Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Gu† i† ou†

"Advice" from a ['sympathetic' 'encouraging' 'positive'] Medically CONversant columnist. 
with disclaimer:

i dunno nothing i dunno nothing   i dunno nothing            i dunno nothing   i dunno i dunno nothing  nothing               i dunno
i dunno nothing  i dunno nothing  i dunno nothing            i dunno nothing   nothing i dunno nothing  nothing              i dunno
i dunno nothing                             i dunno nothing            i dunno nothing    i dunno nothing i dunno i dunno          nothing      
i dunno nothing                             i dunno nothing            i dunno nothing   nothing                            nothing    i dunno
i dunno nothing i dunno nothing   i dunno nothing            i dunno nothing   i dunno                            i dunno nothing
i dunno nothing i dunno nothing   i dunno nothing            i dunno nothing   nothing                            nothing i dunno
i dunno nothing                             i dunno nothing            i dunno nothing   i dunno                            i dunno nothing
i dunno nothing                             i dunno nothing            i dunno nothing   nothing                            nothing i dunno
i dunno nothing                             i dunno nothing            i dunno nothing   i dunno                            i dunno      nothing
i dunno nothing                             i dunno nothing dunno nothing i dunno   nothing                            nothing         i dunno
i dunno nothing                             i dunno nothing dunno nothing i dunno   i dunno nothing i dunno  i dunno              nothing
i dunno nothing                             i dunno nothing dunno nothing i dunno   i dunno nothing i dunno  nothing                i dunno
i dunno nothing                                  i dunno nothing i dunno nothing         i dunno nothing i dunno  i dunno                nothing

" but for pain due to Steroid Withdrawal an individual needs to gut it out , one thing IS for sure that eventually the pain will pass away."

~ which first ?

~ the pain or the individual,  passing away ?  medicine an imprecise Science Art ??????
 "akin to blanks fired in semi-darkness" it is surer the individual would, before the pain, pass away.. hence attaining painless-ness.

 More than that
the UNFAILING Creator is
  ever "surer" ever "precise" 
   Man having been conferred mortality, would be called Home : by HIS Law --- SUREr than by any Pharmaceuticals'  CONjectured PostuLA†ED CONSPIRated  CON$téépATEd Possibilities or W.t.e.f.g.h.i.js 
have ¥øUs where uncer†ain†ies are being given faked sense of Guarantee$ with conjectured possibilities, all unQEDable 

~ In this realm expect "smart" a$$é$ such as unCONnected COLUMnist making clucking,  patronizing noi$e$, accompanied by expectant $ound$ of ca$h register$; totaling anticipated credit$ -- Columnist's credit$
when it especially is NOT their PAIN to begin or end with ~

Ye† "Gut it out" in any even†
is advice good to dwell on
whisl† pain wreaks havoc on the oh so human so impermanent frail body....

~In the REALM of the "Living"    
 no surer thing than 
                ~ PASSING away~                 
 ~In the REALM of the After-Here 
As sure as passing away is assured   
           expec†     «'»     be assured
            †here would be Nø pain
       øñé need deal nøugh† with any PAIN 
                 ESPECIALLY when

HE done

H E 
|||||||||||| ever ||||||||||||


Circa : oo0o

Saturday, July 8, 2017

To & fro ..


we come as others did too ~ from the ashes of history                       
we think we are special ~ as others did
too ~ in the ashes of history                       
we make our attempts at glory ~ as others did
too ~ in the ashes history                       
we are gone, only so much ashes, (abt 8 lbs) as others wen†
too— ino the ashes of history

†he poin† is …
is there      ?

Nåpåløñé Børñåpår† 
Circa 00o0

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Blow thye TRump.é†

When one wanting to imitate some one, sets a goal, AN IDEAL, so high that every moment of one's try, one fails, never ever coming close to whom (what) one emulates; would that bring anything worthwhile? 

    It just proves how silly the notion of attempting to  surpass one's own natural standards and abilities. 

