Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Silence - that's SPIRî†

           Overhead during Prayer Service held in Celebration of Eternally Elusive Peace, at the back pew of the Hall of CONS†AN† CONS†ERNA†ION
 - longitude 0° latitude 0° altitude -3,600,000

Two shriveled-withered-dried-up-prunney looking retired educationists were "Sharing" on retirement.

Retired Educationist #1:

                                         "Hi what are you into now sir, after leaving service? Working anymore?"
Retired Educationist #2 :
                                         "Oh I rear swines at the farm my dad left me up in  Bukit  Geroan."

Retired Educationist #1:
                                          "Wow that must be interesting, any different from teaching?"

Retired Educationist #2: 

                                           "Haiyaaa most definitely! AND more frustrating!  You wouldn't know how exasperating! Fed them swine's swill, not only do they thrive, they were thrilled. 
When I tried to improve their lot by feeding them Pearls, 
& I know my Pearls are best for them, they look at me like I was stupid or something ! 
Imagine, them; swines! dare to even look at me a senior ASSistant (rtd) of a Certified ABA+ College ! Heck if not for my wife not needing a foreign tour come fall I would have had them all slaughtered !  
Just to  show them how silly they were for rejecting my Pearls.
And you, what have you been up to lately good friend?"

Retired Educationist #1: 

                                          "Oh I'm enrolled to  follow the prescribed  therapeutic exercises from The Department of Requilibrilliance  to Re-calibrate, Re-align Re-establish the UnSavory Syndrome  suffered since graduating Training School  - 
It's some Idiopathic not at all understood 
disorder of the cerebral incapacity which result in
Incommensurate Inordinate MegaéYébloat  
 akin to megaloboastomae or something like that according to the Italian (Expatriate)Specialist who's practicing on me."

The Spirit that lives under the left hand corner of the [IKEA] table cloth; in extreme desperation & fearing for his Eternal Salvation chanted his mantra with increased veracity:
"Ommmm may I be enligh†ened asap oOo0OmmmmmmGG”

NOBODY was any the wiser

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Last Laugh ... ALONE

    All who were created, have a share in the fabric : "LIFE"
All were given that opportunity by being given life, being born, thrust into 'being'  part of the weaving process. 

The leader: Man entrusted with the role to lead, to be the compass for the entire flock of multi-directionally-inclined, Godliness-declined, ill-defined, mostly reclined gathering of created beings: 
Humans, had great need for, not just commitment, motivation & other self denying qualities, but a FACTOR  - which being Man &  only human, would have none naturally endowed at birth.
   If the Divine was not inclined to fill, & provide  that naturally lacking, yet most required møral (moreal)fibre the "F" factor Man so desperately needed, the HUMAN Circus long ago would have folded & the SCRIBE would have footnoted the final chapters of Man's descent to it's Dank Destiny.

Hence despite a willing spirit .. with a sensual heart within a vulnerable hedonistic body, Man was doomed to frequent falls, fails & hopeless headlong progress to a dastardly assured, obvious, expected, foregone Oblivion.

though the present conTEMPORARY 
being-ness ends in the ground, 
the journey of one's  Life   
does not. 
  The man who only lives till his last human breath, has never really realized the immensity & the Magnitude of his being here. 

  No event in the earthly world is a random meaningless happenstance. 
  Seemingly random chanced coincidences, or 'luck' are so perceived because of one's own allowed (till later) limited spiritual perception/vision. 

An unexplainable incident never was random, coincidental, neither a fluke lucky shot. It just is not time yet for the reason/purposé to be made known in it's entirety.

Believing thus as one incomplete, follow one's Guru, one's  Rabbi, one's soul/spiritual guide, & the many men & women possessed/blessed/charmed with spiritual.vision.extraordinaire;     though as one lives, every act one initiates 
with ignoble intentions or exemplary sterlingness of purpose 
either removes little or much, 
either contributes lots to or detracts plenty from the combined Guilt of Man.

Regardless if one succumbs to less than noble cravings, subscribing to more hedonistic pursuits; 

or from the illuminates of one's  godlier idealistic high-lights; 
the "colors, discolors, muddy stains, 
shadows grey, blue or black, burgundy marüøn, exØx†îz" all the strands would one weave  into  that fabric "LIFE".

Every one of each 'fiber' would require
TRUTHful justification  
TOTAL    accountability 
FINAL    recompense.
at END.

