It of course is the better choice to be true to ourselves - remaining true to oneself, however is FAR from just holding on to what one's understanding of TRUE is.
Truth is & always has been subjective - a snake is true to himself just by practicing snaki-ness, & a lamb would be holding to his true-ness by practicing meek-ness.
Similarly a meek snake, or a snaky lamb would both not be true to themselves, though that might be a better scenario.
However when one is TRUE to the UNIVERSAL, ETERNAL (DIVINE?) TRUTH, then it becomes very, very difficult, almost impossible to deny or to defend values which are not reflective or representative of that TRUTH. Then snaki-ness is snaki-ness and meekness is meekness.
Right IS Right and Wrong is inexcusable. AND any body else's version of truths, half truths or plain goddam lies; are a load of euphemistic Bull! In the same sense Justice - She has no other considerations other than just plain unadulterated, undefiled, unequivocal, positively uncompromising TRUTH!
Many children of great men, when making comments giving their take on their earthly parents, by defending or justifying their parents' conduct or misconduct, are in so doing rightly being filial offsprings.
This does not at all set right misdeeds committed nor defile what's been done right by their parents.
Thus in assessing a political leader's performance or effectiveness, the general benefits, gains, or demerits, the nation & its people have derived while being led (or misled) under the watch of the guy is what should be of paramount consideration. History should be drafted by unemotional historians based on cold factual historical events as should eulogies be weepingly filled with tearful syrupy love and devotional laments.
Fairy tales and fictions should never be confused with the fact sheets on a leaders accomplishments or disastrous grandiose adventurism.
Thus the accounts so often given on how loving a leader was as a parent or how sweet his smile when he looked on his fav grandson or how pathetic he cried when his favorite kitten died; Snakes, rapists, Attila & his huns, as well as those in Alcatraz do the same, some even better(worse)!
Thus such testimonies could blind listeners to the tragedies, sufferings and extreme hardships the guy has visited & imposed on the country he led while alive & in power. Even if a leader was really great comments should be forthcoming from unbiased impartial parties.
How do you think the son (if any) of Hitler would gauge his dad's 'performance'?
And that might illustrate the point.