Saturday, April 15, 2017

Buck eyed Opportunist


    An old Medical practitioner skilled in the Western Art of "healing" was shopping for fruits  one evening  when a just as "old" former patient, an ordinary Joe, stumbled into the same fruit shop :
"Hi doc buying fruits ya!
Doc:"Yes just closed my clinic & wanted to get some mangoes. How have you been?"
"Ok, I guess doc. But growing old is no fun, worse if aging on overtime, aging 26 hours every 24 hour day "'
Doc: "Hey you could hold on to your [youthful] "faculties" with supplements from my clinic."
"Oh yes, doc I heard of such meds
too, izit like "The Curios Case of Benjamin Buttons" where he growing "backwards" ends up as a new born babe?"
Doc: "That's absurd, silly nonsense - no not like that - but retaining one's faculties of "youthfulness" like memory recall and mental accuity & alertness are attainable with supplements. 

By the way where do you work? Don't remember we've met before."

The doctor - not prematurely gray - but  baldingly gray, sadly confirms -

 ONE fact of life°°°

though aging & losing one's marbles (not to mention hair) cannot be supplement'd away [he's LOST both hair & marbles]

 °°°the opportunistic instinct to seize the chance to make extra income need no supplements to keep INTACT. 

Qmaññ F®åü

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