Friday, February 27, 2015

Better ABBA Father or Ah Pa, Daddy ..

There once was a young person. He was happy while a youth. Things were pretty fun; nothing really serious impacted him or his life.
Change came. 
He heard the Word. Of how he has a Father who loved him with a love, he cannot even say properly - some agabe, mugabe or agape or something, let alone ever understand.
A Father who will grant him everything if he asked with faith, trust and belief, even move a mountain to the sea.
A Father to whom nothing is impossible, even letting His only begotten Son be killed, then raising Him to life again, so that the youth, if he believes, will live in complete happiness with this Father, in a place where there will be no pain, suffering, anger, hate, sickness, or any of the ills of human existence.

In other words a Father completely different from the father he has.

His father, who did not love him as the Father he heard about, sometimes gets angry with him. Sometimes this father scolds, even beats him, as punishment for things he did wrong. 

Would it not be great to have an ALL LOVING FATHER who is TOTAL LOVE??
Yes, most resoundingly – “YES”

His life changed, after hearing of this unheard of Father.

Everything became more complicated.

But after waiting, hoping, begging, fervently appealing (“praying” its called), with anguish, with tears; 
The Father whom he heard was full of LOVE, never was seen, never was heard, and never was felt.
He did not ever even smelled Him or as much as get a whiff of Him when He maybe passed by, if ever He did.
In other words: He just was NOT around.

His own father though, who did not love him as much (not with that Agape Love anyway), was around all the time, taking care of his meals, his schooling, his every physical, emotional need. In fact even though his father did not love him as they say that Father does; all he ever needed, his father was around to see to; ensuring that when the father dies, the youth would be able to fend for himself.

Thus as time went by, it increasingly got more and more impossible to even think the entire idea being ever likely.

The idea of a Father who loved with no limits, yet never was around. 
A loving Father, who never speak to him, try as he might to listen. 
A Father, whom strain as you might, cannot be reached. 
A Father whom they say is everywhere, yet was always missing.
A Father who Loved agape-ly yet the youth (now older) never felt that love.

The now older youth decides that his direction is to find answers and work out his life without any help or intervention from this so called FATHER.

And he too decided, when his life is over, it is over. What he hears about a Happy-ever-after-place, he will just wait till he’s dead to see if there is one.
And he will find happiness in any way possible without help from any Father who is never around.

What about you?
You want to try the easy way with an All Loving Father, who alone is able to love with AGAPE 
yet is never around?
This is the romanticism of the CREATOR god as promulgated promoted widely transmitted as a RELIGION as though without the dissemination of such idea the entire creation would change course in a melt down.

    In the context of a bigger picture, when one ponders eternity, salvation, the life after death,  one's earth bound almost always present Ah Pa is a derivation and contemporal representation of THAT eternal ABBA in whom ALL created life including earth bound fathers, draw life from & would  be assimilated with as ONE...

Our father who is on earth would not be enabled should our ABBA in heaven not initiate him.
 The Father of earthly nature, the ONE of eternity
is the ONE maker of ALL 
Definitely superiorly intelligent beings should realize and acknowledge the universality and complete non-denominational nature of 
that ONE 
 that REALITY which is


The 'youth' is enabled to receive what is adequate for his current viability.

There is NO distinction between ABBA or Ah Pa.
BOTH are in essence one
Ah Pa - the human manifestation of ABBA whom as a channel, as a conduit, as an instrument, as the ABBA in Ah Pa form, would throughout their lives together, shape the 'youth' (Man in spiritual Infancy)such that
The PURPOSE,  INTENT & ALL of God's WILL for the "youth", & HIS every wish for 'youth' would in  good TIME be receivable.....


Monday, February 16, 2015

CHINESE NEW YEAR - wishes ..

