Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Is this the premise on which Christian LOVE is established

*If according to Christians God's love is so gloriously Agape how is it that HE will not embrace those who do not love or accept His Son our Lord JC?
*If a Christian father or mother or grandpa or grandma is able to love their children and grandchildren even if these kids take out an affidavit or make a statutory declaration they do not acknowledge or recognize their parents & grandparents, would the Love of the parents/grandparents even then be with-held?
*If you can love an unrepentant child who adamantly refuses your love what is lesser in God to be unable to accept His created 'children'?

*Are we exerting our spiritual ego when  insisting on Heaven only for our own Christians based on a single verse in the bible that - "No one comes to the Father accept through me" (so St. Paul said JC said) Thus is it then correct to surmise that within the books comprised the Holy Bible the God from whom His son came, has imparted ALL needed for Christians to understand? 
 On a single encompassingly exclusive phrase, presumed  critical  for gaining eternal salvation, Christians have degenerated spiritually! Are Believers in a romanticized Christian God now better than the Jews of old who held the gentiles as outcasts? Yet we call ourselves brothers of JC and sharers in the Kingdom, when we originally were not the chosen - not Jews;
 Have we thus become more chosen now & are looking at the non Christ-believers as gentiles, as they do not fulfill the single paramount condition of accepting and acknowledging Christ as Lord & Saviour?
*On what premise is this restrictive Love based? On the all encompassing AGAPE Love God has or on the exclusive love reserved only for the chosen the ones who HUMBLY(?) accepts our Lord as savior? 
Members of the exclusive Christ Club!
What did JC say when he said (according to St Paul) that the kingdom is opened now to gentiles & not just only Jews. As Pope Francis just said managing to  attract a load of spiritual exclusivity & arrogant posturing, breasts thumping & religious staking of the spiritual borders to exclude "gentiles' & non "Christian"
If His love is extended even to infectious lepers, sinners, tax collectors, whores & pariahs & especially 'vermins' what should disable Him from accepting or embracing folks who do godly works but are not of the same religious Faith or Groups  - i.e. not Christians or even believers in the savior or even in a supernatural god?
John 10:35 " .. but in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is acceptable to him" & this is from one of those same books that make up HOLY BIBLE.
Acts 10:28 - Peter said to them:  "You are well aware that it is against our law for a Jew to associate with or visit a Gentile. But God has shown me that I should not call anyone impure or unclean". If Peter should not call others impure or unclean, should it not be even more so Christians should not?
 Yet having the LOVE in them they do acts which are godly, (& Christian, if you will), but they do not profess the faith as brothers & sisters of our Lord, and are thus NOT to be accepted into the Kingdom of our CREATOR?
What motivates (so-called)missionaries to forsake their comfort zones & homes to make supreme 'sacrifice' so to bring the good news to those who have never heard of Him; even to the far UNCIVILIZED reaches of the world? I wonder often; if it were really LOVE or was it an expression of religious superiority, patronization and haughty misplaced attempts to justify the Christian's (often misinterpreted idea) of  LOVE.
Simple put if we Christians are able to appreciate God's AGAPE unconditional love which is a respecter of no person or acts of good works to qualify for His grace and receive salvation yet find it hard to appreciate He would love an unbeliever, on the extremely, irrelevant ONE SINGLE qualifying criterion set by ourselves, we need MUCH MUCH more loving patience & good earthly time to get cognizance of that fact! - Christians DO NOT practice God's LOVE! 
We profess shout from roof tops empathize with suffering folks, declare lasting devotions to Him BUT thats about it - we DON"T personify His LOVE.
We now appreciate why many do not wish to associate with Christianity, preferring  to be labelled godless  Atheists.
If Christian charity is restrictive, & Salvation is extended to only Christ acceptors, does it not become obvious why atheists are opting not to associate with these new JEWS?