     The choice is one's own to be accountably responsible in treading this "route" 
threading of the TAPESTRY                      

Be it as one might

'Live' as the Happy Wanderer -
Wandering over the HI-ways & the BYE-ways 

would when base is touched 
 "..when day's done     
      gone's the sun
      gone the moon 
      gone the stars 

 from the hills
 from the seas
 from the skies
 from one's Eyes  

 does one yet even then 
  stand erect, pridefool

 limp heroic gusto, 
 hollow gunhohohoho
 empty bravado
 to loudly, insolently
 and arrogantLéé
 with worthLéss 

 affirm, insist 

  there was only one way 



Thursday, February 4, 2016

My way ...


THE man : 

".. I have A dream

Nøñé is going to disrupt it…."

he dreamed

& long did he


as he dreamed 


HE made his DREAM others' dream too.

the ONLY 


others could dream.

others : "..yes! yes! yes!
nod. nod. nod.
‘what a great dream !
how great this dream is !
yes ! yes ! yes ! 
a great MAN !
       a great DREAM ..!” 

pack rat : yum yum it smells cheesy

halal swine
: yea tastes rather haram-y to me

malevolent macaque
: would that it were more yellow

albino non-kosher ape
: done medium rare, would go down very well with a vodka martini

shaken & stirred, round off with a slice of Yubari Melon -

I want. I want.

early bird : complete with boundless clear skies - should work for me

queer fish : all around, in me, with me, through me - sure!

great dream

coffin worm :filled with boundless earth should be ok by me.

Child : ".. Is that my every night's nightmare" ?

Children : "..ours too "?

"Darkness: ".. ‘sniggerrrrr’ 

"go for it" 




"Blur" ..‘sniggerrrrr’

  "go for it"




Gutless Spineless Thinker [GST]



 "hey be a "Man", mann!  Go forrr it" 

BUT it only was a dream of a man, 
only a man
 man with only 
a dream, 

like yours

like his

like it's

like mine

like her's

like androgynous'

Like so countless many

who didn't count for much
 each had DREAMs zzzzZZZZ


were made 

the same


the only


would it 



H  p Y



DEATH is not OK

....would the likelihood of a vaccine to protect us, all Living Creatures, from Zika be concocted sooner than last month?

And before this latest Woooooaa scary ZIKA

the entire unacceptably L00000000000000000ooooo000000ng list of sh•t-in--pants scary-killer -incurable-unacceptable


all causing 


is on Queue for vaccines to be CONcocked..

Isn't Death a part of "life" 


Is Death now promoted as only a natural part of life when one DIES from (APPROVED) acceptable causes ?

For the sake of clarity & as a greatest favour to silly uninformed unsavvy foggies who obviously know nothing :

Please clarify for instance

:~ that there is another way to not die, when one no longer lives.

:~ that in one's living & supposed giving glory to GOD, death or dying in any way, shape, form or method or process, is an occasion, event deemed Unnatural, Unacceptable, to be voided at all cost

like the plague, like death ?

So kindly list the acceptable Halal [as jihardists say]

ways or causes 

allowed by

[one's personal]


to die?

Or does one die each time, every moment a newer way to be made dead comes on line like






Chinese NewYear Wishes


    Ever wonder why one would wish for more years? More Prosperity?
Why & would one only be  complete if amassing more un-necessities ensures one  live, fuller than one could with Sufficient instead ?
As far as anyone would want to make a  Chinese New Year wish 
it  would be most noble to beg & hope for


* pain
* insomnia
* irresolvable family disputes
* misunderstandings
* differences in opinions
* unbridled selfish instincts
* one-up-manship 
* social posturing & maneuverings
* price increases of every enjoyable thing ever affordably enjoyed too briefly
* thin skinned taking of offenses not even meant
* red tapes & useless unnecessary security measures put in place to thwart
   paranoia induced imaginary raving murderous terrorists

AND the MOTHER of ALL to be wished the most LESS


      * Exclusive RELIGIOUS High Horsey-ness 
      * my father in Heaven can beat your     
        father (not in heaven of course)

      * higher credentialed Ass-holes with poorly accredited back waters Universities Degrees "blessed" with dubious intellectual abilities in huge airy heads, espousing like they were what they exactly are not, holding high offices in government bodies

       * "dedicated" people of the cloth who would daily tarnish  God                
       * unnecessary fakéé put on "proper cultured etiquette" - for 'Effing' snob values

       * LESS rushing, LESS "fast" in everything , even in useless not at all "urgencies" like an evening stroll through the park with the dog

 LESS  * youth-oriented marketing "geni-asses" with emphasis on all  
         things new - youthful - thus trendy cos - youthful

LESS       * manipulative consumeristic introductions & impositions of unneeded gadgets, appliances & stuff/things no one truly needed to TRULY LIVE  iFarg, iskrew, ¥oink, stuff of such genre ripping off millions
       * LESS falsehood cloaked in Truthful sounding Bull Sh*T           

       * LESS proprietary plugs, adaptors, cables, chargers, terminals & all such commercially selfish 'wanna grab ALL profits for own enterprise' items

I am sure friend, your wish-list might have more "LESS" that are interestingly what we should wish for this CNY.