Ever wonder why one would wish for more years?
I would wish for LESS of:
* pain
* insomnia
* family disputes
* misunderstandings
* differences in opinions
* unbridled selfish instincts
* one-up-manship 
* social posturing & maneuverings
* price increases of every fucking thing ever affordably enjoyed
* thin skinned taking of offenses not even meant
* red tapes & useless unnecessary security measures put in place to thwart paranoia induced imaginary raving murderous terrorists

AND the MOTHER of ALL the most LESS


      * Exclusive RELIGIOUS High Horsey-ness 
      * my father in Heaven can beat your     
        father (not in heaven of course)
   * higher credentialed Ass-holes with poorly accredited backwaters Universities Degrees "blessed" with dubious intellectual abilities encases in huge airy heads, espousing like they were what they exactly are not, holding high offices in government bodies

       * "dedicated" people of the cloth who would bring disgrace to God                
       * unnecessary fakey put on "proper cultured etiquette" - for 'Effing' snob values

     * LESS: rushing, LESS "fast" in everything emphasis, even in useless not at all "urgencies" like an evening stroll through the park with the dog

       * LESS:  youth-oriented marketing "geniuses" with emphasis on all   things new - youthful - thus trendy cos its youthful

     * manipulative consumeristic introductions & impositions of unneeded gadgets, appliances & stuff/things no one truly needed to TRULY LIVE  iFarg, iskrew, ¥oink, stuff of such genre ripping off millions

   * LESS falsehood cloaked in Truthful sounding Bull Sh*T especially from important personalities whose pronouncements impact many
  * LESS proprietary plugs, adaptors, cables, chargers, terminals & all such commercially selfish 'wanna grab ALL profits for own enterprise' items - each 'effing' INCOMPATIBLE with the others

I am sure friend, your list might have more "LESS" that are interestingly what we should wish for this CNY.

PEACE my friend - elusive, but worth the seeking  & wishing for..

Saturday, January 31, 2015

From Sh•† we came -- to Sh•† we should be thankful..


      Present 'situation'  over the entire world points to one OBVIOUS trait.
   The manifestation of (failed) Man's true colors - THE FOCUSSING ON SELF - driven by ego centric arrogance, manifesting in malevolence towards fellows.
  Most of us being plain beings like most everyone else has to have an 'aur sua' (backing mountain) to give greater credibility & authority when wishing to control or sound higher than other,  equally  as  ordinary men ..
   what better 'Ego-Booster' than God?
The Divine all powerful,  the undeniably greatest authority?
Even Sir Mahathir Madogmak, Lord Obama, the  PM of Oz underneath,  Chinese Master President, Korean Comrade Kim Jong X, any Power of Nature, of earthly origins, wouldn't dare go against Him - the DIVINE - aka GOD!
   God, who actually don't seem & hasn't really never  indicated irrefutably (or even refutably) He is bothered with the 'petty' bickering  
& other 'gloriously self elevated' vaunted high ambitions of men,  thus got 'used' or 'patronized' by megalomaniacs - small, medium. large, XXL  & of every color, shade, ethnicity, with such self-raising intents, which basically aim at glorifying, raising & affirming the useless "great" SELF.
   Problems start to begin when each crazed megalomaniac would not submit to the other just as crazed megalomaniacs' divine authority - leading to the claim of an exclusive "more" supreme than the other guy's  god from which the equally divisive claim of a special select Race so chosen by their God to be inheritors of All Creation (more or less)
In the case of these control perves the leverage via a greater Power god basically is animal in instinct - to assume total superiority AND control over all and sundry via the UNDENIABLE Divine
   When too many Divines are being referenced those nice poor well-meaning, simple souls, the ordinary brain frozen men & women of the Malls, nicely & properly  get truly confused.          
          God the independent Divinity now has been hijacked by concerned power crazed groups with each claiming their's is the ONE ...
   Blessed with child-like faith, many (tho a good number refuse to  admit to simple faith - so as to to appear 'sophisticatedly' smarter :) instinctively recognize THAT god - the unblemished Divine who has little involvement with men's & mice's self centered insecure arrogance! 
Thus other than a few fringed true believers (derided as heretics) - the ENTIRE assembled jungle of creatures then, together with the Aborigines and Chinese and Aussies and Honkies and Caucasian Americans and Kosher Jews and Malays and Indians and Rotary Club members and Royal Golf Clubbers and wrongly discovered RED Indians [due to navigational confusion]{actually Native AMERICANS},  and Sarawakians and blue eyed mermaids and one horned unicorns and Black Africans of American citizenry and communist North Koreans and Taiwanese and Indonesian Ethnic Chinese with Islamic names and Incas and North Indians and Pakistanis and Bangladeshis and Bolsheviks and Mormons and Scientologists and Whalers and Vegans and Homosexual Royals and Vietcongs and Liliputtans and Haemophilics as well as all these others also mentioned in this song  divisively began to claim exclusive privilege of being select people of their own special God.. 

