* The holy books and writings of the Ancients were not written particularly for any Religion.
* If Jesus Christ were a Man, a mortal like us, would, should our faith in God be any less?
* The Crucifixion on the Cross - was an enactment of the most painful, frightening, event in any man's life; it purportedly was to emphasize the extent to which god will go, to establish his bond with man
* Does Resurrection makes the Dying on the Cross a non event for one?
If one could undo a harrowing life-taking event after a 3 day break, no matter how much pain and torture & suffering that even entails, it definitely would diminish the intensity of the SACRIFICE. The 'ease' of the reversal - from 'death' to "life" leaves a taste of triviality! If it were irreversible, an event complete in FINALITY perhaps it's significance and awesomeness might be better perceived!?
* Do we need to repay a debt to the Maker when the debt outstanding to the Maker was only legal tender by the currency of his son's blood, who essentially is also himself - the father. Now need the fuss & melodrama be even initiated? Just a writing off of the outstanding would not be as dramatic or as earth shaking.
The entire biblical story of the virgin birth the crucifixion the dying and the resurrection appear very likely a Man-contrived attempt to ingratiate the REST of Man, to an agenda yet not known nor completely finished nor plainly involves at all the divine.
Through the centuries the plot evolves, twists, thickens & becomes more convoluted.
Over the centuries tho multiple redrafts, reconfigurations & shifts were inputted, the general direction still evidently appears to be the manipulation of Man for very human gain, much other Godliness were demonstrated along the way; by people with true godly values. acts of godliness by such people loving believers has dignified, sanctified & glorified the initial (still) non-holy intent to corner God for use in Religion! These 'LOVE" from real good people with god spirit in them, imbue a feeling of authenticity in the religion that indeed the institution is god-based, god-sanctioned, god-set!
One has to be aware if good things are done in the name of god - only GOOD, the organization is as it proclaims. Otherwise a spiritual audit in a sense is warranted.
Being limited by our intellectual, physical & other human deficiencies & inadequacies ; the likelihood of our ever coming to the answer or within grasp of the Entity which is not in our 'system or dimension', Who is not even near a similar level of our 'being-ness' is thus, almost zero, practically impossible.
Perhaps Man has to move onto the next plane of 'being-ness' before that can be established.
Man's thoughts dwelling on the Maker, has evolved into religions - Man's attempts to find a reason, cause or justification is nobly perhaps to forge closer union, form a relationship with a Power which obviously appear benevolent to us, given He bothered to 'make' all these wonders!
In our quest for Him, there never will be an end point where the TRUTH will be arrived at.
We, simply, now, as humans, can never know HIM!
The next on our "to do" priority list, would be, during this our life experience, bring to reality values we believe are also of GOD
In so doing perhaps we might 'see' the LIGHT of HIM
Expect little guide, least from human-organized institutions of God.
The journey is long & arduously lonely.
God speed fellow journeymen.
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