Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi -

No Can Do

  Almost every human activity conceivable, which has even the slightest impact on another individual, positively or negatively, has been identified, listed, then either regulated or re-modeled and licensed i.e. one need to apply to the Authorities & on approval, pay a fee in order to engage in that particular activity.                  
   Simple stuff like driving a car, running a grocery store, being a barber i.e. giving a shave & hair-cut.
Innocuous stuff like being a cook in a local eatery, teaching nursery school, delivering mail as in 'Postman'  being a farmer suppling milk, a tractor, crane or digger operator in a construction site, a pastor of a small parish, a security guard in a Mall, even as a trash collector, or a janitor of a derelict building etc ALL NEED LICENSING.
  - yet a seemingly simple frivolous innocent act the result of which could likely land the world in a real huge F*cking Sh*T mess -


The "activity" most sought after, much promoted & is THE goal of all creatures i.e. us man [of course, can't do without WOMEN]
seemingly has been left out of scrutiny by higher authorities [not GOD please] 

 Sexually Coupling Randomly Erratically Willfully
Ever wonder from whence came creatures like
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi ?
Or the deceased former BaadAss -  Osama Ben Laden (SAW)?
Or Hitler [SAW?]
   Who were responsible for & how were such misfitted psychopathic genocidal deviants brought forth?
    How were other well documented historical psychopathic genocidal megalomaniacs, who could potentially have brought an end to the Race, or at least imposed great 'F'ing chaos formed or nurtured?        
    Presently those called ISIL or IS or whatever the 'F' name they wish to give themselves for recruitment or propaganda's sake; where did they come from initially?    
Who were responsible for such overt irresponsibility?
Who could so unconcernedly bring such  "Ass*s" into the world ?
   From the fetid 'loins' & the fertile 'soil'd beds of some deviant specimens of the Race, through S.C.R.E.W-ing  [usually to satiate frivolous hedonistic sexual urges, or boredom, or for getting a chemical free high, or just for the heck of it, or just that the circumstances happened, or the confluence of the stars were opportune, or an expression of PTSD] are sprung countless such individuals.
  These tho with normal genetic make-up after being brought into active "tenure" inadvertently get indoctrinated by deviant ideology. - [exclusive non-inclusive i.e. the believers of an exclusive religion obsessing they were a  specially 'chosen race' - hence are anti-social, anti-human, mostly 'destructive', 'disastrous']
 Some of such 'influence' no doubt are covertly state sanctioned, some religion propagated, some culturally originated, together with other negative experiential inputs; parental abuses, neglect, peer misadventures, self esteem degradation, nil positive family role models &/or support, deprivation of basic human needs & nurturing necessities plus a host of other less than ideal impacting influences & most notably as a trigger point, tripping an all-set(wrong) imbalanced psyche - incarceration in detention centers where other tendencies are further polished & honed by hard-core malcontents, with anti-human inclinations; to their peak maniacal excellence!
   In fact any being after being brought into existence could be influenced & formed by - A MILLION FACTORS IN THE MAKINGS OF A DEVIANT MISCREANT MANIACAL PSYCHOPATHIC INDIVIDUAL - or [as most others] naturally wholesomely developed into great icons of human excellence!   Examples again of such outstanding human creatures abound & are encouragingly uplifting for the human spirit.
 But the likelihood of misfits like such aforementioned degenerating, 'regressing' into full fledged berserk adults filled with a warped psychological make-up, to pose "threats" to the well - being of the rest of the Race would thus necessitate further considerations by those in authority for regulating or at the least paying attentiveness to rampant 'SCREW'-ing
 How were other well documented historical psychopathic genocidal megalomaniacs, or potentially likely ones formed or nurtured or were allowed to have their run?        

think Hitler [SAW?]?
or Attila?
or Genghiz Khan?
or Margaret Thatcher
or G. W. Bush?
or Caligula?
or Kim Jong Il?
or Idi Amin, 
or Fidel Castro
or Lee Harvey Oswald?
or Frankenstein?
or Dr. No?
maybe even Alfred E. Neuman?
to name  just a few likely ones who potentially could have ended us all. 

