Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Feel good

    In the beginning days, soon as the 1st man, spies the 2nd; coming over the horizon; unless the intruder [only 2 males were here then, yet “intruder”] comes bowing & scrapping on hands & bended knees, the 1st will immediately tighten his anal sphincter, his left testicle go green, & his heckles will rise.
  Such is that admirable creature called ‘man’ fashioned in HIS image.

Most definitely something’s not so right; either in the actual events of us being fashioned in HIS image or the narration of the tale about Man & HE was deodorized, sanitized & transmitted with intent for public consumption & unquestioning acceptance ?
   TRUTH being elusive in almost every facet of man’s maneuverings, & dealings with other man; it is never likely to be 2nd nature.
   The day dawns when there is nothing else to be got; 

when Man become non-material; 
with no urges, 
        or needs to upsize 
.. perhaps then TRUTH would be easier     
      transmitted - heard & told.

Jéåløü$ $éîzü®é
circa : 00o0

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