Wednesday, December 21, 2016

MYTHS of Yawnnnn

“..the special taste of mommy’s cooking increases in exquisiteness & relishies†-ness the longer she been "gone"..."

And like all such stuff bandied around the human camp 
f'instance :
GOSPEL †oo†hs
TORAKoranic Verses
Mossaadik TABLETS

'truths' people feel good about are        
.... really nonsensical l.i.e.s ....
Ou†right fibs & fakeries to placate the thinking public 


more potent, yet less soul destruct than the opium of yawn...yore.

   No one alive knowing & living in  conditions hell-like 
[even in SUCKcessFOOL 1st world nations] want to face their 
daily †øXîç & Lé miserablé$$.

Every one thinking with even 1/5th of their mind wants to 'escape'.

Fantasies become 
   truth seRUMs
    magic PO†ions
     to help lift the daily downs 
      allowing for a nicer view
   holding the tears inside from     overspill...
deadening the pangs of pain from disabling, crippling...

If one could really go backwards in time to one’s ancestral first mother's cave cookery kitchen 
 her 'forte'  would probably be

 'charred-brontosaurus thumbs'

       "charred to extinction"

BUT they sure would have tasted 'mummy'

jéåløoü$ $éîzü®é

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