'Atheists are those who know a god that don't belong to any religion'

Monday, May 27, 2013

Ode to the 'need for silly heroics'...or 'Until the cows come home'

""….ours is not to reason why, neither ours to do or die, so too it is not ours to mourn or cry…""
Ours is to indulge this short temporal transition, immersing ourselves in complete awe & astounding wonder; in exhilaration & in sensual, spiritual joy;
that this marvel of creational  perfection, so mysterious & unfathomable, puzzling in beauty; inexplicably complex yet balanced with seeming simplicity; brimming with limitless diversity,  yet instinctively singular & persistent in purpose;
was even formed
  & that undeserving us,  were chosen & offered to not forego the blessed LIFE experience.
And when all is said, done & complete perhaps ours then is to wonder why a once only incomparable experience could so wastefully be squandered away by  any need to  "" ….. reason why, to do or die, to mourn or to even cry…""
 Each of us creature's commission simply is : ""… REJOICE!  CELEBRATE ! LIVE!
In Good & in Strife, in Joy & Pain, in Love & Sorrow; in ALL & SUNDRY - RAISE US OUR SPIRITS - for soon enough, the dying  will come …""
Yet the indomitability of will, the tenacity of the spirit, the indestructibility of LIFE …even in DEATH - nothing ends.….""

Saturday, April 20, 2013



the affected folks - the victims -  the concerned citizens, the non-partisan public - ALL DEMAND ANSWERS.

All right thinking people DESERVE answers to how wanton random acts of murder are ENABLED, are ALLOWED.
All right thinking people DESERVE answers why such acts ARE NOT STOPPED

 THE ANSWERS ARE NOT to questions of 'whyor 'who'  
This is NOT ABOUT ETHNIC, RACIAL OR RELIGIOUS HATRED, manifesting in violent murderous acts.
 This should not be about promoting or condoning Xenophobic attitudes.
 This should not be about promoting religious intolerance & hatred or discrimination







Are we brave enough to answer, or do we TALK , make nice sounding sympathetic, patronizing, platitudes & regretful rhetorics?

Queer how we could get congressional consensus to blast foreign nations & their citizens to smithereens with seeming ease, with complete abandon & disregard  -  BUT CANNOT AGREE TO DISALLOW OUR OWN CITIZENS FROM MURDERING OUR OWN.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Why was it done...

     There will never be a satisfactory answer for the question. As many as there are different interest groups wanting answers just as many will be the plausibility of why and what and who (is) are involved with the formation of the universe and the reasons for CREATION.
From the spiritual consideration it is simple, one might say "..it was a supremely "capable" Entity who had tremendous powers we humans as yet are unaware of & do not yet possess" - they call him God.
& from that came many of the stories & teachings we all know and regard as Religions and Faiths.

This is not about denying the Creation of the Universe by God

This is a simple reason why:

    It can very primitively be likened to a human artist with an immense creative urge, producing a masterpiece with paint; only in HIS case it was a living, pulsing, kinetic finished end result. And with the 'creative' medium He used, the tremendous powers He only has - the finished "picture", the "expression", the "work" was Cosmic in grandeur, in scale, in its tremendous mind boggling complexity!! And it is vibrantly a LIVING CREATION.
    It could also very crudely be likened in a very limited way to  a huge whale leaping from the ocean out of sheer Joy - by itself an ordinary 'whale' event, just an expression of a whale emotion - however due to the immensity of the force which the creature commands the after effect is awesome - a huge spectacular splash like no other!

  Translate the force of the whale with the spectacular splash, & the beauty of the artist's masterpiece; & multiply those forces of 'expressions' with the supreme exuberance expressed by the Maker when He released His Joy - & due to His awesome powers - The Universe came into existence

 - A creative work so spectacularly perfect, so splendidly balanced & yet so  intricately complex,  unfathomable & infinite in its wonders.

    Humans study, analyze and attempt to unravel Creation. By so doing they imagine they would know the INTELLECT, understand the ENTITY which formed it.
    Many when they failed to gather any connection between the Universe and the Maker deny His existence and give many reasons and theories as to how it came about.
    Very simply if one studies an object say, a washing machine, eventually one would know rather a lot on the object being studied. BUT the person who made the machine, (or the factory from whence the object was formed) is not at all related to or in any way linked to the object, how then could any knowledge or understanding be gained about Him from studying the washing machine? 
Humans might derive that perhaps the maker of the washing machine likes cleanliness, or that he lives in a place where water is plenty,  or that he likes to clean in bulk, or that he enjoys seeing spinning wheels or listening to the sound of water gurgling. But other than such derivations, there is nothing in a million years of studying and tearing of the washing machine apart that is ever going to make anyone wiser about its engineer - who, what he is and the reason why he made what he made!
    Would it then be reasonable to conclude that the washing machine came into existence by a very complex juxtaposition of many unrelated factors which made conditions conducive to it being formed?

