Friday, May 20, 2016

Cynic's Theorem

All MEN never are BROTHERS

°MAN is no more than an intelligent creature.
°MAN will never rise above the $LîMé.   
°MAN above the $LîMé, unerringly return to Bå$é

Any Man above the $LîMé all his living life is not Man.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Bar Mitzvahahaha...

are you
getting up so
late go
earlier to bed why
must you stay up so late you forgot to
your teeth again this morning
wash behind your ears take more plain
water less coffee tea colas fizzies put less sugar
in your drinks make
your bed when you’re
up no one’s picking up after you
take more fruits &
veggie cereals not that greasy up
sized Burgers with
fries @ McBees - KayEds stay
away from iced drinks eat
slowly chew not gobble your
food the
chicken fish's all cooked
can’t up & run away with the dish or
spoon no one’s going
to snatch
from you don't speak when your
mouth’s full what's
your hurry don’t rush through your chores one thing at
a time pay attention to detail finish 
what you started before 
going to the next remember to 
not leave your keys behind in
the public toilet use the correct
zebra crossing lane no
spitting on the ground pay
attention be alert when paying 
at check-outs follow the
queues when 
boarding the bus make
sure your wallet is safe in 
your pocket
bla bla bla bla bla blih blah blih bla bli bla bli bab bli bah bla bih blah blah blah 
bli blah blah blah bli bi bibi blai bai bla bla bla blah bli bla 
bi bila bba    

HOI get dressed up now
in an hour.



ProgressED report

…Whether you take the 2 tablets 3 times a day: 
before meals
after meals
3 hrs, 

2.025 hrs before meals, makes little significant change in your final disposition.

It may make the 'destination' a little better less exhausting to attain - you being in better 'shape'.
         Paying attention to details has much implications, much to re-look, reconsider.
This very helpful character attribute so often makes a person excel in most undertakings :(

         If one were to adopt an attitudinally Obsessive Compulsive-zoomed-in-focus with regards  DETAILS - per se; 

not a nånãñøøñøø  of progress, anti-gress, motion, émotion; in any direction; physical, virtual, spiritual 
would be initiated.

°° One would be probably contemplating one’s navel &    
    the contents within it thereof?
°° Staring on the speck of dust in da brother’s eye over     

°° Coagulating on the pimple next to the dimple of one’s   

    neighbor on the opposite block?

    Unless critical as in an ER life & death scenario - all this paying of  particular attention to ‘insignificant superfluous’ details makes for a situation where the nitty gritty, would clog, cloud, block up the FLOW; has to given a back seat — for the while.

For a fact though: 
each speck of nØthing, every bit of zerº, every teenîe wéénîé grain of dîr†, each particulate droplet of disallowed, every unFumigated flotsam, each insignifican† ignoblé - has a place in this 

                                                                                        Every living, unit that ever was LIFE’d will have it’s day, have its say   

                                        •• every ••

 Sparrow dropped to earth:
   Worm ever enmeshed within the earth:
     Fish that salin'd the seas:
       Tigers striped suits, dried:   
          Spot of the d•ts, off the Leopards hide:           

be it:
Capacious, Ginormous, Gargantuan 


insignificant, nonentity, micro-nullé

Grey hair of anyMan -   

will be wove into the Tapestry.

When all’s said, done, acted; each, every & all fibers entwined into the MAINframe of life,
each would have the center stage, the rostrum, given the mike; 

to relate each's autobio•tales:  
to satisfy, satiate, hand in the log books 

                so love to    ‘know’   how we did,


Sunday, April 17, 2016

Missing Peace

      When a piece (or two) is absent in a being, the incompleteness prevents the creature from attaining perfection in peace, freedom of spirit, & generally "Happiness" is not attainable.

What is absent from a person though is less important as that which should be removed.
      The many intentions, urges & cravings, that fill a person are the very same that disable him from attaining completeness. Buddhism directly refers to this..with the accompanying aim to devoid one of all wants & physical needs in attempting to attain perfect harmony, freedom and peace.
      How is anyone able to be 'good' when where "good" need to be, there is present much "un-good"?

When attempting to search externally for peace, freedom, or harmony;  one unfailingly would be trekking along a path full of every manner of alluringly, attractive distractions, & diversions; with all manner of irresistible pleasures and sensual gratifications. Ultimately leading one to where most everyone else has ended up in….not far from where one started --- nowhere nearer one's goal. 
      Thus if one seeks for truth, harmony or peace external to oneself as it were a thing that one has to grasp, to acquire, to possess, ones' quest will reaffirm the elusiveness of the inattainability of perfect peace.

      Similarly just as fallacious is the assumption that one should pray against 'evil' as if it were an external threat and attempt to protect against it with a cloak of godliness or spiritual blessings.  
Evil not unlike goodness, is not outside of oneself, rather the two, good & evil reside within every one.
   When negative-ness of bad is lessened, the fullness of good is increased, much like the balance or Harmony one knows as the ying/yang of Chinese philosophy. 

   To be truly free, close to harmony & ultimately find PEACE in life, is to devoid all "UN-GOOD" WITHIN oneself & fill that void with GOOD.

There is hardly any other way.


     There were two birds each seated in different trees.

     One in a beautiful, flowering tree with much shade from the burning sun. The fruits of the tree were fragrant & succulent, one would indeed consider the bird sits in avian heaven.
     The other bird’s perch is a dead tree trunk. Denuded of bark, of foliage, shade-lessly hot in the burning sun. Barren of fruits or flowers. Nothing but a stump of wood sticking up from the ground only serving to give perch support to the bird.

