Wednesday, September 4, 2019

To TAKé or NOT to TAKé ...

 --- when one takes chemically, herb-ally or otherwise concocted medicines; the myriad of side effects are not only scary to imagine — be it daylight saving Time of year or not — most mainly would make short one’s living daylights.
   Yet in one's natural form; if wishing to avoid or refrain from ingesting such curatives from the Apothecaries, unless superbly DNA’d to be resistant to every known and unknown crippling, death dealing microbes or DNA strains of fatal virulence — the END results are not too dissimilar ..
Hence if one may ask — how, why, which, who, knows of a better way to a go go go go --- ? 

AND is that existential reality after the permanent blacked out - so intensely to be avoided as an unpalatable?
                         ««««« I really dunno »»»»»

You, do you know?

Presented to:
Sir Morr Onn
circa 00o0

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