   Thus it is counterproductive & futile for any right thinking person to even attempt to understand the Maker of the Universe by studying His Handiwork - Nature and Creation.
Besides in this short life - THERE IS NO NEED TO DO THAT.
It is SUFFICIENTLY enriching if humans enjoy, explore & appreciate & learn about the INTELLIGENCE, BENEVOLENCE, & THE PERFECT PRECISE GENIUS which formed this Creation.
    And taking it up another step  .. humans need to know that after realizing the immense beauty and perfection He had brought into existence, He wanted to have us share in the wonderment.


The rest of other complicating rituals, faiths, sacraments, doctrines dictums, obligations  edicts do not factor in the equation of life.
And when one realizes that HE does not need or require an ounce of our worship or adoration it becomes even clearer the entire un-necessity of religion.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Sacrifice of the Lamb to repay in blood, a debt ....

    Having lost Salvation, in order to regain it, (so says  the Church) a debt had to be repaid in Blood!

In the first place how was Grace lost? How did Man lose Salvation or the divine Grace?
All because Man had (supposedly) committed sin (wronged God) by doing what Man naturally were made to do - commit an act very natural to our innate self i.e. something we had been programed to be naturally inclined to do? Like the hungry tiger snapping at the lamb or the cat grabbing the unattended fish or the priests preaching about God, or the bird flying or the fish refusing not to fly! 

After having done what we are made to do, the Church says we lost us our Grace & we now owe a debt.
Who is owing who in the first place & who needs to pay whom? 

Is God also into a trading, commercial buy sell system?
Is Divine affairs also tainted with debits, credits and balance  sheets? 
We humans (according to Church) lost Grace and only the Son of God can magnanimously bear the burden of paying God, the Father by spilling His (the son's) blood so as to redeem our (created beings') debt. 
Both Father & Son are one & the same entity - one of 3 inThe Holy Trinity. 
If I were the Father possessing Divine abilities to just say and have it done,  would I not be simple & write off what I owe myself by saying: "Let it be paid" ? And it would have been settled?! 
   But no, Church has come up with an explanation that:
Rather, I God, would prefer go the tortuous (dramatic & 'beneficial' to Church's agenda?) way of impregnating a Virgin, {who had to be pre-configured to be without Original Sin - whatever THAT is} through my other persona the Holy Ghost,  then have my Son go through the pity-evoking birth in a forlorn stable, & grow up to diametrically oppose  & vehemently frenzy-up the entire socio-political setting he was put in, to such a murderous rage that they had no choice but to kill Him. 
All these just so that I as Jesus the Son could be killed & thus spilling my precious Blood, in order to repay the debt humans supposedly owed the Father; who essentially is also me, being the same entity as myself, Jesus the Son! 
Does it not appear to be really a very Life -endangering trade when debts owed has to be settled with the spilling of blood! And imagine an ALL LOVING God wanting to get repayment through killing, when even other vicious loan sharks happily settle for cash?! 
And after enraging the Pharisees and others to kill the Son, I the Father, resurrects the dead Son  - effectively making his tormentous dying a non-event similar to and just as painful as drinking and other natural processes.
And all this was 'cos we did what we Man naturally were made to do! And LOST GRACE; thus the whole rigmarole of the REPAYMENT of the DEBT had to be carried out! 
Even thinking about this tires a person let alone having to figure out the truth of the entire story of the Sacrifice!
  Great Indeed is the mind which worked up this tale !
   Other than faithful believers with unquestioning faith or someone with no independent original thought, this story is entirely in the realm of the unbelievably ridiculous. Even though humans were not imbued with divine Intelligence the simple basic logic we have makes such a convoluted bizarre story very, very unpalatable. 

If one were to have Faith in the Divinity of the Maker of the universe, a Persona with the HIGHEST, NOBLEST GREATEST of all INTENTS, would one not at least expect Him to possess some reasonably acceptable more expedient way of conducting Himself   than what Christianity (& other religious organizations)have theologized Him to have done?
THIS POST IS NOT REFUTING GOD or what one would call the MAKER; a persona who created all ! 
The foregoing refutes the ideas and claims associated with God, or attributed to Him, to justify the existence and relevance CHURCH or religion; the entire story on how we needed Jesus Christ to come get born through a very convoluted process, involving the dishonoring of an honorable virgin, asking her to make such a tremendously brave decision; then to suffer, die and get resurrected, just that a debt we supposedly owed to His Father who essentially is Himself can be paid by His son's spilling blood! 
Rationally dwell on this and you might just see the ridicule of the entire premise.
Just because no one can prove God exist or refute Him does not need Church to come forth with such a tale to claim it true -  again assumed true just because the tale cannot be refuted!