The simple faith of a Child is enough to carry everyone so inclined through the eye of the needle to His glory …
If each one closes one's mind to everything except THAT simple understanding of God - the world might unravel itself from the sh•† it has spun itself in.. to ridiculously, divisively claim oneself exclusive creatures when in reality each is no better or less than XYZ123? 

If HE had only left out THAT gene of competitiveness & the vacuous Obsessive insecurity in the final item on His "to create" list..

Stay simply true, & be blessed.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Size makes little difference...

Folks in less urbanized, rural places, who could effortlessly live a "richer life" has as huge an appetite inasfar as unnecessary wants & needs, greed & related unfull-ness are  concerned!
Despite easier less stressful tension free lives these who live in less crowded places have as much if not more 'greed' 'avarice' as well as other similar 'unfulfillments' as those floundering in packed overly competitive communities. 
The appetite for more than what one can truly consume drives commerce, industry. These unnecessary planted cravings should propel man to a better HIGHER level in most aspects of life.  
   Yet rather the effect is the opposite & this un-fillness is diametrical and as non-synchronous as a pair of conjoined non-identical twin with different wants needs and agendas. Instead of heightened commerce, active pursuits of consumeristic wants and needs obviously bringing improvement to the human spirit & increasing man's nobility this avaricious over consumption has the opposite effects.
The "voracity" a creature, (Man without doubt is a creature) has for satiation of it's innate unbridled urges is the root from which the world's imperfection draws sustenance. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Happy New Year

A paid to write "journalist"produced a piece provocatively titled
 "Is the Singapore Mer Lion Happier than the Danish Mermaid"
It just is typically so crass and capitalistically consumer driven drivel that it begs (unfair) comment.
Just why anyone bothers if the MerLion is happier than the Danish MERMAID  i.e. Singaporeans are happier than the Danes is sufficient to illustrate one salient point.
Some folks do indeed engage in activities that bring nothing that advances the nobility of the human spirit but does bring satisfaction in getting paid which might be just make  the entire bull shitting worthwhile.
Whatever folks do or don't do is of course a personal choice unless that choice infringes or impacts another person in a negatively undesirable way.
   In the case of whether the 
MERLION is Happier
 than the 
there is however a parallel significant issue to address.
   We know for a fact earth worms are found in both Singapore and Denmark. In fact these creatures of the soil are everywhere where there is earth. And Earth is where we all are living on. Which would thus emphatically illustrate the undeniable abundant presence of worms in the earth EVERYWHERE here on Earth.
   These nematodes might be found in flower pots on the balconies of HDBs or high rise condos in the Republic of Singapore.
Similarly such creatures would be found in flower pots too in Denmark.
The happiness quotient of both DANISH earthworms and SINGAPOREAN Earth worms would believably be no different. Even should the two earth worms be transferred i.e. exchanging their nationality - their Happiness Quotient would remain similarly unalterably HIGH.
Though the newspaper man/woman/neither/either might attempt to promote certain pluses in the Lifestyles of Singapore for capitalistic commercial or ideological advantage, as far as earthworms are concerned such manipulative deviousness would be fruitlessly futile and impactlessly LOST.
Also as far as earth worms life style preferences and  living habits are concerned nothing is less earth-shaking.
As long as they, the worms i.e. have a pot-ful of earth with sufficient nutrient materials from the roots and other such foods as found in soil; with sufficient comforting warmth, the soil would provide a good place to live, mate, burrow and ultimately buried in.
  BOTH Sinkie Earthworm and  Caucasian Danish Earthworm would equally be in Worm Heaven though separated by oceans and mountains and Man with agendas, with axes to grind and with causes to advance, with something to sell.

