Thursday, September 19, 2019

Pééñü† Førgét$ ....

".. there is no legible human word of sufficient derogatoriness to express disdain for a derailed attitude of vainglory; for one; who rejects, denounces own ancestral ethnicity AND assumes another totally exotic foreign alien one.. not for expediency nor practicability 
BUT for self imagined enhancement through adoption of an ethnic-nationality regarded as superlatively high.."
   The peoples of the continent where caste system is being dismantled has a word -- 
Pari -ah 
for one, who has such lack of human-ness; 
though ethnicity is not a factor in any particular  considerations of excellence: such a one would attempt denial when personal ethnicity is deemed inferior -- hesitating not to renounce own perceived inferior ethnicity & Chameleon-like grab onto an hAMinaCAN or åRubîN or any other ethnic nationality regarded as higher, better, whiter, superior than own  inferior one..
..St. Peter was reputed to have  -- renounced his sifu Jesus, repeatedly;  before the KOKeral could crow; the fourth time..

 -- Par-iah thinks it necessary to be anything other than what he was born to be. 
If born a Peanut? 
           a racoon? 
          a Blonde haired blue eyed toad? 
     What then??

nehrated to
X Péé Dîåñ
circa 00o0

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