Saturday, February 6, 2016

Last Laugh ... ALONE

    All who were created, have a share in the fabric : "LIFE"
All were given that opportunity by being given life, being born, thrust into 'being'  part of the weaving process. 

The leader: Man entrusted with the role to lead, to be the compass for the entire flock of multi-directionally-inclined, Godliness-declined, ill-defined, mostly reclined gathering of created beings: 
Humans, had great need for, not just commitment, motivation & other self denying qualities, but a FACTOR  - which being Man &  only human, would have none naturally endowed at birth.
   If the Divine was not inclined to fill, & provide  that naturally lacking, yet most required møral (moreal)fibre the "F" factor Man so desperately needed, the HUMAN Circus long ago would have folded & the SCRIBE would have footnoted the final chapters of Man's descent to it's Dank Destiny.

Hence despite a willing spirit .. with a sensual heart within a vulnerable hedonistic body, Man was doomed to frequent falls, fails & hopeless headlong progress to a dastardly assured, obvious, expected, foregone Oblivion.

though the present conTEMPORARY 
being-ness ends in the ground, 
the journey of one's  Life   
does not. 
  The man who only lives till his last human breath, has never really realized the immensity & the Magnitude of his being here. 

  No event in the earthly world is a random meaningless happenstance. 
  Seemingly random chanced coincidences, or 'luck' are so perceived because of one's own allowed (till later) limited spiritual perception/vision. 

An unexplainable incident never was random, coincidental, neither a fluke lucky shot. It just is not time yet for the reason/purposé to be made known in it's entirety.

Believing thus as one incomplete, follow one's Guru, one's  Rabbi, one's soul/spiritual guide, & the many men & women possessed/blessed/charmed with;     though as one lives, every act one initiates 
with ignoble intentions or exemplary sterlingness of purpose 
either removes little or much, 
either contributes lots to or detracts plenty from the combined Guilt of Man.

Regardless if one succumbs to less than noble cravings, subscribing to more hedonistic pursuits; 

or from the illuminates of one's  godlier idealistic high-lights; 
the "colors, discolors, muddy stains, 
shadows grey, blue or black, burgundy marüøn, exØx†îz" all the strands would one weave  into  that fabric "LIFE".

Every one of each 'fiber' would require
TRUTHful justification  
TOTAL    accountability 
FINAL    recompense.
at END.

     The choice is one's own to be accountably responsible in treading this "route" 
threading of the TAPESTRY                      

Be it as one might

'Live' as the Happy Wanderer -
Wandering over the HI-ways & the BYE-ways 

would when base is touched 
 "..when day's done     
      gone's the sun
      gone the moon 
      gone the stars 

 from the hills
 from the seas
 from the skies
 from one's Eyes  

 does one yet even then 
  stand erect, pridefool

 limp heroic gusto, 
 hollow gunhohohoho
 empty bravado
 to loudly, insolently
 and arrogantLéé
 with worthLéss 

 affirm, insist 

  there was only one way 



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