Tuesday, August 13, 2019

want your SKIN..

In attempting to ennoble ourselves erase our creature-ness, so to distinguish us; from beasts; to try attain a stature higher; we deny, distance ourselves from the undeniably shared nature of an animal; plain and simply a creature as any other -- be that donkey; monkey; or the rest of the happy jungle folks; lumped together in the animal grouping.

Man convolutes itself, deviously, devilishly, with characteristically unique ability, [which a beast could never muster- in itself an ability distinguishing man as more than a beast]
invents, postulates & theorizes; to justify that irrelevant unnecessary claim .. of being more than animal - of being of a higher order of created life;
trying to claim being made in God's image; which claim would establish Man's higher stature {of a creature more than a common garden slug}

How does any created life [created Life = createe = creature] a being  claim similarity to an Entity, in this instance the MAKER the Creator; God; when the Entity GOD has never been known to appear in any shape or form; visible or invisible; palpable or detectable; whatsoever; all throughout man's existence since..

   Hence the comic irrelevance of this particular nééd; to want to elevate self from the beastîé level to that of the Divine
   Laughably, that irrelevance is similar to the premise for Lucifer's expulsion from Grace, and relegation to the role of the Prince Knave of Darkness;

He Lucifer, too; refused to acquiesce to GOD, to honor this creature Man; as more than a plain beast: more than a porcupine, aardvark, squirrel, sea urchin, armadillo, porpoise, et al; refuse to acknowledge Man is more and higher than He; Lucifer.

Man desires stature - class; distinction; elitism; - to dissociate from low level creatures: by claiming association sameness with the Divine.

Lucifer has Pride; the Olympic syndrome of never wanting to be second to none. Before Man came along as the new kid on the block - he Lucifer was - second only to GOD; in other words - Top Dog 

[Hence THE UNIVERSAL CONSTANT is Ego, Pride, Elitism, Exclusivity - Jealousy
 to want to be counted as numero uno 
an irrelevant, unnecessary, misery-evoking almost irrepressible urge 

That Constant unchanging thus is

Tragically it STILL is 
       Prîdé ° Egø ° Dî$øbédîéñcé ° Adåmåñcé ° Vanî†y ° Jéålousy

refusing to even
submit to the highest-most authority ever



OrthopeDicKs diagnosis 

Severe Arthritic changes
can't genuflect
can't bend
can't bow

        or won't

Confided to
Déåf £épér
circa 00o0

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Whispering in the Loo..

There is no such animal as 
an Islamic,
                  Buddhist/Sikh/Sai Baba/Hindu
Christian Terrorist
A person with RELIGIOUS convictions do not do TERROR
   •only Terrorists do TERROR•
 Not only do TERRORISTs recognize no basic human decencies; they recognize no God.
The ones who do not abide by God's tenets -
belong to no faith - hence has no RELIGIONs.  
and do acts of terror are
          only has SELF centered agendas -    
       [not unlike many law abiding people]
BUT Terrorists get their agendas done ; doing TERROR.
One who fears God  - Honors Him - does Him homage do not do TERROR
    A [true] MUSLIM Terrorist  thus: does not exist;
neither does
   A [true] CHRISTIAN Sword welding - freely decapitating Terrorist

Nor any others; who profess religious faiths, adhere to them -- honoring (the self same) ONE true God..
There are though Muslim murderers, Christian Criminals, &  criminals/felons/deviated miscreants of ALL colors and nationalities and professed {lip service only} faiths;
    •plundering • raping • pillaging • murdering      
             with NO regard for God or Man
 These ARE Murderers, Criminals, Barbarians,      
Bastards & other Effing Mad Rabid Lunatic
           God-fearing religious TERRORISTs?
                      Try harder - making a Joke?
butttt: A new breed of Humans has arrive ; doing TERROR without overt pillaging, raping, or violence.
Their actions or covert non-acts 
  are as DEVILISHLY Devastating as those of  true blue TERRORISTs'

Some occupy SEATS of POWER.
be afraid be very afraid

Sîmplé Sîmøñé
:Cøñ$†åñcé Tîpå†é

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

beHAPPY.. Nø† beDazzled

°°A.F.T.E.R °°
".. & they Lived happily ever after.."
Damsels in distress
once saved by 
Sir Knights in Shiny Armors
¬¬   gø†  ¬¬
---»       distressed      «---
•   again  
Not 'cos of Giants nor of Dragons
Not 'cos of Ogres nor of Evil Witches
it just was
plain Master Time
creeping up;
dispersing the dreamy cloudy
PRE:instålled in ALL
for the
Better Management of Human Resources
Sir Knights Shiny Armors
fastly losing luster
--    rusting irreversibly   --
«  an Inconvenient yet necessary Truth  »
never thought
»   could   « »  would   « »   should  »
be REvealED
»  for of such are  «
of PREconditione® Installed for the
Better Management of Human Resources
•••••  «» ••••• 
«»   there never were   «»
 only Tales:of such
Instålled for the
Better Management of Human Resources
There's only



  ... R   E  A  L...
  re ... V   E  L... ed

Cruelly disclosed 
to $împlé $îmøñé

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Sanitize the SENATE...


