Saturday, April 20, 2019

Con†rAC† REnewed REaffirmed ..

     Sci-fi  books on Future scenarios : by famed writers, scripted years back; on Robots - Artificial Intelligence,  forecasted people are to morph, mutate into beings reluctant for  direct person to person contact ;
--instead future beings [crea†ees of & from the CREA†OR]  prefer physical isolation; with only non-human Robots as servants, aidés, companions, playpartners  —
The scenario already is fast coming to be.  
     If one's observation sharpness were tuned acute:
 one would note:
that peculiarity of non preference for personal face to face physical interactions -
that close-physical bonding -the Man to man [huMAN to huMan] interfacing - a nearness -  really not invited nor relished and not sought after even now, with many contemporary beings.
  Most good people who just •go with the flow• though, 
now and always,are tuned to excel in the essential sensual now, living their days to the Hilt fool full... to these 
"wine, woman/man & song" folks 
the values followed of total sensuality though overwhelmingly lopsided 
yet critical for these good fellas -akin to that feeble fable Cricket which cares only 
>> wining, singing, dancing, & all else under section ««ENJOY»»  
come whatever may <<
To these: ""A very good fuck ooops luck""  
 With speedy data transfer technology evolving - the claim that people are brought closer by Web/Internet connectivity is true  •• only if one considers a non-touch virtual get together 
Multitudes are connectedly-linked..  with each on different spaces --- forebodingly distant
each individual celebrates - weddings, birthdays, attends baptism and all else
 via Pod-Castings -- virtually bonding, 
~~~ singly~~ AND ~~apart. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
no personal physical presence, no human bonding, no one within "Loving" range - nøñé .but it is a celebration - wedding feasts birthdays anniversaries etc all by each lonesome self far removed on different places planets spheres of interaction.....
separate yet together.
Pretty soon; likely new born-babes may be materialized with need for no traditional physical procreativity of parents. 

Whatever the diverse ideals of good huMAN values, & ingredients which make LIFE richly flavored - 
humans, all 
need a dedicated superNATURALness..

need a personal physical PRESENCE of the DIVINE persona.
                  Easter is about that
 - GOD
 •Almighty Maker
•   Creator
   •  Initiator
     • SUPREME
      •Allah s.a.w
 [& all other huMAN tongue'd honorifics to the MOST HIGH]
initiate an act of LOVE -- breaking form,
taking on what a lowly dust mite of
a zero huMan, could relate to,
via the way the dust mite aka a huMAN, could relate to..

          the CONTRACT is reaffirmed      renewed resanctified
  by nothing less than  blood --
     LIFE  itself..(in the dust mite huMANs value system)
•Regardless of monetary status 
•• or the might of destructive ability  
 ••• the huge huMan-power'd  reserves
•••• through strength  in numbers: of paid up gang members
••••• or how many the WMDs would fire up on LAUnCH buttons' initiation.

REGARDLESS: of any, of every and all huMAN values       
    HE Reafirm the CON†RAC† is ever inFORCé  
        All may reapply for re-entry

 Happy Easter. 

May your sojourn be a pleasant one. 
May your destination be wonderful.

Sourced by
Gøø$éé GOsee Gå†hé®

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