Man was accosted
by Padres & PastorsPreachers & Priests
every other person
quite sure they knew
»»» who how why what where when «««
»»» everything & anything HE god is about «««
»»» who how why what where when «««
»»» everything & anything HE god is about «««
»»» Man's quest diverted - took a turn; got «««
»»» Complicated • Confusing • Convoluted «««
Perplexing, with little
HOPE of success to
reEMbrace the Divine
G o D
The Creator Man now
continues seeking is a
persona rendered elusive
made nebulously distant
unreachable impossible
to approach touch know
sense or be ONE with
HOPE of success to
reEMbrace the Divine
G o D
The Creator Man now
continues seeking is a
persona rendered elusive
made nebulously distant
unreachable impossible
to approach touch know
sense or be ONE with
by those who too wanted
Instigated †0:
$împlé $îmøñé
By: Dévî Sé†håñ
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