Would any of these be bothered how they would need to earn more to meet rising inflationary living costs or that the tax rates are being hiked or taxis are getting tougher to flag down?
Would they bother if Danish cows are losing the edge vis a vis Anzac cows in their having a higher risk of milk tainted with Chernobyl melt-down radiation?
They would be as happy even if the owners of the balconies on which their individual pots sit on are being evicted due to non servicing of mortgages. 
They would be deliriously satisfied even if the democratically elected governing authorities of each nation decided to turn Communists or declare a total moratorium on Whale hunting. 
They would, these care free nematodes, be elatedly delighted if every Singaporean were to produce an average of 3 off springs.
Or NO Off Spring for 3 generations from year zero.
As long as they have their earth in their respective pots or even in the earth itself Earthworms are happy!
In Singapore or Denmark or Sweden or Swaziland or Mohave desert (got worms ?) Iceland (eh any worms ah?) or Malaysia (plenty, plenty)

Thus propaganda techniques and subtle attempts to compromise demonize manipulate destabilize public opinions for an unknown or unusually sinister motive, might work only on INTELLIGENT people - not on silly easy to spoil worms.
Problem, rather advantage, for the ruling elites, is no one wants to be silly earthworms & be easily HAPPYfied…

People wish to have strive thrown their way. 
People like to have avarice evoked in them. 
People love to compete even for silly worthless status of higher Happiness quotients. 
People feel good when topping other people seemingly emerging better than the next guy. 
People like to complicate their lives with such trivial concerns.
People thrive on strife.
People like to think others think well of them.
People like to be esteemed to be exalted to be better regarded as special selected elites not any common people with common ancestry or lineage or mileage.
   Thus who in their RIGHT mind wish to be
                       SIMPLY Happy 
                                                like earthworms..?

You do ? OMG..

not earthworms 
Thank you Master for that mercy.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Other side of the Coin...

 Fakery, Twisted Logic, Justification via devious mis-readings of Statistics - masquerading as TRUTH 
The minds of intelligent men are being replaced with such CRAP
A fwd making the email circuit, infecting minds with the venom of RELIGIOUS UnLOVE

Subject: MUSLIMS - this just says it all !!!
"What a load of one sided  Holy SHI†"------------------------------

The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim
The Beltway Snipers were Muslims
The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim
The underwear Bomber was a Muslim
The U-S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims
The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims
The Bafi Nightclub Bombers were Muslims
The London Subway Bombers were Muslims
The Moscow Theatre Attackers were Muslims
The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims
The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims
The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims
The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims
The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims
The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Musiims
The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims
The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims
The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims
The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims
The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims
The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims
The first World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims
The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims
The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims
The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims'

Think of it:
Buddhists living with Hindus = No Problem
Hindus living with Christians = No Problem
Hindus living with Jews = No Problem
Christians living with Shintos = No Problem
Shintos living with Confucians = No Problem
Confusians living with Baha'is = No Problem
Baha'is living with Jews = No Problem
Jews living with Atheists = No Problem
Atheists living with Buddhists = No Problem
Buddhists living with Sikhs = No Problem
Sikhs living with Hindus = No Problem
Hindus living with Baha'is = No Problem
Baha'is living with Christians = No Problem
Christians living with Jews = No Problem
Jews living with Buddhists = No Problem
Buddhists living with Shintos = No Problem
Shintos living with Atheists = No Problem
Atheists living with Confucians = No Problem
Confusians living with Hindus = No Problem

Muslims living with Hindus = Problem
Muslims living with Buddhists = Problem
Muslims living with Christians = Problem
Muslims living with Jews = Problem
Muslims living with Sikhs = Problem
Muslims living with Baha'is = Problem
Muslims living with Shintos = Problem
Muslims living with Atheists = Problem
Muslims living with Muslims = BIG PROBLEM
**********SO THIS LEAD TO *****************
They're not happy in Gaza
They're not happy in Egypt
They're not happy in Libya
They're not happy in Morocco
They're not happy in Iran
They're not happy in Iraq
They're not happy in Yemen
They're not happy in Afghanistan
They're not happy in Pakistan
They're not happy in Syria
They're not happy in Lebanon
They're not happy in Nigeria
They're not happy in Kenya
They're not happy in Sudan

******** So, where are they happy? **********

They're happy in Australia
They're happy in England
They're happy in Belgium
They're happy in France
They're happy in Italy
They're happy in Germany
They're happy in Sweden
They're happy in the USA & Canada
They're happy in Norway & India
They're happy in almost every country that is not Islamic! And who do
they blame? Not Islam... Not their leadership... Not themselves...

the countries they're happy in, to be like the countries they came
from where they were unhappy and finally they will get hammered

AND A LOT MORE !!!!!!!

