There was once a young cockerel who went further from the small hen house than most other young chickeroos. He got 'educated' i.e. acquired high tertiary professional academic qualifications which of course anyone with half a chicken brain knows don't equate to becoming a cockerel of any 'character' - ['good' character that is]..
The chickeroo a full grown "CORK" now; became an ornithological specimen with a Degree; a Title & through his smarts (or so most people thought) gained high office in the HENcocKS august House.
The chickeroo a full grown "CORK" now; became an ornithological specimen with a Degree; a Title & through his smarts (or so most people thought) gained high office in the HENcocKS august House.
For too long a spell - even by the rooster-cocker-henny reckoning of time, he was the head honcho - a kind of Chief C0cK or headDICK.
Then as HE would have it, the Cockerel grew old & aged..
Then as HE would have it, the Cockerel grew old & aged..
Despite his bird brained cerebral capacity, he knows his time as Chief Cock in the Henhouse has to end: a revelation few who had free complete control on the entire spread for such a long time
pushing; pulling; dealing; double dealing & etc & bla bla bla & so on & so forth «» all by his lonesome onlyness..would so be revealed..
AND being rather smart * (again going by Rooster-cocker-henny standards) he attempts by every which way possible, by crooked application of twisted logic, tongue in cheek slights, obvious sarcasm & appeal to past GLORY
to deodorize all the Chicken Sh*T that in his extended tenure as HeadCORK or headDICK he has been passing in the form of Motions in the HENcocKS august House; as well as the countless eggs he has fertilized- out of wet-COCK oooops wed-lock [cockerels take less than 4 seconds to DO the JOB] and he was Da Cock for loooong years]
There now are plenty many of small cockeraloos running around the hen house that were from him! The present topCock who by the DICKhead's own admission, was placed there from a sense of indebtedness to the upSTART cockeroos' late Ayam Ayah !
It - gratitude i.e. IS a noble emotiCON correctly labelled CRONyism.
Besides HENcocKS august House is nobody's property butt the belongings of the entire HenHOUSe's CHICKadees including other Chickadoes & Chickadonts & ChickaDucks not excluding ChickaLEMboos & ChickERBaus too.
Thus this headDICK or ChieCOCK has no Locust standingBY to simply weewîî fooly bequeath the reins of the entire HENERy to any other CHICKhead who struck his fancy or fengSUI
Many the inDIZZcretins done;
Mucho BADass COMmitted
by this once young dashing Cockeroo now old now aged
yet determinED not be caught with panty hose down.
The stench from many buried Chickarcasses, & in more ways than any chicken will know - if located revealed and placed on a platter would
totally - RUEin DEStroy & take him Høme asap..!
And despite all the self deemed acts of HENhousing(Rousing?) greatness many thought he did done.. for the HENcockerey -- deep in his own only chickenheart he KNOWs for an ALLAH-given fact that all he did was CHICKEN SH*Tting bulldunging & cowpattié-in
And despite all the self deemed acts of HENhousing(Rousing?) greatness many thought he did done.. for the HENcockerey -- deep in his own only chickenheart he KNOWs for an ALLAH-given fact that all he did was CHICKEN SH*Tting bulldunging & cowpattié-in
FooLtime while as HeadCORK or TopDICK
When come another HOLY month - when the FEAST of FESTery again needs AN ayam be sembelih'd for the Curry Pot
pass the SAD old BIRD by
When come another HOLY month - when the FEAST of FESTery again needs AN ayam be sembelih'd for the Curry Pot
pass the SAD old BIRD by
- let the COCKEREL go -
For the good of the HOUSe of HENs&COCKs
For the good of the HOUSe of HENs&COCKs
he must remand - remain serve aLIFE term' -
For it is
JUSTICE belong.
JUSTICE belong.
alone decide into the CURRY pot
who the COCK to throw.
told under the influence
to Søm På
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