    If born a bird - one would probably be able to excel as a bird - in an avian environment. Try till one's bird-balls turn blue, there is not much chance of one ever breaking the mold of a very unchangeable settings i.e. a bird-born  specimen of the bird family.       
Thus even if one could ditch the feathers, lose the 'natural' mode of locomotion, & waddle, swim like a penguin; still the same - 'bird' - 
 - in penguin form one remains
        ~~~  'BIRD' ~~~
    One can never be what one isn't made to be. 
 If one's ambition is to become a worm {uuurgh worms BAAAD, Butterflies? from wormy [too] Caterpillars = Greatly Awesome}
Or become a buffalo maybe? 
Or a PéåCock! That surefully would be awefully åwe$mé; no?
   This fact REALIT¥ which most are reluctant to face up to, brings a scenaRIO of what many are imagINg today
 …unreal Wannabes ...  
•$nakes ~ fantasizing they were   
•Mangy mongrels ~making believe 
  they were pediGREED canines

~ a naturalLéé cømmøñ bée who wannabée some "TING" 'other' than what it was made to bée.

   -We cannot accept our God given natural status - and just excel within it -
  This refusal, reluctance, to squarely realize our abilities or lack of,  can be summarily put as deluded wishful day dreaming.
BUT it DEFinitely is NOT one's fault or doing..
    It was conceived & propagated by planted Ideologies similar or same or equal to Theologies similar or same or equal to Indoctrination, similar or same or equal to Mass Manipulation via  Media's pleasantly planted must- acquire at ALL COSTs soft core-hard-sell advereasements;
"anyone can attain whatever one puts one's mind to"
An extremely "Productive/Destructive" element, 
a form of POPulation-wide indoctrination, fueled by capital-making motives of a consumer-targeted society 
that thrives on $ELLING 'worthless' values as means of generating COMMERCE & material gains 

nobody gives a hootîñéhhñééhøø 
what happens to individuals long  as there is money/gains to be made from the irrelevant Masses.

    Younger folks, wishywashed teens, 
& peterPAN-adult-kids fall into that mode of think-acting on a regular daily basis. 
Laboring under this CONcept of "I can be whatever I set my "mind" to be. 
[?ensure "mind" is adequate.primed]
 I can, if I put heart, soul, plus nothing much else

  °Wannabe a pop idol
  °Wannabe a STå®
  °Wannabe adoréD
  °Wannabe all & sundry that they most definitely are not made to ever be !

Deluded about having talents to fly like a bird whilst creaure very UNFORTunately was born COMplete with 4 legs & striped  ~ a zebra.
•Wannabe the President of the United  
  States of Delusional Fantasy, when 
  can't read, write in legibly     
  understandable lingo; 
  can't make any legible sentence    
  expressing constructive coherant  
  ideals with extensive public benefits
•UNbothered unCONcern of parents'   
  greatgrandparental descent ~ Dunno  
  dun care dun give a h00†
•possessed of NîL zîlch qualities to  
  administer, isn't equipped with, nor  
  can be trained to acquire the
  attributes of an effective President of 
  ANY State, be that of Deluded FANtasy
  -or the UNITED $†a†e$ of A

  Such stuff which everyone has seen before forms the storyline of books & movies:
"The Despicables  -- I, II, III, & more
"Haîry the Pot --- SERies I II III IV upto & béYøñd ~ to where no pot or utensils has ever dare try beé
Yet being what we are, huMAN; 
we laugh, we ridicule such puerile attempts to break out of the confines of one's 'birthed-with' nature/attributes, to think & act outside the box in which our 'rockets of awesome potentials' (?imagined potentials) are waiting to be (tou are) fired/LAUNCHed. 
  To look at such attempts at trying or to be MORE than what one can at all achieve naturally; AND ridiculing such 'misdirected ambitions' does not make one any more or less than the ones we are 'despicabling' 
These exercises in derogatorily sniggering at another
 are self-therapeutic. A  mental pastime, practiced within limits, healthy ~ if kept  private & personal.  
Mental mocking of other creatures' unrealistic 'higher' ambitions; AND more effective, turning it inwards at oneself »»self "mocking"«« acts as spurs prodding one's 'stallions'[mares] to loftier heights
     disproving the cynic's bedROCK

