Tuesday, August 13, 2019

follow that trEND ...[ ̷B̷U̷T̷T̷]

 All of a sudden (over many years - of course) the pariah Chinese has gained some kind of world recognition/notice/stature...
how come now?
why not before?

•• when dog's and Chinamen were not allowed
••Chinamen needed to enter by the door way back of the Mansion?

How come after so long Chinamen get noticed
not marginalized or treated as rejects ..

the reason may be :

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Re: Chairman Mao -- (not a preferred hero neither iconic nor is the Communist ideology the bestest )-
He {may he rest in Peace} was known to have said:"..political Power grows [speaks] from out of the barrel of a gun [cannon].."
-- he may not have .. but my grandpa did add.. " ..the Bigger the gun - [cannon] the louder the SPEAK..."

   Every  ̷A̷s̷s̷   ̷M̷u̷l̷e̷ ̷D̷o̷n̷k̷e̷y̷ ̷Z̷e̷b̷r̷a̷ -- guy now suddenly wants to somehow claim Chinese linkage/affiliation/ancestry/descent - like it were a preferred ethnic status - symbolic of some as yet unseen, as yet undiscovered power or greatness   
  ..   (vis akin to : strength from consuming double  boiled black Chicken in herbs - Chinese herbs of course; but grown in USA)

The TeoChew one of the many spoken dialects of the huge Chinese ethnic groups [Chinese Ethnic groups ]

has a simple saying ..
"...tee kor liang; tee kor chor.."
Translated: "..where it's shady, cool-- sit.."
    Contemporarily, despite such diversity of races, & ethnic groups - many from almost everywhere are proud; feel a certain stature; need to claim Chinese ancestry/linkages -

but my grandpa says:---
"".. the greater the sense of INSECURITY the guy has of his own [perceived inferior] ethnicity; the greater the need to claim CHINESE .. "" 

The day may finally come; though it may take as long as  [
Simeon's long wait]  at the temple to hold the baby Messiah;  when all ethnic folks will be proud to only just claim: 

                           I am a human

Why do folks need 
    such highs;
       such put-ons;
           such peacockiness;

              to only   just  feel  ̷G̷R̷E̷A̷T̷   normal?

when all of us here; for only the shortest spell; ever want, as MAdDonnå's song so blasted over the stations confirms:--





confessed to 
∂éåƒ £épér

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