Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Have Fun with CON†inui†¥...

       Ever wondered if asked to pick the most 'wonderful' alphabet, which would one select?

C” ?

What wonderful words start with "C” ?

Cup, Curve, Communism, Constitution, Curse, Congress, Control, Capitalism, Condominium, Classy, Cool, Chick, Catholicism, Corruption, Circumcision, Christmas, Claus, Currency, Cash, Credit Card, Consumerism, Connive, Curry, Coca-Cola, Cocaine, Confucius, Crash, Cock, Cheap, Cave, Crazy, Clitoris, Cunnilingus, Corpus, Coitus, Copulate, Condom, Cum, Clandestine Consent, Chlamydia, Conception, Child, Cop, Catch, Charge, Custody, Conviction, Correctional, Center, Cretinism, Clown, Carnal, Colonoscope, Canal, Constipation, Control, Console, Convolution, Challenge, Calvary, Conversion, Confessionals, City, Christ, Church, Celebration ..........

[The] “conniving”, “confused”, “chaotic”, “caldron”, [of] “crazy”, “cocks” “cunts” [of] “civilization(?)” likely would terminate & “collapse” in  Eternal “Condemnation”

leading to the start of a different new list of favorite alphabets



“armAGEddon” ?

on, & on, & on, & on

"Life"s all about CéLéB®å†ioñ
O yea
O yea O yea 
O yea  O yea O yea
Mo®é relevant perhaps 
-------------------------- • ------------------------
Of "what" in "LIFE" is one 
          REJOICING ?



When such 
--click--> S H •T <
 goes on since Tîmé begüñ
                          did naugh†
~~~~~~~~ even if one could ~~~~~~~~

Hey SOoooo Let'$  C E L B R A T E just the $åmé
with one eye closed 
the other   
H A P P Y  B LE$$'D     
ones looking on 
       seeing as much as the closed one saw..
            doing just as much.. nothing

The tale of an üñchåñgîñg 
                            REAR. LITY

after all everyone DIES

JéåLøü$ $éîzü®é

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