 All this has relevance as out there lurking are many such individuals harboring thoughts of activating i.e. performing acts which can be completely B-A-D to society in particular & the Race in general.
      These guys were the resultant issues of random purposeless acts of S.C.R.E.W-ing [aka Sexual Couplings Randomly Erratically Willfully] between specimens unconcerned with future disastrous impacts on the rest of us.
 [concerned with only getting a chemical free sexually pleasurable orgasmic high] 
  AND the ultimate destructor of the Race might just be  brought into 'active tenure' this way!
Thus the License to S.C.R.E.W [L2S] 
'Sexually Connecting Randomly Erratically Willfully' 
without State sanction is a definite 'No can do' !
  That the 'act' itself is "a powerful high charged  expression of the ultimate freedom of the human spirit,  warmly passionate,  positively uplifting, the supreme embrace of another in a complete out-pouring, & showering of LOVE" between 2 distinctly separate creatures as only man knows how, is not the point in question, nor the issue here.

  Seen in the correct context of the greater good of the entire RACE it should be a relevant item to include in the next senate/parliament/politburo or Knesset session for inclusion in the list of  "Human Activities" that need to be considered for regulation as a potential threat to the viability of the Race.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Alvin the Zero Claiming Chinese SO GREAT indeed ?

   There are folks out there who actually do not deserve at all what they had been allowed. And indeed it is tragic the good they so undeservedly were granted seemed to have  affirmatively been a huge error in good sense & judgement.

   More than that it is truly SAD  when people with the same 'ancestry' i.e. all human beings made or brought into this place by the same seed from similar forebears, think it is greater to be identified with a special ETHNICITY & feel that we are of THIS race or THAT group of Superior descent. 
Basically other than viewing another person through religion-tainted eyes -
all men (women of course too) are actually no different, no better or worse than another. Regardless of upbringing, status, regardless of high born or Pariahs, it is man's own insecurity as well as deep seated sense of competitiveness that take all these unnecessary considerations to the level of worthless comparison & distinction with its accompanying snootiness, witnessed all over the tapestry of human enterprise.
History has taught nothing to Man, than to continually affirm Man's nature of violence, aggression & most conspicuously the 'win at all costs' attitude inherent in all.
Has anyone asked or gotten satisfactory answers on what is anyone or any ethnic group securing when their race are considered to have WON? Does winning (or not losing) mean getting to a higher level of self 'shiok' that we gave the others the middle finger? Achieving a so called plus in our social racial ethnic standing? Our race has beaten the other (thus lesser) group of humans?
Or our ethnic group has shown how great we are, as compared to  the other ethnic races?
Exactly it is this misplaced DNA of
(false) pride, (pointless) competitiveness for no reason other than to 'win' at all costs, to 'beat the others' - that destroy any good, any feeling of camaraderie, any sense of sharing, any caring concerns, any expressions of true superiority as a Man; that we humans otherwise are very capable of.
 No, no, no, talk is cheap! YES a resounding agreement if one is only concerned with paying lip service & pretends to be praising their Lords over every little seeming 'great' deeds their Lord has done through their interventionary prayers & petitions.
Oh my DOG, surely many has seen such 'hypocrisy' that makes one wish there had never been such a 'thing' called religion.
The same thing called ethnic pride, the same thing called patriotism, the same thing called racial integrity, the same thing called nationalism, the same thing called elite, the same thing called superior, the same 'monster' with many names - all meaning only a  misguided ideal i.e. a SILLY MISPLACED PRIDE in nothing, signifying extreme failure to  recognize & acknowledge a common (insignificant) ancestry.  
MAN attempting to be more, to excel, beat, better, win, put down the next - man; when in all essence each is NO DIFFERENT.

*Oh no we of XYZ race will rather 'putih tulang than putih mata'
*Oh never will our race take humiliation at the hands of these sub-intelligent race of miscreants.
*Oh how can we with such great glorious ancestors, who brave the seas in tongkangs, ever stand for the humiliation from ignoramuses like these uncivilized savages?

   Please do wake from such HALLUCINATORY DELUSIONS.
Do ask .. is one really so different, so much better, so distinguished just because one were of a certain descent or ancestry or race or ethnicity? Which different tree or branch of tree did one & one's bunch jumped down from to distinguish one from these others whom one so despise; who probably jumped from a branch of the same tree too?
So just in case Mr Alvin Tan has anything in his thoughts when he wrote the 'anger piece' to so encouragingly exhort CHINESE to rise to the abuse, face up to the humiliation, & to move to another geographically (western) location, and the indignation he vomited, it seemed rather apparent it might be just his wanting to sound heroic, patriotic or mistakenly racially proud.
  What a load of unnecessary Chinese chest thumping crap!
  If Mr. Alvin Tan can say with true conviction that one by just having a CHINESE ancestry was a creature of a different species i.e NOT human i.e. NOT having the same genetic make up as other homo sapiens on earth and thus not same as another man screwing around on this shit-ball, then maybe he has something to shout about when he proclaimed the awesome GREATNESS of CHINESE.
Do not tout the great achievements, the endurance, the courage, the daring, the bravado of Chinese (or any other ethnicity) 
He need not justify or even attempt to project how great, how brave, how impossibly intelligent, or superior, this race or that is, over the others. The fact he even needed to pit one race against another showed the distinct narrowness of mind so common to every other common man in the Mall, another indistinguished human being displaying learned pettiness.
  The bigger picture of a ONE race, a ONE group of beings, a true 'nation' of ONE Man - ONE created Beings,  is  more enticingly superior a vision than a ONE CHINESE gang.