    The vain; peacock.strutting, exhibitionistic showing off of self assumed excellence: acquired exclusivity: feigned nobility:
and everything else contrary for a  long

displayed arrogantly in every senators' face - all the time when interHumanizing with his Senate hommîés,
on the Senate floor,
on elsewhere,
on elsewhen,
on elsewhilst,
on anyONé Else,
likely on MrsBrutus too,

may be what
{trans-formed into a dracula-like entity}
»»  and his backstabbing crew  ««
to puncture/cadaverize Caesar
“..oh Nyé†; Etu.Brutus?.."
   ..Oh Yéå mE.tu.Julius …”

The beating goes ON 

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Monkey Sense..

      There was speculations once that given a keyboard-typewriter, and an unlimited length of  Time 

 .. a chimpanzee, baboon, ape or monkey - due to it’s similarity to humans and an  conjectured presumed equal in intelligence to a human - would be able to come up
 with a  BEST SELLER  novel or 
--  a  Script of Shakespearean eloquence & poetic artistry.
IF that self same baboon were to 1st reassemble all these keys together, 
then craft that Script of Shakespearean stature, many, for sure, would claim they were that monkey's uncle
to associate with such sheer genius: ape or no ape
That premise, though, has not been tested. No superAPE had been located to be appointed Poet Laurette Extra0dinaire.

   Certain nations are fond — to extremes — of opinion polling..
to the extent, that every move, choice made in any individual decision, even in the buying of toothpaste, is hinged on the results of Polls..
   If the number of folks of this particular nation were asked to select a national LEADER would it not be as impossible as a Simian Shakespeare ever being found?  
   What with the sheer numbers of individual opinions, personal biases  & criteria, idiosyncrasies, likes, political leanings & other preferences of tastes, cultural ethnic religious - even alma mater loyalties?  
° the more the given numbers of disparate criteria 
° the more the numbers of opinions of  selecting individuals
for the same one objective
 - in this case a National leader.
° the more the impossibility of a unified consensus that would make sense, being ever arrived at.
   The Ape would as unlikely be able to reassemble the diverse keys AND craft a prize winning novel
 as would a National Leader be unanimously agreed upon and chosen..
           »Both near impossible«  
Thus polling census and other TV time hogging entertainment revenue generating commerce - activities are just only that 
    -•--•---huge waste of time-•--•---
 as huge as that never going to be crafted Monkey’s Novel 

but the LEADER was selected

insider traded with
åLéé ben Bårbér

- it's bacK to basicK ..

           Homeland Security guy,
when told the oldish Asian looking couple would be housed in,  a one room student hostel apartment
whilst in America, intuited his personal bias/opinion -- laced with snooty high nosed insinuation; implying: -RATs VERMINs BUGs PESTs - like nature of the ASIAN couple
:: "..you people sleep 5 in a one-room apartment, where, did you crawl come from..”?
like it was supremely SINfilled, unacceptably,  a rare sight ever in A Homeland zero hero bravely belligerently guarding the Land of the Free, Home of the Brave - from a couple of old aged Asian terrorists Grandparents.
 UNhumAn, degrading.. despicably nonAmerican?

..To the regular Homelandish question why the oldish Asian looking couple were there..
 °to help with a grandkid°     
   the guy's retort was reflective of  stock & staple, bread & butter, cow-like mindset of an uncivilized secluded caged-in never been anywhere else man who just happened to be American by nationality. No big deal at all.

      He does of course neither represent nor reflect, nor is America.
just a poorly raised human with huge sad zeroes raving in a narrow heart.
    Such uncalled for hostility, inoculated &  impressed on, benign nonpartisan folks,
who were first timers; excitedly stepping on a historically admired land -- which other than it (USA) geologically not being on Mount Ararat - would  otherwise have been equated with Holy in the minds of many from less favored communities; elsewhere.
- hoping to be embraced too in a Land fabled to have been blessed with Honey Milk & Gold paved streets.
A nation 
self glorified as FREE, BRAVE & lifted with other misplaced expletives Superlatives
     THE place to be.. on mud-pie mother earth  almost heaven.
   Unbeknownst to the homeLANd security guy, such unWELCOME xenophobic denigrating of foreigners, with such obvious contempt who through no personal faults are NOT Americans - are humans... 
 might have prepped the manure- [manure it is] from which soil sprung that deadly fruit unleashed in the
unforgiveably inhuman, inexcuseable  ungodly,  anti-LIFE,  genocidal act of extreme malevolence by Osama bin Ladin  -- 911
         Perhaps too why the Free [free ? Oh yea?] world still wastes resources - of human & materials, costing much $€¥€
seeking out & trying to defuse what the I.S.I.S. is attempting  - & counter poisoning with  just as potent just as misplaced, unneeded, deadly venom...
               All excused via the most effective means known to Humans 

 »» misplaced religious fervor 
 «« misdirected human egos 
 »» to bolster unwarranted  
·•·Lord $nootyness 
Self-Vain Gory Glory
After that joyous groundbreaking event, when every freedom loving heart of Man leapt,
  the felling of the BERLIN WALL
          the world is witnessing anew
             a contractor suprémø herø zerø..
      proposing putting up another        

PreSchool child ask:
"    ...Does Human nature ever change?...   "
aged Grandies ::
"¥ € $ of course"
                           from Ok to wors†

Leaked by:
Jüdå$$ I$cåRoT

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

can't JUST DO IT..

