Friday, April 19, 2019

BRIMfüL 0ƒ €mp†¥


Try conjecture this:  
More than 3 X per day 
—|— EVERYday ––|––
 harder to avoid than
trash & rubbish, bull-dung, cowsh•† & other utter rubbish - precious minerals, gemstones, Gold, Frankincence + Myrrh
  Cleverly crafted, kindly, charitable, well-meaning, love-filled, religion-linked, syrupy sweet wishes, with beautiful graphics; loaded with impossible selfless-ness + HELPfulness
—> are gleefully forwarded <—
 to almost everyone else
with an *e-mail * a whatsapp * or any
social networking address
accessible via the ubiquitous hand-held gadget

 from almost everyone else 
who has an *e-mail * a whatsapp * or any
social networking address
accessible via the ubiquitous hand-held gadget

     try now to conjecture, this:
If these beautifully crafted messages brimmingly filled with Love+Goodwill+Charity+Precious stones+Gold+Frankincence+Myrhh 
were physically collected; stuffed in capsules; (made from non-animal origin ~ of course)
then fed to Every living human : 3 X per day, EVERYday from day zero - for the rest of their long lived lives
Would NOT these *Goodness *Well-wishes *Blessings *Benevolence «» not forgetting 
*L O V E
FED orally to everyone  3X daily, [within Vegan Capsules] do plentifully more good than they apparently presumbably would have done when  FED visually
via emails, whatsapp & all other such IT connectivity media?

And for the last time
Should not these
 • goodness
 • graciousnes
 •• kindness
 •• God invoking blessings
change the prevalent unChangeable Nå†üråL
huMéñ/wøméñ mind$é† into something else different..?
    a tééñîé bî† truer?
      a wéeweé bî† nobler??
         some ñåñø îñch less hypocritical???
             a mîc®ø dø† more selfLé$$ness????
Shouldn't this B€$† ever diet
fed • Ingested • Inplanted • Marinated •
 into every fiber of every huMéñ wüMéñ &     
    over an entire Long Lived LIFE 
      raise hope this here may be 
        reMADE  into
Love-filled † Caring † Joyful † PeacePerfect   
..†ransi† Lounge..
 peopled with føLks
 ñaturaléé inclined

 ¿ even now ?






Conspired with:
Cå$hféw Nü††
 circa 00o0


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