When one dreams to be some one (attain a status) & aims for a goal so high that every moment of one's try, one fails, never ever coming close to the worthiness of the one emulated; would that bring anything worthwhile?
It just proves how silly the notion of attempting to surpass one's own standards & inborn abilities.
If born a bird - one would probably be able to excel as a bird - in an avian environment. Try till one's bird-balls turn blue, there is not much chance of one ever breaking the mold of a very unchangeable settings i.e. a bird-born specimen of the bird family.
Thus even if you could ditch your feathers, lose the 'natural' mode of locomotion, & crawl like a snake, slide along like a slug -
A 'bird' remains a 'bird'!
Perhaps one could ditch the bird brain & get some smarts?
then the attainment would leave one a smart cockerel never an elephant or a donkey.
You can never be what you are not made to be!
A worm if that were your ambition, or a buffalo, when you were born a bird!
This fact which most are reluctant to face up to, brings us to what many of us are today -
snakes imitating dragons, mangy mongrels imagining they were pedigree canines
or some other natural untalented guy wannabe
-one can just not accept one's status-
This refusal, reluctance, to squarely realize one's disabilities, obvious lack of talents, intelligence, can be summarily put as delusional wishful day dreaming.
A very healthy therapeutic practice if kept to oneself.
An attitude/mindset of one's potential abilities probably conceived & propagated by ideologies that one can attain whatever one puts one's mind to!
An extremely "destructive" element of a failed form of popular indoctrination, fueled by consumeristic motives of a society that thrives on 'worthless' values mainly as means for the generation of materialistic gains.
BLUNTLY: nobody gives a hoot what happens to individuals as long as there is money to be made.
There were many in Man's history, even now who would be King - to be a nation's & the world's -
yet are possessed of nought but ambitious determination, extreme xenophobia & a sense of high nosy-ness together with an unlimited bottomless pit from which resources ¢$€¥£
endlessly flow.
Doesn't that remind one of several very dead guys with similar ambitions to create the perfect race/society/nation?
Why anyone would want to do such is beyond normal common sense or understanding.
Young folks & teens do that on a regular daily basis. Laboring under this delusional concept of
"I can be whatever I want to be.."
Such stuff everyone has seen before..
they form the story line of books & movies with names like
"The Despicables -- I, II, III.
But young folks grow up morphing into responsible adults with intelligence, considerations for others and god-ness embedded in them as the grew - by parents, peers, leaders with dedicated human-centered exemplariness.
Yet in the ongoing circus called Primaries in the top most regarded Nation of the known Democrazies
such displays of overt school yard childishness is evident, reflecting an unhealthiness - the display of unrealistic higher ambitions for realizing delusional ambition of one's lofty snooty high nosed-ness ---
"there is no good to be had from such 'normal' humans"
Disastrously should the leader of a Nation or Religious Group, the CEO of the Hugest Financial Institution of a Nation, is such a person with unrealistically HIGH IDEA$ of WANNABEEism - those resident in that place, work with such a personality, seriously should consider immediate emigration, switch in physical ideological-religio-position.
And should the guy be your emplyee
one should immediately tell him: "You are fired"!
NOT only is it in political "leaders" should such quirky trait to be watched out for, in any human situation, be it the local utility store clerk, the stand-in head of the canteen cleaners, the male worm's live in partner under the rock in the night soil remover's garden patch ....
everyone; irrespective of creature or 'man' who draws breath, who is seen, heard, felt, or smelled -
this negative spoiled brat attitude is crucially, important & relevant as it impacts everyone else.
How could anyone not impact anyone else ?
When with over breeding, over crowding even the dead impacts others - though non-proactively or directly or potentially as disastrously as would be should such wannabes realize their wildest fantasies of becoming
Thus the call by rational well set personalities to carefully screen candidates for posts which directly influence others, especially many, many others; and impacts them in life's direction - is not only relevant; it IS imperatively crucial; if the betterment of the human race & it's future viability is of any significant consequence!
Priests, Judges, Presidents, Chiefs of Police, Army, Navy, Head Honchos of Intelligence Agency, Head Under-Cover Chiefs of National Subversion Agency, Boys Brigadiers, Girl Guiders, Papas & Mamas, buddies, BFF..
The sooner one realizes one's abilities (or lack off) for posts or positions one can (or cannot) attain to, things start to go better for everybody else.. especially more so oneself.
THUS try to imitate or want to be leaders or luminaries ONLY within the LIMITS.
of one's own innate abilities even though one abundantly qualifies by only one mere single yet most awesome & probably deciding denominator
Advice from an ancient dead as a nailed door Chinese bun-maker who lived next door to Confucius ----
"如果肛门是小的,不要放大屁 "
If your anal opening is size 's' - please TRY NOT pass 'XXL' sized f宆
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