     It would in many other creatures’ natural inclination [human being’s especially] to very immediately IMPROVE it’s stature by hopping over to the ‘better’ higher end 'property'.

     Often times indeed the second bird does just that.

    The bird in avian paradise -  though having it’s personal space, it's home - TREE [where it was born, where generations of his ancestors had origin & final dispositions] “threatened”, “invaded”, “intruded”, "compromised" [by human reckoning/values]  -  DOES NOT take any measure to dislodge, evict or prevent the ‘intruding’ 2nd bird.
Even if it sits right next to it, the first Animal would simply shift a little to the side - to make room.

There-in the difference, between MAN (?made in HIS image) & ANIMAL

Which the former,  which the animal?

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Child's Prayer

  Allow me Lord to view this Life, All it's wonders:
Even You, LORD as a child would.
No matter how gnarled & withered old I do become,
Allow not my innocence to age,
Nor my sense of wonder, awe, & curiosity to ever dull  or grey.
Grant me, the Perpetual Naivete of a child, Lord,
Should You deign to bless me even as you did Methuselah.
For to lose my Innocence is to lose 


Nationalism, Patriotism, Religion.


       In many ways nationalism & patriotism often lead to isolationism & exclusivity, resulting in a segregated narrow outlook, a closed mindset - a festering ground for extremism, discrimination & injustice.
There was a Presidential hopeful in the US during the 60's who advocated racial segregation vehemently.
Even now such instances of a misplaced & oft violent sense of supremacy based on whatever ideals - be they religious, race or nation-based is evident almost every where Man lives.
    It is such failed righteousness, tainted by a sense of selectivity i.e. of belonging to an exclusive or higher grade creature or group that leads to rejection of other similarly as equal creatures, which more times than not lead to violent deadly altercations. 
   Often if exploited by irresponsible elements using manipulative psychology based on Religious, race based biased rhetorics would promote violence & the taking of lives - often dismissed & justified as a "religious duty - or an obligation Divinely sanctioned".
                      What BALDERDASH
Yet no one who would have an effective impact on turning this tide around has found it in his agenda to campaign, to promote & achieve this ideal that All Man be given EQUAL regard.  
It sounds 'nice' & is 'comforting' to read of these entrenched noble ideals in places like on the Walls of impressive buildings & in speeches as quickly dissipated by the chilly wind of reality, popularity & public acceptance. 
In any case whats the BIG deal in the instilling of PRIDE based on one's CITIZENSHIP i.e Nationalism ?
Or patriotism when one's country is in a war or armed conflict with another ?

After almost 2000 years of western Civilization is Man to still view and regard one another as antagonistically separate creatures?
   Or more nobly as MAN - each as equal & noble  in his own right - NOT based on something less or nobler & worthier as the geographical location in which one has citizenship or of what skin pigmentation was ones parents or to which religious group does one swear allegiance.
  Should we not discard all the irrelevance linked to divisionisms AND become truly a RACE of believers [UMMAH]  created ones of HIM? One Race? 
   Or would that be a confirmed liability in every sphere of commerce & industry & especially military supremacy & dominance?
  It will be never achievable when minds see only as far as the next "profit" "gain" "higher ground positions" 
   Man & animals are different only in Man's -much
Justified & rationalized but - unwarranted greed for more than is necessary to achieve supposed HAPPINESS!
Then again does anyone know what is true Happiness & similarly - what is TRUTH?

The unchangeable fact of a mortal existence preempts anyman's quest for such answers

Saturday, March 12, 2016

MøñkéYing around

      "... the seeming ease of scaling greater than humanly possible heights (with less than human efforts) & plumbing deeper than inhumanly devilish depths, through computer enhanced or generated interfaces, CGIs, has spawned an untapped pool of potential organ donors or harvestees, insofar as the maximising, extending of normal living human "functionales' are concerned.

Appendages & other human organs vis brains, hearts, lungs, 
vocal chords [especially], 
ears [more especially] 
now more often lie dormant, in idle mode, left on the shelf - so to speak.
    Once very value add-ons to our human anatomy & function which in days gone by (not always good Oldé Då¥s) increased human bonding as well as helped make life a truly worthwhile pursuit.
are now used & coordinated, preconfigured  to unerringly, [contrary to OEM's intent/design]
be centered, focused on what, how much, can be GAIN'd, be EARN'd, be WON, be PUT OVER on the OTHER Homo S{hole?}

HomoS (pronounce HomoASS), considered the greatest created Being since Alley Oo00ps
 -now cos he could click with one mighty left thumb, & mightier forefinger & could change perhaps redo the ENTIRETY?
 should be re-designed or in the least have these various useful (if as CREATOR intended) appendages/parts/attachments: translocated, transplanted, transposed - to folks who really needed these.
Many might prefer an Adopting Angel from a resource-rich nation to be made an Adoptee &  then flaunted as exhibits, of LOVE, of CARE, CONCERN for less fortunate, deprived udders ‘OTHERs’.
Perhaps that has already happened cos we might have translocated the human ‘thinker CPU' to be the next door neighbour of  Da BOSS 
& each time boss makes a break for the outhouse a little of  our 'thinker CPU' gets "fire'd into the °hole°

"...Man has almost (hope N؆) lost opportunity of attaining TRUE greatness,  expending God-given resources, Exhilarating, Gratifying, Obsessing  on zero return benefits via vainglorious  attempts to increase selfworth :- 

"Jéålous Seizüre - circa 0000"