Thursday, September 19, 2019

Pééñü† Førgét$ ....

".. there is no legible human word of sufficient derogatoriness to express disdain for a derailed attitude of vainglory; for one; who rejects, denounces own ancestral ethnicity AND assumes another totally exotic foreign alien one.. not for expediency nor practicability 
BUT for self imagined enhancement through adoption of an ethnic-nationality regarded as superlatively high.."
   The peoples of the continent where caste system is being dismantled has a word -- 
Pari -ah 
for one, who has such lack of human-ness; 
though ethnicity is not a factor in any particular  considerations of excellence: such a one would attempt denial when personal ethnicity is deemed inferior -- hesitating not to renounce own perceived inferior ethnicity & Chameleon-like grab onto an hAMinaCAN or åRubîN or any other ethnic nationality regarded as higher, better, whiter, superior than own  inferior one..
..St. Peter was reputed to have  -- renounced his sifu Jesus, repeatedly;  before the KOKeral could crow; the fourth time..

 -- Par-iah thinks it necessary to be anything other than what he was born to be. 
If born a Peanut? 
           a racoon? 
          a Blonde haired blue eyed toad? 
     What then??

nehrated to
X Péé Dîåñ
circa 00o0

Monday, September 9, 2019

Wasted Days & Nights..

should the best of our utmost personal sacrifice; acts, real, virtual;
of self-denial,
of negating base urges,
of devotionals;
of incessant repetitive chants of holy mantras, bring for us complete enlightenment.

That °nirvana° so achieved, would be unfilled - empty.
A non-event of wasted endeavor.
Save if the position arrived at,
is within the Divine Presence.
Without Him

«» The • Bliss • Joy • Serenity • plus every other of life's Desir'd
wouldn't thrive
peace wouldn't be tranquil
fullness .. incomplete

all else






even so who gives a shoo .

CONfirm'd by:
Sir Tan Nik 

Sunday, September 8, 2019

HERE†îck's ThéøNøL0géé


      Every living creature of human form on earth was asked if it wants to be or not to be crafted as a huMan being. 
   The Creator is not so unfair as to thrust a soul into the body of an infant simply because the Male [Papa] + Female [Mama] craves to couple just to thrill to the sensual high.
  Thus every child born has consented; while as a soul, to be implanted into the zygote from the sexual coupling of his parents - by GOD’s actuation.

  <> How is it then that a couple remains barren even though they conjoin every chance they get?          
   <«»> Basically by the Heretic's †heoNology the two were not allowed to bring infants into this world… for reasons GoK [God only know]
   <> How is it that when a zygote was formed and then made non-viable through the intervention of a professional or unqualified abortionist or self destructed by the parent(s) who brought it into this world for the sole reason of sensual thrill-seeking  ?

  <«»> That via laws of the ONE, handed down through many of HIS so chosen mouth pieces - would tantamount to a huge wrong doing
 — a SIN — 
         Dosa to both the soul - as yet an infant - 
        and grievously to self.

....||||....            ....||||....             ....||||....

           ....||||....          ....||||....                 ....||||.... 

In†ime∂ to
circa :oo0o

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

To TAKé or NOT to TAKé ...

 --- when one takes chemically, herb-ally or otherwise concocted medicines; the myriad of side effects are not only scary to imagine — be it daylight saving Time of year or not — most mainly would make short one’s living daylights.
   Yet in one's natural form; if wishing to avoid or refrain from ingesting such curatives from the Apothecaries, unless superbly DNA’d to be resistant to every known and unknown crippling, death dealing microbes or DNA strains of fatal virulence — the END results are not too dissimilar ..
Hence if one may ask — how, why, which, who, knows of a better way to a go go go go --- ? 

AND is that existential reality after the permanent blacked out - so intensely to be avoided as an unpalatable?
                         ««««« I really dunno »»»»»

You, do you know?

Presented to:
Sir Morr Onn
circa 00o0