"there is no good to be had from 
'¢ommøn' huMåñ$" 

   The sooner one realizes one's abilities (or lack off) for posts or positions one can (or can't) attain to, things start to go better for everybody else, avoiding collaterally damaging bystanders, which might involve

          ~ the entire United States of hArmerica ~ 
& sparing oneself eternal ridicule et infinitumin charted in the annals of clowniescharacers kept in The Wikipedia in the never end-able Library of  TRUTH.

THUS if do or else die have to, need to,  try 'imitate' or pretend to wannabeé luminaries, within the LIMITS of one's abilities, setting one's goals just a little lower 
  eg CON$trucion 0ffice CLück           
             ooops Clérk?

In the very first instance why would one even wish to imitate or be anyone else 
other than oneself   
                   Unless that persona is the absolute 


ake heed, advice, tip, from an antiquated ancient Chinese bunmaker[Longoñé DéåD] 
who lived once, next door to Confucius 
~~ "Try pass SH• commensurate with size of Añü$" ~~      
   ≈≈ peacé might just make it ≈≈

Chîmp Påñ†¥
circa: 00o0

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Patrio†ism Nationalism BRUTîsm ..


In many ways; nationalism & patriotism, tribe based pride...
often lead to isolationism & exclusivity, resulting in a segregated outlook, a closed mindset - a festering ground for extremism, discrimination & injustice.
There was a Presidential hopeful in the US during the 60's who advocated racial segregation vehemently.
Even now such instances of a misplaced & oft violent sense of supremacy based on whatever ideals - be they religious, race or nation-based is evident almost every where Man is.
It is such failed righteousness, tainted by a sense of selectivity i.e. of belonging to an exclusive or higher grade creature or group; that festers rejection of other similarly created creatures as equal humans with similar "rights"
Often such 'ideals' of "superiority" lead to violent & deadly altercations.
When exploited by motivated elements i.e. malevolent humans skilled in employing manipulative psychology emphasizing non-essential but such seemingly righteous VALUES of Religiosity, race based rhetorics; violence & the taking of lives & the termination of entire ethnic groups, often result.
Such acts are often dismissed & justified as a "religious duty - an obligation that is nobly conferred Divinely sanction".
What BULL Sh«»
What COW Dung.
   Yet no one who would have an effective impact on turning this tide around; i.e. respected rational world/INTERnATIONAL leaders; those to whom the mostly 'LOST' citizenry, 
look to for leadership - for pointers - for Clues, for guides, for centering, for tips :
No one who effectively could make a profound change; has found it in his agenda to campaign, to promote & seek, to achieve this ideal that All Man be given EQUAL regard

It sounds 'nice', is 'comforting' to read of these noble Values, & highfalutin Ideals 
And carved or embedded [NOT in the hearts of Man] but in places like
the Walls of impressive buildings
look so reassuringly NOble
When Audio'd in speeches, exhorting propagating such noble ideals again warms the cockles & Mussels of the heart 
BUT as quickly, are dissipated by the chilly wind of
Reality, Popularity & Public Rejection, practical survivalism. 
Even before the echo stops reverberating in the Halls.
    In any case what's the BIG [i]deal in the instilling of PRIDE based on one's CITIZENSHIP 

~ Nationalism ?
~ Patriotism? 
And when one's country is in a war or armed conflict with another, invoking the oft effective manipulative emotive Battle Cry    ~~~~~~~~
"For GOD, for king, for country"

Hoi Hoi stop..
GOD - of all reference, IS the most maligned justification for man's personal ill-intent.
YET the most effective as none alive would dare refuse to comply ~ & be perceived as going against HE G O D.

But it is NOT NEVER G O D, who would make such rabble rousing calls/sounds.