It is completely true there are many good priests and religious doing great charity & performing outstanding sacrifice in working for the ideals of Godliness without any realization that Church and all the theology we are told as divine TRUTH is really Divine or true! 
If one meets a good truly loving and charitable sacrificing and godly priest one should be convinced that there indeed is God, & be assured of His goodness. At the same time just because there are good, honest priests, the theology associated with the religion which Church tells Christians as being the divine Truth is actually divine and truthful??!
It is very difficult, almost impossible to practice worship or adoration of God without religion. Structure-less worshipping & honoring the Maker may be reflex for those possess of higher intellects, the man of common born has need for prosthetic aid in the form of doctrines, sacraments & other aids vis statues, rituals, chants, mantras, likeness etc .
Perhaps therein lie the reason people flock to Church. It is easier, less tedious, to just follow than try to work out what God intended for us. 
We may think with the complexity of Creation staring us in the face His intent for us must be really difficult or impossible for us Man to grasp.  

One would be surprised and pleasantly elated by its COMPLETE simplicity ......... 
to be continued.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Does it matter if Jesus is or isn't Son of God?

    The concept of a human being who is also divine, does indeed give believers of Religions a sense of having a powerful intercessor. Imagine believers having on their side a 'persona' impossibly powerful & able to do anything. 

   The coming to life of "If God is on our side, who dare to  be against us"?
   Imagine if we had on our side, God, would anyone dare try anything ?
The answer to all man's needs, the complete, perfect elixir for man's  feelings of insecurity! 
 A very human (& childish) concept of the big brother looking out for the weaker!
As it is, many seek super powers or align themselves to very powerful forces or individuals with the same intent. Or at the very least some try to acquire weapons of great destructive powers, for the same intent & purpose.
   It cannot be denied there once lived such a person, Jesus. It is also historically documented the things he did and said. The teachings as well as ideas he imparted to those close to him are well researched to be actual events. 
   But whether he were DIVINE should not be a deterrent to our essential understanding of his mission. His so-claimed miraculous and immaculate conception and the romanticized events surrounding his humble birth, the tales of the guiding star, plus all the fairy-tale-like embellishment is; mildly put  utterly irrelevant.
Whether he is divine or not is secondary to what his purpose was in his doing & teaching; in his attempting to impart a concept  to those of his time.

    It should be of greater concern what he was trying to show or teach us all. 
  It should be of greater concern His message of UNSELFISHNESS, of complete GIVING, of Ultimate CHARITY.
  It should be of greater concern his perpetuating of the idea of the Supreme Act of Sacrifice, the giving up of one's life for another, one who is a stranger !
   His ideas on LOVE for someone repulsive, one who is completely unloveable. 
  His ideas on fairness, justice, on what constituted discrimination against another based on ethnic, gender or political differences.

   Based on all that we read or know about him it is not relevant if he were or were not divine - unless one has other intentions, to manipulate his intent.
   The bigger picture and more important is what he tried to teach and show us all ARE God's Values !
A way to live harmoniously, lovingly, peacefully,  for the greater love of the Creator. 
   He might be trying to correct the  misdirection and wrong focus all humans have of self-enrichment & the massive acquisition of material wealth & earthly power! 
We do not know that we can never take anything with us??

     He might be trying to tell us the reason and purpose for which God made us!
    Would the stuff he tried to teach us & show us be any less relevant  or truthful if he were not divine, not the son of God?  

Truth and Godliness has no need for certification or validification…when spoken or shown, whomever by, are evidently TRUTHFUL and GODLY.

Would any Godly values be less godly because the one imparting it is not divine?

Certification and accreditation are very human requirements and practices for selfish generation of commerce as well as for the creating of elitism & material wealth.

In general Man should devoid ourselves of such mandated requirement in affairs concerning the Divine, & godly values.

And most definitely Jesus did not suggest to not love or accept anyone else just because the other has a different religious conviction!