° Has anyone smelled trash in different nations?
° Has anyone smelled the rotten carcass of a human being from different nationalities?
 Try it - one may be enlightened, enamored by the similarity of one's so claimed superior uniqueness, the complete insignificance of one's perceived GREATness.
 In case & for the benefit of those filled with squeamishness - they all smell exactly the SAME, bad smell like shit - trash and dead copses - all over the frigging earth!
So despite the shabby treatment handed out, the discrimination, divisively imposed by the BN government on other ethnicity in Malaysia than the Malays, 
know it is NOT about ethnic superiority or racial inferiority or Chinese or Indian or XYZnian special characters of inherent greatness!
It is NOT about being born of a certain descent or ancestry!
 PLEASE WAKE UP & recognize the complete irrelevance of racial or national superiority of any RACE in the Malaysian context. 
Recognize too the non relevance of perceived evil intent of any different Religious Groups !

 For no reason but to get fat without having to sweat for it.
   And here folks like learned ALVIN TAN falls flat into that trick, (or did he?) reacting as planned, by swearing at & cursing the Malays & perhaps by extension, Islam too.  
Raising unnecessary anger & fueling unneeded revulsion, poisoning 'wells' from which much good could potentially be drawn.
 Sad case of a Chinese with (presumed) ethically acquired, naturally endowed intelligence, apparently applied irrationally.
 Oh well thank Confucius we are fully aware of such that distinguishes a MAN from a man (or a mouse).
It was never about race or color.  

It is about being able to cut through the crap and seeing the shit for what it is.
The intended Hallucinatory 'enemy' the BN manipulators want the rakyat, the people to 'see' so to continue perpetuating their strangle-hold on the Nation to ultimately suck it, bleed it dry for their own selfish agenda.
 The many Alvin Tans out there ranting & raving about CHINESE superiority are as misdirected as
Orang Hutans beating, thumping their breasts at monyets, apes & chimpanzees claiming superiority of one monkey from another.

Laughable to say the least.

Sad & tragic, the inability to see the real issues.
  Of crooked, greedy lowly motivated people in political power,  ripping-off, giving the middle finger to an entire nation, enamored, enraptured, with heads in their individual butt-holes, of  their superior ethnic pride.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Death to ...

The one who craves wealth,
 gold & silver,
Becomes poorer,
Losing noble values,
In pursuit of his goal.

The one who hungers for power, fame and renown,
Acquires loss of respect;
Others for him -
He for himself.

He who thirsts for domination, power and control,
Becomes himself under the Will
Of the One,
who tempts, with false promises.

Wise is he who hungers
for what life does not provide.
Who seeks no earthly reward, or riches.
He will achieve 'Death'

'Death' to all 
that burden the soul & bloats it.
Till like the camel 
he cannot pass 
into the Joy beyond.

He would have found,
the cup 
that quenches all thirst;
the bread 
that fills every need.

Happy is that man,
for all that he will ever need,
would be his,
Glorious Eternity.

Friday, September 5, 2014

RIP Robin Williams - Brave-Heart ..


"...Tho soul burdened, & life so fettered, 
by troubles imminent, un-solvent, unresolved,  
there yet was sacrifice unsurpassed
& determination supreme,
to  cheer, add joy to the dreary;  
to lift the mundane. 
to deliver from daily drudgery,
 for all
-  that 'sacrifice' he made -

to laugh despite his  tears, 
to cheer despite fears.
*Would that he now repose in mirthful Bliss! 
*Would that he now be humored by tearless Joy
that so elusively eluded him then.

*Make it be that PEACE, JOY, CHEER 
he so missed be now fully his.
*Eternally bestowed by
   HE who LOVEs  

It always makes people sad when one they have strong feelings for i.e. 'loves'  passes to the next level of 'being-ness'
All that the ones here can ever 'hope/pray' for is the late one is now blissful, joy-filled - wherever!
Our Faith calls it being with God in eternal Happiness, perpetual Light, and divine Peace.