PEACE my friend - elusive, but worth the seeking  & wishing for..

Thursday, January 21, 2016

GPRS - Los†

Lord I pray the gift of precise un-speak,
that utterances non-verbal unambiguously, unmistakably, correctly transmit.   

Lord for another interface, i beseech: less "quiz-like" "audio-louder" "IQ point-fuller" "Message Clearer"

Lord did you come thence,
nicely gift wrapped, aroma-fragrant
for consumer satisfaction, 
as a PLEASANT christmas present?

Did you come thence :- 
•to not make waves?
•loud whispers too you were not to  breathe?
•not shake or break or impact ?
•to be not unPLEASANT ?

Did you come thence Lord to: 
-  to assess, then to: "good job" ?
- to affirm alswell with this handicraf†, thîs "MéSS" ?

That nothing here need  any REdoing ?
You came Lord, you saw, & affirm, all was "good"?
As when it all began & still is "good"? 
A rubber stamp - blanket approve?

 WHAT is

"good" "güü†é" "gU∂" "G00†é" "GøøD"                                     

Are you resting well, as they said you did, had, on the 5th day of YOU initiating: "Let there be, AND there was, LORD? 
Et tu, god, rest?

If worthy your disciple  i am shaped to be
  - to take role, of  remodeller, readjuster, rebalancer, to reset, return the corner stone reject back  AGAIN  to
then time enough, Lord to speak clear, speak loud.  speak precise.
mé  DEaF - still unhearing, 
mé Dümb - still unheeding, 
mé Blind - still sééing Nøugh† 
mé in Jail - still unFréé to act.
mé in Bondage - fearful of shadows 
When there no light is present to cast any. 
Yet in darkness, in doübt in un-enlightentenment shadows abound.
If  worthy instrument i'm to be 
don'† croon sweet nothings Lord.
don't, no need i soft, soothing, balmy pleasantries.
No not needing anymore political correctness.
That ßüll Sh•† has sufficiently been over dosed oversubcribed over nauseated.
Speak loud, stark, pointedly fervorFULL
Shøü† Loud all that TRUTH.
Better than pleasantries, richer than gold, than  LIFE itself - at me. 

°Come! Lord, not only at Christmas  please!
°Or feast days in the temple only, Lord.
°Not via noise blasters from the Masjeeds' Minarets å€¢¥Ω tîmes on day, only, Lord, please!
No! No Lord, not so pathetically, so empathically showering, outpouring our hearts at services for tragedy-hit-spots when respect {?} is evoked honouring the
"øffered life"  of another 'created'
taken involuntarily! unwillingly! against all personal wishes !


who offered?
in honor of whom ? of what? of which?

If not to YOU 
NO Life is to be Oƒƒérré∂

Speak unmistakably now, clearly send, Lord, every utterance that need heed be paid to.
 -Everyday, night, dawn, light, every moment when  YOUR  PreFørm i need. 

SHOUT them all - at me -

Soft gentle quiet whispers, 
ambiguous parables, 
said nothing then; 
gave no directions then; 
little guide then; 
led  no one nowhere then.

Nøñé heeded to hear, moved few even less - anywhere. 
Not then, not now!
Nøñé heard, were moved nor were led       
Was it worthwhile YOUR first 'came' then LORD?
The PRE-INStruct you gave then, 
from the mount, waaaa! 
the plains, wooooa!
the fisher places, wooooow!
floating on fishing boats,  & as YOU traversed over hills, over dales, over all the dusty trails   Wooooooiiee!
& At Calvary   /HéLLüîyåååå\ 
 The Preconfigurations served then, degenerated, dampened, diluted your misInStruct - 
scandalised  your PASSION.
The LOST-ness derived from (un)instructs  since day 0 
shrieks, clamours, fumes, boilsover, hungers, yearns, longs  for clear, beseechingly begs
Unmistakable Directions, Precise INSTRUCTs !
Pleeeeease LORD
Speak, CLEARly pleeeeease, 
DIRECTly, pleeeeease.
PRECISEly, pleeeeease.
We "LIFE" whom YOU initaitaed :  "be" 
& was, is, & will be- holding to the promise YOU gave, with all fervour

ALL 'life' beseech, beg be told, with crystal clarity 


                                W° I °L° L°