After almost 2000 years of western (?)Civilization is Man to still view and regard one another as antagonistically separate creatures?

Or should Man not have progressed to more nobly view each & everyMAN - as equal & noble in his own right - based on nothing less or nobler & worthier than the geographical location in which one has citizenship;
or what skin pigmentation was ones parents colored with;
or which religious group one swears allegiance to?
Should we not discard all these irrelevance which links to divisionisms AND become truly a RACE of created ones of HIS?
One Race of 'Life' [Humanoid or non humanoid]
Such proposals IS a confirmed liability
in every sphere of HUMån commerce, industry, ENTERprise
More especially in military supremacy & dominance.

It will be never achievable when minds see only as far as the:

next "profit"
next "gain"
next "higher ground"
next "opportunity"
next 'opening' to change the game in order to
Man & animals differ
in that, only in Man are values
justified, rationalized, admired & promoted as qualities of optimal for a grown MAN -

unwarranted desire for more  acquisitions than is necessary to attain ***HAPPINESS*** 

Then again does anyone truly know what Happiness

& similarly -

what TRUTH is ?
how these could be attained.
   The unchangeable fact of human mortality precludes anyman's quest for answers.

If one can live immortally perhaps then one migh seek that TRUTH.

As otherwise after a number of existence MAN.years;
when one cannot remember even 
where to Pee, Poop,
who or what one is, where one is ...
the rational mortal person's right set objective while
still sentient & capable would be to do ALL the possible doables


E. N. J. O. Y.


M.A.X. O.U.T.

WHATEVER that is needed

to attain

highest THRILL

Does one, does anyone, care, be   bothered:
how great the negative fall-out to other
felluus    would be when one live  with no communal, national, public concern or regards for anything everything ~ since one being MORtal one would be looooong gone ~ rather [dead] sure, the STENCH could never catch up into the realm of the 
"uuu" "eee" "ooo" "aaa"


~none has resurrected to tell  about~

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There IS a FINAL inescapable. ACCounting.

May one facing Such 
         an ACCOUNTANT 
..ensure correctness as advocates & solicitors not included..

instigated by:
ñåpAløñé BørñAPAR†

TRüE ***ünbélîévér$..

For no Reason or Rhyme
For no Season-ing or Thyme
They poi-son-ED my DoG|G0D
 Tha† FAI†hfool-ED  0ld DoG

For want of a Shooo
A Hos† was Los†
For want of a Ho$†
A BATte® was Los†
For wont of a Ba††e®
A Gamblé was L0$†

for réå$0ñ & rh¥mé
for $éå$0ñ & Téåm
I  ““dog-less 0ñé”” 
håvé thus go†o poî-$0ñ **their god|DoG   
**Büñçh of  ≈◊√˝©&%$#@≠«“÷Æ©ÎÍ


 A N D     "life" goes on 
               «««»»» a little b¥†é Longer  «««»»»


bu† MY GoD|DoG †hé¥ poisoned...

The psyLéñt Gå$eous lis†enter @ every "meal" went :Büurrrpppp !

And here we "wen†" again ........

ñåpOLøîñ Børñåppé†î†
circa 00o0

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Rémîñî$cé îñ Trå$î† Løüñgé

When life’s taste's gone drab

what JOY once held dear

now reduced

to painful longings

for days long gone

~~ LOS† ~~

in misty nights

of solitary aloness

Suffocatingly entombed deep

in depths filled brimmingly full

with misty recollections of transient highs actuated whilst in youngeR irreverance

Blandness topped, exacerbated by tha† endlessly served daily die† of drudgery;

†hat which made 'LIFE'

†he B L A N D

I† now is


Imminent permanence as in

"LIFE"'s demise

takes on a craved for

Welcøming ~ Beckoning ~ Glow.

~~~~ A 'wished-for' ~~~~

which "LiFE"
    once dread
ye† from whence †oo       

    once cåmé

A Re†urn to †he Embrace within †he bliss-filled Enfoldmen† of CREA†or

~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ 

$åmplé $îmøñé
circa oo0o