      Cast in the mold of a creature different from just a mere beast;
 having  purportedly been made/created/formed in the image of a divine almighty CREATOR .. 
Human beings 
act, speak, actuate, think, & in most every other human ways,  try to live up to that 
REGAL, DIVINE, GOD-ly image ---as they figured Regality Divinity GOD-liness are as what they presumed such SUPERnatural qualities to be -  since none having ever had any personal interaction with the DIVINE 
And one cannot help but notice such 
peacock preening, posturing put-ons 
& self-polishing going on 
more particularly in respectable(?) higher nose'd
aristocratik circles...
In reality-
- on the ground,
 when not under scrutiny
  or supervised; huMANs
generally prefer





E a S

EaT & sLEEp 
& indulge in other carnal
more naturalé beast-like urges.
The order in which these Urges are mentioned 
*•eat  *•sleep.. does not indicate the intensity, obsessiveness
nor preoccupation of the mentioned Urges.
Besides the above 3 most basic instincts/urges
is a whole list of other sub urges  
as urgent
as basic
as sub-huMan,
not beast-like perse - but reflectingly similar; interestingly as exotic.
And these too flicker on & off  in that basic urge center of select huMANs -- 
trying stiff-upper-lip.ley to stay on even keel..

Being [reputedly] made in HIS image
makes it tough to be a common huMAN


as one cannot
                just simply
                     do it.

Established non-factual
by : LøîñAdøDåIñçhî 

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Con†rAC† REnewed REaffirmed ..

     Sci-fi  books on Future scenarios : by famed writers, scripted years back; on Robots - Artificial Intelligence,  forecasted people are to morph, mutate into beings reluctant for  direct person to person contact ;
--instead future beings [crea†ees of & from the CREA†OR]  prefer physical isolation; with only non-human Robots as servants, aidés, companions, playpartners  —
The scenario already is fast coming to be.  
     If one's observation sharpness were tuned acute:
 one would note:
that peculiarity of non preference for personal face to face physical interactions -
that close-physical bonding -the Man to man [huMAN to huMan] interfacing - a nearness -  really not invited nor relished and not sought after even now, with many contemporary beings.
  Most good people who just •go with the flow• though, 
now and always,are tuned to excel in the essential sensual now, living their days to the Hilt fool full... to these 
"wine, woman/man & song" folks 
the values followed of total sensuality though overwhelmingly lopsided 
yet critical for these good fellas -akin to that feeble fable Cricket which cares only 
>> wining, singing, dancing, & all else under section ««ENJOY»»  
come whatever may <<
To these: ""A very good fuck ooops luck""  
 With speedy data transfer technology evolving - the claim that people are brought closer by Web/Internet connectivity is true  •• only if one considers a non-touch virtual get together 
Multitudes are connectedly-linked..  with each on different spaces --- forebodingly distant
each individual celebrates - weddings, birthdays, attends baptism and all else
 via Pod-Castings -- virtually bonding, 
~~~ singly~~ AND ~~apart. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
no personal physical presence, no human bonding, no one within "Loving" range - nøñé .but it is a celebration - wedding feasts birthdays anniversaries etc all by each lonesome self far removed on different places planets spheres of interaction.....
separate yet together.
Pretty soon; likely new born-babes may be materialized with need for no traditional physical procreativity of parents. 

Whatever the diverse ideals of good huMAN values, & ingredients which make LIFE richly flavored - 
humans, all 
need a dedicated superNATURALness..

need a personal physical PRESENCE of the DIVINE persona.
                  Easter is about that
 - GOD
 •Almighty Maker
•   Creator
   •  Initiator
     • SUPREME
      •Allah s.a.w
 [& all other huMAN tongue'd honorifics to the MOST HIGH]
initiate an act of LOVE -- breaking form,
taking on what a lowly dust mite of
a zero huMan, could relate to,
via the way the dust mite aka a huMAN, could relate to..

          the CONTRACT is reaffirmed      renewed resanctified
  by nothing less than  blood --
     LIFE  itself..(in the dust mite huMANs value system)
•Regardless of monetary status 
•• or the might of destructive ability  
 ••• the huge huMan-power'd  reserves
•••• through strength  in numbers: of paid up gang members
••••• or how many the WMDs would fire up on LAUnCH buttons' initiation.

REGARDLESS: of any, of every and all huMAN values       
    HE Reafirm the CON†RAC† is ever inFORCé  
        All may reapply for re-entry

 Happy Easter. 

May your sojourn be a pleasant one. 
May your destination be wonderful.

Sourced by
Gøø$éé GOsee Gå†hé®