having purportedly been made/created/formed in the image of a divine almighty CREATOR ..
Human beings
act, speak, actuate, think, & in most every other human ways, try to live up to that
REGAL, DIVINE, GOD-ly image ---as they figured Regality Divinity GOD-liness are as what they presumed such SUPERnatural qualities to be - since none having ever had any personal interaction with the DIVINE
And one cannot help but notice such
peacock preening, posturing put-ons
& self-polishing going on
more particularly in respectable(?) higher nose'd
aristocratik circles...
In reality-
- on the ground,
when not under scrutiny
or supervised; huMANs
generally prefer
E a S
EaT & sLEEp
& indulge in other carnal
more naturalé beast-like urges.
more naturalé beast-like urges.
The order in which these Urges are mentioned
*•eat *•sleep.. does not indicate the intensity, obsessiveness
nor preoccupation of the mentioned Urges.
Besides the above 3 most basic instincts/urges
is a whole list of other sub urges
as urgent
as urgent
as basic
as sub-huMan,
not beast-like perse - but reflectingly similar; interestingly as exotic.
And these too flicker on & off in that basic urge center of select huMANs --
trying stiff-upper-lip.ley to stay on even keel..
trying stiff-upper-lip.ley to stay on even keel..
Being [reputedly] made in HIS image
makes it tough to be a common huMAN
as one cannot
just simply
do it.
Established non-factual
by : LøîñAdøDåIñçhî