Tuesday, August 13, 2019

want your SKIN..

In attempting to ennoble ourselves erase our creature-ness, so to distinguish us; from beasts; to try attain a stature higher; we deny, distance ourselves from the undeniably shared nature of an animal; plain and simply a creature as any other -- be that donkey; monkey; or the rest of the happy jungle folks; lumped together in the animal grouping.

Man convolutes itself, deviously, devilishly, with characteristically unique ability, [which a beast could never muster- in itself an ability distinguishing man as more than a beast]
invents, postulates & theorizes; to justify that irrelevant unnecessary claim .. of being more than animal - of being of a higher order of created life;
trying to claim being made in God's image; which claim would establish Man's higher stature {of a creature more than a common garden slug}

How does any created life [created Life = createe = creature] a being  claim similarity to an Entity, in this instance the MAKER the Creator; God; when the Entity GOD has never been known to appear in any shape or form; visible or invisible; palpable or detectable; whatsoever; all throughout man's existence since..

   Hence the comic irrelevance of this particular nééd; to want to elevate self from the beastîé level to that of the Divine
   Laughably, that irrelevance is similar to the premise for Lucifer's expulsion from Grace, and relegation to the role of the Prince Knave of Darkness;

He Lucifer, too; refused to acquiesce to GOD, to honor this creature Man; as more than a plain beast: more than a porcupine, aardvark, squirrel, sea urchin, armadillo, porpoise, et al; refuse to acknowledge Man is more and higher than He; Lucifer.

Man desires stature - class; distinction; elitism; - to dissociate from low level creatures: by claiming association sameness with the Divine.

Lucifer has Pride; the Olympic syndrome of never wanting to be second to none. Before Man came along as the new kid on the block - he Lucifer was - second only to GOD; in other words - Top Dog 

[Hence THE UNIVERSAL CONSTANT is Ego, Pride, Elitism, Exclusivity - Jealousy
 to want to be counted as numero uno 
an irrelevant, unnecessary, misery-evoking almost irrepressible urge 

That Constant unchanging thus is

Tragically it STILL is 
       Prîdé ° Egø ° Dî$øbédîéñcé ° Adåmåñcé ° Vanî†y ° Jéålousy

refusing to even
submit to the highest-most authority ever



OrthopeDicKs diagnosis 

Severe Arthritic changes
can't genuflect
can't bend
can't bow

        or won't

Confided to
Déåf £épér
circa 00o0

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