Death is not necessarily permanent termination nor (as considered by almost all living humans) an END..
Doubtless in scientific, medical understanding a human creature who no longer exhibits those vital signs of LIFE - is DEAD ! Within  the context of THAT consideration those who subscribe to such scientific concepts - they are 100 % DEAD right ! (purposely punned)
In the concept of religion as per the NON denominational GOD… there is neither an END to life as we will experience it later, nor is there another birth as in after medically dying one is reborn into another {different} 'life'. 
The(usually perceived as warped) understanding of what this all mean is the entire circle of LIFE is a continuation from one form of being-ness, as we now are in - living in a human bodily form & after this "LIFE" living too in a non-human bodily form. Some Buddhists might word that as a human living person having transcended into the next realm .. in thus a spiritual non bodily, non material or matter-less form of a being. 
Thus an 'existence' (which word might imply lack of quality as when in a comatose vegetative state) with no material form or in a plain body-less matter-less 'being-ness'.
Whichever it is we all need have no concern !

Knowing full well -  BIRTH, DEATH & the 'looping', the 'transcending', the 'rebirth', from the present realm where we 'live' - to a different 'being-ness'  - all this has, is & will be as GOD has very supremely, divinely, Omnipotently worked out  for ALL OF US -- His created beings
- ALL regardless of affiliations - religionwise!
- ALL who beloved by Him, will trust in, & carry out - HIS Will !

Saturday, August 23, 2014

If John Lennon Can't Even buy himself LOVE ...

The KNOWNS through which we can't find HAPPINESS :

* Money
* Fame
* Power
* Sex
* Work
* Retirement
* Sports
* Entertainment
* Food
* Drinks
* Substance: weed, speed, crack, Meths, DXM, other shit
* Friends
* Organized religion
* The WWW
* Clubs
* Creativity
* Sleep
* Procreativity
* Charity

* Children
* Gadgets
* Hobbies
* Travel
* Missionary work

* Love
* Yoga
* Pets
* Husband
* Wife
* Lover
* I hesitate to add … 'God'.

By now it's obvious there is hardly any human activity (or inactivity) that will bring Happiness, not complete, permanent happiness at least.
Besides, happiness is relative. (To some sad IS happy)
The next best thing is thus  to attain transient 'happiness'
i.e.  fleeting satisfying moments where non-Happiness is non existent.
How sad, it's even not possible to buy happiness as confirmed by J.Lennon in Can't Buy any LOVE
All things being equal therefore it would seem there's a piece  or two or, even more, that is missing in all human life.
That piece almost everyone is hunting for in their scrambling throughout their living days.
Don't think anyone has found it, or if anyone found it, is able to possess it. 

  Thank the system (not God) that non-Happiness  is only for life…not for Eternity. 

For that I am Happy enough...

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

"LOVE" - that what it's called

How very 'encouraging' 
when folks sought 
to speak, testify, post, declare,
how uplifting, 
how noble,
how great is 

Like some kind of competition going on; 
to outdo one another for 'LIKES' on Face Book? 
or portray oneself as LOVING creatures 
via cheap shot way
 - not putting money 
 where mouth 
 should be! 

If LOVE really is 
so great, meant to be, 
so LOVE-ful..

 Shrouded in PARABLES,
 implied in RIDDLES, 
hidden in UNSEENness, 
with Countless Dying, Maimed, Miserable-ized ?

when we couldn't 'walk" 
& LOVE was carrying us, 
This how LOVE be? 

A LOVE not supposed to easily be revealed 

A LOVE that has
 to be HUNTED for?
to be SEARCHED for? 
to be HUNGERED for?
 to SUFFER much for,
to ENDURE lots for?
 to GROVEL with immense Pain for?
to earn by SELF IMMOLATION for? 
to give an arm, a leg, a whole heart 
& soul for ?
 that 'cos LOVE has great LOVING quotient 
MUCH value, higher ESTEEM?
-more than a cheap, 
2 for a  penny red-light area,
(equally effective) 
one shot fix?

If LOVE in all PURITY were as cut out to be, 
would not it be simpler for
 to just.. 
HEAR  love spoken ..?
       SEE love given  ..?
FEEL loved by LOVE ..?

    - Or is LOVE to be derived 
from the pussy footing innuendoes, 
 the unspoken, subtler, 
but savage yanking of heart strings, from the emotions
evoked from 
shocked horrors-
of the killed, 
the murdered,
the butchered 
(try picture yr "honey" as one) 
 Is LOVE more treasured 
when less obviously insinuated 
suffocating stench of rotting corpses, 
carcasses of bombed to bits tribes, 
Nicely screwed?

