Friday, December 16, 2016

Money can buy



           That which money CAN buy, would be ‘such stuff’ of the here & the now; even if such stuff are the trades in ‘futures’ or the "speculatives" on stocks & shares which seemingly are not, yet are too of the here & now.

Literally if there is anything money can buy; “such stuff” would be of the period while ‘life’ is coursing through one’s bio-physical system.

What money can NOT buy is neither Romantically Poetic or illusionarily delusional fairy tale folk lore-y;

IT is of a higher, non human/non-material order.

What money can NOT buy would be that of               
         Elevated NATURE.  


While Nature would be akin to:

 ~ that bunch of bloomingly fragrant Frangipanis;  

 ~ or that beautiful creamy foamy milk shake that has one drooling; 

 ~ or that goat; with that awesomely handsome tangy coat of tawny brown 

 ~ or the Cuggi handbag made from the hide of aforementioned  goat; which grazed on that bunch of bloomingly fragrant Frangipanis; the milk from the udders of which came that beautiful creamy foamy milk shake that has one drooling over.



need be distinc†ly dis†inguished as


 Dis†incfrom Nature of 

- the frangipanis 

- the goat 

- the milk shake

- the Cuggi handbags.


If LOVE is perceived as 


                             • -—-


 “†Hņ’’ relationship wherein one ‘pays, spends, emotes & commits' to a relationship with another person, inseparably binding, till one exits life


†Hņ’’  extreme,  more than temporarily transient  ~ hot flushes, which over-wham one

    as one lays hands on,

      & gets close to the power generated

       by that awesome deafening R..O..AAå..R of the 16 cylinders of

         THE ultiMATE AUTOmobile which not only                  

  ROLLs but too  

             FLIEs, SURFs, SANDs, WADEs & SUBMERGEs



†Hņ’’ near death experience which overcomes one when visions of unreal fantasies assume a truer than life reality; as the spherical metal ball; against all impossibilities, drop$ unerringly into that  recessed spot on the roulette wheel.    

 an     »»» either- instant-death or heaven-now-forevah «««  



 ‘love’ & other “such stuff ” of Nature which can be acquired by expanding one’s ‘resources of material purchasing powers’ —are not of  


       ElevatedNATURE - not of  SuperNATURE

                          wherein HE take being. 



 The expanding of ALL & EVERY ‘resource’ 

available to anyone’s beck, call or command; 

           would NOT enable one ever to 


                                The L.O.V.E.  

                    that need ñø oñe’s 

                                ‘buying powers’        

                                      for IT





                           ågápē • ly









Jéåløü$ $éîzü®é
circa: 00ø0


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