may not be applicably good or well meaning or even considered, in a differently set up community.
Ω ~ Would a person who loves a varied diet ever be able to have satiation or find fulfillment in a vegetarian community which enforces strict vegetarianism?
Ω ~ Similarly would one be able to achieve any level of development of human spirit in a society that frowns on and imposes strict draconian policing of 'freedoms'.
Ω ~ Would a person who loves a varied diet ever be able to have satiation or find fulfillment in a vegetarian community which enforces strict vegetarianism?
Ω ~ Similarly would one be able to achieve any level of development of human spirit in a society that frowns on and imposes strict draconian policing of 'freedoms'.
The only need or rights any sentient creature on this earth need, is to appreciate and understand :
OTHERS too share the habitat.
OTHERS too have a right to be here to do what they so
OTHERS too share the habitat.
OTHERS too have a right to be here to do what they so
Don't infringe or lessen these rights. Even if your ways will be beneficial to them (you think) DON"T !
"What might be fragrant to you is to another stinky fart"
"What might be fragrant to you is to another stinky fart"
"Don't do unto others what you want done to you…not everyone practices your way of life"
Would you wish to do to others, what you are vehemently unable to accept done to yourself? And would you coerce, attempt to influence, through economic sanctions, through blasts from drones; through 'shock & awe' through overwhelming might, the values of your society (values & preferences, mostly decided arbitrarily by your 'demon-craticaly elected leaders) on others whom you wish to 'help' ?
"Freedom is only when some one else's isn't curtailed"
Policemen are unnecessary in any non-intrusive, free community of thinking, considerate, people practicing benevolent selflessness.
SIMPLY finish, expire your short spell here on this 'WONDER' with the least unnecessary impact which might negate the Glory, Beauty, and finely balanced Perfection of the Creator.
And you thought ??
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