What is it that he is trying to tell us ? 
Perhaps he wants us to realize & appreciate the purpose of our being put here after CREATION was realized ?

But that is another post to follow.

  Truth no matter who tells it is still TRUTH  !

 GODLINESS is still GODLINESS no matter who practices it! 

Life is not about the here & the now. Neither is it about what we can gain from living. 
For everything becomes nothing.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Find Him - Lose All Else

   By going to a certain building, on a particular day & time, performing prescribed, approved rituals, doing the motions, reciting the mantras, pledging & rededicating beliefs through declarations, reaffirming trust via invocations, confessing to & admitting one is a spiritually failed deficient human; then throwing and completely surrendering the fate of oneself, to an Authority mandated by those claiming to be acting on the behest, on behalf of the Creator, many  are CONVINCED  & BELIEVE they have found the ONE true Maker called god! And firmly convinced what they are doing is what the ONE true god wants them to do.
   Rather than skim surface frivolities & basing one's understanding of the ONE true god on pronouncements, edicts, doctrines, espoused & propagated by so called guides, gurus and shepherds, who though are supposedly hand-picked by the divine, & are supposedly 'imbued' with intimate knowledge & understanding of the ONE true god which no living person could actually have; - one, if wanting to reach greater heights of spiritual clarity & exhilaration, need to go real deep into spiritual waters; uncharted, unguided, & delve deep into parts of the realm that supposedly holds the vast understanding called Truth - called God. 

In the quest for an eternal Creator, as yet never 'seen' other than through non human senses, or spiritual blind faith, the attempt to intimately reach the Maker/Originator/Creator/God/Yahweh/Allah etc is fraught with loneliness, assuredly very unfulfilling & troubling.
Loneliness - no one is willing or able in any sense of the word, to share in that soul draining search. Besides most of one's contemporaries AND family would perform emergency evacuation, perhaps not physically, but surely distance themselves from your proximity!
Unfulfilling - as the answers or 'success'  if any, if ever achieved or arrived at, has no confirmatory finality. Even the seeker would not be sure of having 'arrived at destination'
Troubling - there are almost no reference, no unabridged versions of any authority or guide. 
   One easily could visualize the desperate loneliness, complete isolate-ness of those pre-religion philosopher-thinker-spiritualist 'giants' - attempting to re-establish the ethereal pathways, the pre-Adamic links long severed & erased, long lost to us. In the deep darkest hour of desert desolation, they stubbornly attempt to reach the Divine through intense soul seeking, diving deep into the primordial depths, the roots of pre-born consciousness, attempting to touch that link & re-establish to Him. 
Picture the weirdness other (normal) beings viewed these 'mystics', & apprehensively take a step (more like 3) away from them, while they seemingly enter into that state of transcendent unquiet in their un-fulfilling, unsatisfying, often self exiling act to grasp an 'XYZ' not even they knew was 'WHAT'.  
 Yet to be human is more than willful pleasures, blind beliefs & unquestioning allegiance to Man-mandated star, super successful personas. 
 The seekers,  scattered throughout god's interaction  with us, gave inklings but never solid bankable "reality" of the ONE. 
   In seeking in the vast Unknown for Him - for God,  if one ever even find any inkling of understanding or nano bit of 'clarity' of Him, one might still be as lost, still be as un-clear, still as un-informed!
 Being completely unequipped, un-prepared as in not possessing the abilities, qualities of extra-human senses to assimilate what one might find regarding the reality, clarity or even a firmer inkling of His Nature might prove the futility & unrewarding nature of one's preoccupation/obsession/search. 
Which is why the understanding of such knowledge is better summed up with 'blindness' - an unwavering confidence in an INFALLIBLE which nothing ever devised or stumbled upon by humans can authenticate.
   Thus is it worth sacrificing normalcy, the comforts of everyday living & social acceptance, to go off on a turbulent quest where one surely would be regarded persona non grata by one's circle of 'failed ' fellow 'faithfuls'?
 A Leper, not ringing a bell, or shouting 'unclean, unclean' would still be regarded in every other sense  -  a leper!
Dare one thus make that choice? 
To attempt pondering on, seeking that elusive, perhaps unfathomable-even-if- found Entity?
Dare one forego earthly, familial, communal, social comforts for a non profitable venture, doomed to bring nothing…except maybe an un-tenable promise of 'almost-but-not-quite-there-yet' near Enlightenment?

