Ever since the opportunity, ability, was handed to the general public to express whatever it wanted via the WWW: there's been a plethora of "talk", "chatter", "vocal", ethereal "diarrhea"
-- no topic or subjects, any & all opinions, personal group hang-ups, bias, anger, hatefulness, discriminations, badmouthing, and of course too; noble uplifting thoughts
- in short -
is now placed at anyone's DISposal (synonym for sewage -no?)
-------- an"online" store of "Collective Verbiage" is "freely" available ---------
the ENTIRE universal [or almost universal] - cos there is little & if any, weak impotent constraints by governmental or other enforcing authorities.
This moving mobile "in the cloud" library, has hit the ethereal space - in a vengefilled frenzy, every person of every inclination, motivation, intelligence [or lack of] has not held back on adding to the "pool" (cess?)
Be these be good, bad or plain idiocy/genius.
This is not just about getting heard; or keeping in touch with each other conveniently & comparatively cheaper over vast distances as in days of the postal mail.
»»»» If any good is at all extricable from all this 'noise' it would probably be the ability to be 'seen', 'heard' & much akin to the innate need of the K9 ~~~~~~
to indiscriminately; release it's (should be withheld) bladder bounded "freedoms" AND gleefully mark every vertical structure it stumbles upon, with its pee, &
as it perambulates down the sidewalk; homing in on the pheromones of the female K9 {the females being always less regarded than males hence aptly Kesevan or K7?}
WHY does the K9 & too the homo S's do this verbiage?
Just cos it can --
just cos it has to --
just cos otherwise in a few short "tick tock"s
the chance & the creature itself is gone ?
after which the created creature can do nought but to forever hold its
so Happy Merdeka?
Happy independence?
Happy 'freedom' ------------ from what? who?
Oppressive regimes?
Or is it 'freedom' 'release' from one's own innate instincts, smellier, more despicable than the
poop & pee of the K9s, K7s & similar others?
Many celebrate with little care, or concern nor do they nor would they trouble selves to get deeper more immersive meanings / innuendoes of the events of which they never will be in the spirit of,
the gory guts, sweat, blood, tears which The Nation's True Founding patriots, sacrificed, & spilled
"Tanah Tumpah-nya Darah Ku"
»»»»»»»»»»»»but who cares ««««««««««««
any chance, any little leeway open, folks get to
they ---
"Ot" i.e of unspecific gender
the LBGTWxyz+more
will waste NOT, the chance, to GRAB it so be in the public; eye <•>
To be the COA [center of attraction] for the briefest moments -
- even if what these COAs' 'expressed" may stink like that which emanates from the cess-pool & the rectal orifices of the K9s, K7s, & others
»»»»»»»»»»»» but who cares ««««««««««««
More of relevance & in reference to the welfare & true Happy-ness of the long suffering, patiently tolerant common MiM (man in malls or Public) [tolerant as there seemingly is no recourse to be otherwise than tolerant] is who, which group is
fanning the flames of Patriotism,
of {?} Love for Nation
of extreme emotions
wHEN in REALity ~~~~ Ma
Happiness, PROSperity, Cash-Kush Life - of these maNIPUlator'$' them$elve
Thus it is more like "Happy Murderka" "Happy $trLIFE" "Happy Birthdaze to me, mine & ours"
"H A P P Y" is a 'position' always sought -
never on life's agenda,
never part of life's specifications,
never the promise ever delivered.
----- much as most people try to attain the "Happy" - as an attainable, an achievable, an objective doable aim in "life"
[if one puts one's mind to it one can do anything?]
~~~ any what'thing' ~~~
when more often than can be counted, mostimes one becomes psycho'ed into cattle for the abattoir
so in memoriam of that
"May the
May the Go0d Sense of celebration never be lost from you.
May you be always hopeful for a total make-over; of self, & by honorable acts & non-acts of others,
Of u†Most criticali†y
may THE denying of the UNreal from attempting to transform men into abbatior bound buffaloes ---making MAN believe their unworthy agenda is REAL & crucial for National well-being & HAPPINESS.
««««that 'mindset'- to be alert against such MañîpüLATHIEVE$ is very essential, crucially critical for a Go0D "LIFE"»»»»
NåpAløñé Bo®ñApar†