Having lost Salvation, in order to regain it, (so says the Church) a debt had to be repaid in Blood!
In the first place how was Grace lost? How did Man lose Salvation or the divine Grace?
All because Man had (supposedly) committed sin (wronged God) by doing what Man naturally were made to do - commit an act very natural to our innate self i.e. something we had been programed to be naturally inclined to do? Like the hungry tiger snapping at the lamb or the cat grabbing the unattended fish or the priests preaching about God, or the bird flying or the fish refusing not to fly!
After having done what we are made to do, the Church says we lost us our Grace & we now owe a debt.
Who is owing who in the first place & who needs to pay whom?
Is God also into a trading, commercial buy sell system?
Is Divine affairs also tainted with debits, credits and balance sheets?
We humans (according to Church) lost Grace and only the Son of God can magnanimously bear the burden of paying God, the Father by spilling His (the son's) blood so as to redeem our (created beings') debt.
Both Father & Son are one & the same entity - one of 3 inThe Holy Trinity.
If I were the Father possessing Divine abilities to just say and have it done, would I not be simple & write off what I owe myself by saying: "Let it be paid" ? And it would have been settled?!
But no, Church has come up with an explanation that:
Rather, I God, would prefer go the tortuous (dramatic & 'beneficial' to Church's agenda?) way of impregnating a Virgin, {who had to be pre-configured to be without Original Sin - whatever THAT is} through my other persona the Holy Ghost, then have my Son go through the pity-evoking birth in a forlorn stable, & grow up to diametrically oppose & vehemently frenzy-up the entire socio-political setting he was put in, to such a murderous rage that they had no choice but to kill Him.
All these just so that I as Jesus the Son could be killed & thus spilling my precious Blood, in order to repay the debt humans supposedly owed the Father; who essentially is also me, being the same entity as myself, Jesus the Son!
Does it not appear to be really a very Life -endangering trade when debts owed has to be settled with the spilling of blood! And imagine an ALL LOVING God wanting to get repayment through killing, when even other vicious loan sharks happily settle for cash?!
And after enraging the Pharisees and others to kill the Son, I the Father, resurrects the dead Son - effectively making his tormentous dying a non-event similar to and just as painful as drinking and other natural processes.
And all this was 'cos we did what we Man naturally were made to do! And LOST GRACE; thus the whole rigmarole of the REPAYMENT of the DEBT had to be carried out!
Even thinking about this tires a person let alone having to figure out the truth of the entire story of the Sacrifice!
Great Indeed is the mind which worked up this tale !
Other than faithful believers with unquestioning faith or someone with no independent original thought, this story is entirely in the realm of the unbelievably ridiculous. Even though humans were not imbued with divine Intelligence the simple basic logic we have makes such a convoluted bizarre story very, very unpalatable.
If one were to have Faith in the Divinity of the Maker of the universe, a Persona with the HIGHEST, NOBLEST GREATEST of all INTENTS, would one not at least expect Him to possess some reasonably acceptable more expedient way of conducting Himself than what Christianity (& other religious organizations)have theologized Him to have done?
THIS POST IS NOT REFUTING GOD or what one would call the MAKER; a persona who created all !
The foregoing refutes the ideas and claims associated with God, or attributed to Him, to justify the existence and relevance CHURCH or religion; the entire story on how we needed Jesus Christ to come get born through a very convoluted process, involving the dishonoring of an honorable virgin, asking her to make such a tremendously brave decision; then to suffer, die and get resurrected, just that a debt we supposedly owed to His Father who essentially is Himself can be paid by His son's spilling blood!
Rationally dwell on this and you might just see the ridicule of the entire premise.
Just because no one can prove God exist or refute Him does not need Church to come forth with such a tale to claim it true - again assumed true just because the tale cannot be refuted!
It is completely true there are many good priests and religious doing great charity & performing outstanding sacrifice in working for the ideals of Godliness without any realization that Church and all the theology we are told as divine TRUTH is really Divine or true!
If one meets a good truly loving and charitable sacrificing and godly priest one should be convinced that there indeed is God, & be assured of His goodness. At the same time just because there are good, honest priests, the theology associated with the religion which Church tells Christians as being the divine Truth is actually divine and truthful??!
It is very difficult, almost impossible to practice worship or adoration of God without religion. Structure-less worshipping & honoring the Maker may be reflex for those possess of higher intellects, the man of common born has need for prosthetic aid in the form of doctrines, sacraments & other aids vis statues, rituals, chants, mantras, likeness etc .
Perhaps therein lie the reason people flock to Church. It is easier, less tedious, to just follow than try to work out what God intended for us.
We may think with the complexity of Creation staring us in the face His intent for us must be really difficult or impossible for us Man to grasp.
One would be surprised and pleasantly elated by its COMPLETE simplicity .........
to be continued.