AND that  
{   L  O  V  E   }

many would rather be deaf, dumb, blind! 

than to wait 
to be 


                most are long-gone


waiting, hoping, believing, trusting,
too long 

To be 


Sunday, July 20, 2014

DREAM ....

 "   Dream   "


when sleep has gone,
the music's rocking
the choir's vocalizing, lisping symphonies still, 
  fueling, twisting, waltzing, pain ached joints  
that draw happy tears
which don't wet,
don't sorrow stain;        
down cheeks, 
wrinkled, crinkled 
& twinkled too.  ' 


no one need be helped
no one need be inspired
!no no no!
no one need be guided
nor taught

nor shown
the way,
the truth,
  or the life ..

"No one needed those, 
nor now.

Everyone needs,
Everybody wants
joyful dreamers,

even who can't dance
nor croak a tune,
to freely joy, 
blindly, indifferently,

All are called, 
are chosen,

anytime - then, 

every time - now.
It's been that way,
since dreams were born,
since sleep woke  .. "

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Alzheimer & others ...


    An old friend  recently underwent an arduous trip to visit his old home town after having moved away to another country a life time ago. The reason for this arduous trip - long for a man of 75? He was recently tested by a team of medical professionals, experts & specialists. After subjecting him to a long exhaustive regiment of tests  these brilliantines concluded he has an extremely high likelihood of ALZHEIMER!
   It used to be the big C that got ordinary folks like everyman to shit bricks & stones lay sleepless till Kingdom came for them, which was rather unavoidably certain. 
Nowadays the big C has given way to the big A!
Every body quivers, dreading the day when & if the almighty doctor would pronounce that  "A" word !
   So this old friend preparing to meet his Maker, comes back on a live-juice-sapping trip to make his peace with his demons in his old home town. His children more or less are resigned to their father's imminent fate of not 'being there' very soon.
The queer & completely insane part of the tale is:

Those batteries of Alzheimer tests might indicate a high likelihood of one developing or progressing to that dreaded 'A' state but it certainly is not a CERTAINTY!
Besides one might just happily die from the other fearsome awesome less dreaded big C! Or a happy-heart attack provoked by exhilarating sex with some goddess-like creature  in a one night stand??

The kind of God-like reverence for professionals in the medical field - [admittedly there are excellent examples of great minds there-but to be fair, as with any professional groups, the medical professionals are human beings like everyman AND due to that fact we have many sub-par performers in them too] -is nothing but pure disrespect for the Divine (who decides all) as well as misplaced over-confidence & uncalled for-reliance on another just as human 'every man' - no doubt technically trained to be better equipped in the field of medicine.

A related tale:
There has been many instances of specialists who never could do better than just scrape through every test and examinations at lower and every other academic levels. 
The rich-beyond-imagination father [fortunate for him an ego boost, but not for everyone else who would might have to face his useless off-spring as a medical practitioner :( ]
whose earthly wealth might be derived from lucrative engagementds in dubious deals ensuring vulgar gains via transactions bordering on criminal illegitimacy)  by coercive as well as grease works managed to secure the near moronic son in a medical school in a 'degree for sale' college. 

Has anyone who consulted a doctor at any time asked the medical man what his placing was in the college from which he obtained the license (medical degree) to practice the life threatening art of pronouncing 'death threats (sentences) on their, trusting patients? 
   Voodoo works along similar lines :(

Thus before anyone wills himself to begin the process of dying based on baseless as yet technologically inconclusive  tests & pronouncements from such tests results, wake  up & at least know what  & who one is dealing with.
Waking to the fact of LIFE Some professionals are as good as dr. google or the neighborhood shaman only would in the least give many an edge to good living ...

Similarly the chopping off of a pair of beautiful, wondrous, 'fully-functional-in every-sense-of-the-word' visually delightful, innocent boops, due to the detection of an uglier pair of as yet innocent, mutated genes BRCA1 & BRCA2, is tragically drastic to say the least.
    These silly attempts to pre-empt,  control, manipulate others for whatever gains - In simple language -  play god, is mal-practice & is not restricted or confined to medical professionals. It is a tool exploited by every person who portrays, emits any credibility in any field others less advised, would seek advice from.
Be wise thus & better informed; Basically be unafraid. 
Since the Truth will set one Free 
seek thus the freedom of the TRUTH via the ONE true GOD.

It is not death - i.e. the exit from this life - that one should dread - it is inevitable for one to move to unending LIFE ...
Pay scant regard & give zero credits to fear, anxiety  or irrational over-reaction for the end of life …
  for ETERNITY with Him begins when the present stops.