Life's tempting promises of comforts plus its brevity make that choice unlikely for many.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

SATAN's Taunt.

 on 'believers' Great Expectations of being saved again

    Some of you humans hopelessly wish & foolishly believe that even though you are all so desperately in deep sh*t Sin, the Lord (benevolent God) will come deliver you  - like the calvary or Lone ranger & Tonto in the old Westerns.
For evil as you know you all are, He has a weird love which you humans has never understood - a kind of unconditional Love, you so proudly call AGAPE. That in itself is fallacious  Which intelligent being would want to associate with creatures like you let alone a Divine Intelligence like God? (OMG!)
  Naturally being made  (only) as images of Him you will never be able to feel, express or even appreciate this Agape. (Shame on you).
Being what you are your eyes see only visually *agreeable images.. *include mainly crass, gross & other  earthy,  sensually exhilarating images (despite claiming a religion)
Your minds seek only *acceptable thoughts, the bland, the safe, & the mundane *(not restricted to only spiritually imprimatur-d thoughts - also & especially materialistically avaricious  self enriching-ly tempting deliciously one-upping)
The Ears you have tune into only to the soothingest, most consoling, condescending comforting, religious  platitudes.
*How many of you poor fallen ones will trouble yourselves to seek in places most of you will shun, which might bring you closer to a proper perspective of the whole story and purpose?
*How many will endure spiritual isolation, being ostracized and shunned by your religious peers to enquire alternative and usually unorthodox inputs on the happily accepted romanticized version of your Maker - fed to you from infancy by organized religions?
*Who among you hopeless, spineless creatures will even think of being different and try figure out the real deal? 
Rather you prefer to feel secure & spiritually safe (I have been SAVED)by believing unquestioningly as Religion would have you do, that what you were told IS THE TRUTH about God. An idiot with unquestioning FAITH!
Is that what Faith is - Unquestioning? Not wishing to know ? Swallow whatever is fed to you? Would you even ask why should Faith be unquestioning??

So here's the 
Final decree & CLARIFICATION for your information :
NO God is ever coming to save your miserable a**es
(readers without 'faith' in the authenticity/reliability of events depicted in scriptures - what the 'eF' are you doing reading this crap? )

Nobody, NOBODY is coming to save anyone, anytime, anymore  - ever:
REASON why No One will be coming ..
•First time 'God' came: He was accused of submerging & drowning the entire world except for a few people from a favored family namely NOAH, his clan & most animals ( mosquitoes, snakes, killer viruses, creepy crawlies -& Yes politicos; they were very inconveniently not excluded since heaven isn't here.  Unicorns & Santa Claus sorry, are not on board)
•Second time God came: He was accused of making a VIRGIN full - Bringing shame, disrepute, scandal, shambles, & catastrophic horrors  to the honor of two entirely respectable (middle Eastern) families. (you still think it's a privilege to be a race that's chosen -  i.e. in the same family tree as Mary & Joseph?)
Third time God came: ... oh well - you know right?
You hung Him high between 2 thieving scoundrels on a hill where  public execution of *criminals, low-life, perverts, rebels with or without cause, people who wear glasses, tatoo-ed people generally anyone not with you & thus are against you...
... "Justice must not be done but be seen to be done... bla bla bla'' (politicos very qualify for inclusion on this list)!

   From the torture exacted on Him prior to, as well as during the termination of His 3rd earthly encounter with you miserable humans, the Manual on techniques to extract information used in various black sites, on detainees from the Axis of Evil, is devised and is instrumental in helping Team Seal 6 get that 'tall Guy' at AbbotaBAD

Thus if you were in God's shoes (if He wears shoes) would you wish to, dare to, bother at all to make a come back & face the music with fargs like such?
Or would you make yourself as scarce, as far away, as silent, as unseen, unheard, unreachable, unavailable, invisible;  as you can from this mistake called MAN?

Following this CLARIFICATION it is now CLEAR why you never see or hear or smell or touch or taste or even imagine Him after His Crucifixion?
If you still see, hear, smell, touch, even dream of His presence - CONGRATULATIONS!! the stuff you are smoking or snorting, mainlining, imbibing will be greatly sought after... $$$$$$$.

from the iPad:
of  deputy asst vice president: 
Sir S. A. Tan C.S.B.(knight of the Imperial order of Coal Sulphur Brimestones)