Sunday, September 8, 2019

HERE†îck's ThéøNøL0géé


      Every living creature of human form on earth was asked if it wants to be or not to be crafted as a huMan being. 
   The Creator is not so unfair as to thrust a soul into the body of an infant simply because the Male [Papa] + Female [Mama] craves to couple just to thrill to the sensual high.
  Thus every child born has consented; while as a soul, to be implanted into the zygote from the sexual coupling of his parents - by GOD’s actuation.

  <> How is it then that a couple remains barren even though they conjoin every chance they get?          
   <«»> Basically by the Heretic's †heoNology the two were not allowed to bring infants into this world… for reasons GoK [God only know]
   <> How is it that when a zygote was formed and then made non-viable through the intervention of a professional or unqualified abortionist or self destructed by the parent(s) who brought it into this world for the sole reason of sensual thrill-seeking  ?

  <«»> That via laws of the ONE, handed down through many of HIS so chosen mouth pieces - would tantamount to a huge wrong doing
 — a SIN — 
         Dosa to both the soul - as yet an infant - 
        and grievously to self.

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In†ime∂ to
circa :oo0o

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