Think on it.......

"What a load of one sided  Holy Crap"
How cleverly manipulative such venomous vipers of that TRUE CHOSEN people of GOD
who are supposedly the CHOSEN RACE 
- chosen by God himself so they claimed. Yet such poison is provocatively being spat as their GOSPEL!
What then is TRUTH?

YES indeed that must truly be the final word on DISCRIMINATORY non inclusive RHETORICS

and a Chosen ELITE race not unlike the perfect Aryan race of you know who ...


That simplistic Rabble rousing Logic should nail the entire issue on who the right Chosen race or Superior RELIGIOUS group is.
The poor souls who stupidly fatally believed  they were MUSLIM  Syahids &  by their Naiveté
dying as suicide bombers  exploding themselves to smithereens conveniently confirming, reinforcing, propagating this similar  horse sh*T 

YES it would NAIL which RELIGION has the greater corrupted motives, traits so reminiscent of Lucifer!
And YES it would NAIL who the TRUE LEADER oooops followers of God are .
   We can all now stop the pseudo-intelligent tussle & go back to SCREWing each other conscience-free from divine and infidels' constraint.

YES Pigs can now eat with Lamb and sheep & birds can shit with dogs and goats at the same time as Orang hutan and the Giddy Goat of the impending Lunar New Year. 

Niggers aka Americans of African Descent can now have Foié Gras with Kobe Cows & PRC bitches holding French freedom fries
they all can cereblate with comprete co-orpulation with N.Korean isolationists.

ALL at same table as Lord Sir Nixon Mahathir Bush Clinton Gore Cheney OSABAMA 

    BUT of course 
YES YES YES sure your CHRIST centered dad can always beat the crap out of his Isamic ayah anytime
cos your dad has GOD, is  the RIGHT religion while his ayah papa is an infidel haram Islamic Terrorist Jihadhistic Fundamentalistic milk sucking flesh eating ass offspring of a mule
(YET you & them are the same like everyone  else including yourself and your loved ones as well as them & theirs :) 
YES this should say it all - truly should! The FINAL statement based on PURE BIGOTRY!
Pigs will soar with the pink lady elephants fornicating with Nelson MannDEADoredy
While Mohamad Cassius Clay Ali would spar with Sony Pictures while Pyong Yang will INTERVIEW  Dreamweaver & all will cum with a huge global reSINating song that sweetly wiped out the intrusion POVERTY had on prime time appreciation of BEAUTIFUL people ...
   "we the selected only are the world

            May OUR  ooops HIS Will be done!

You sure it will nail anything ?

That this above mail will say it all ?
If you are then perhaps it'll be a Happy Year for us & those we love as brothers & sisters in Christ, oooops Crisis
as we can only be Happy when infidels such as these are no more..

"What a load of one sided Holy Crap"

No coincidence that St Lucifer aka Tan Sri S. A. Tan is so delightfully sniggering to himself with well set anticipation, rightly too, that his WILL will come true when followers of God are filled with such FILTH.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Unwarranted AGAPE

We ask for this, for that, for heaven, for earth, for good, for happy things, for our friends, relatives, that they will live happily forever;

For our enemies, that they may die soon, horribly and forever be condemned to Hell.
We ask for the granting of what we want. We beg, impeach, we pursue, we appeal, we implore, we cajoled, we try everything, for the granting of one and a thousand things to make our lives what we feel will be better when these things we asked for are granted.

Have we ever un-prayed answered prayers?
Has anything which we have been granted awhile back seem not so on target now & we would like to have the prayer wished away i.e. UNprayed?

Have we been granted a wish or prayer that we now regret was granted? That we now wished was never prayed for & never got granted or answered?
Retrospectively many have occasions to un-pray. Tho this seemingly would point to the believer's poor foresight, planning or impulsive attitudes in begging Him for assistance, be assured that what was granted in the first place was His will being done.
Rest assured that your prayer was answered NOT because it was good for your selfish needs BUT that it served His purpose.
We often think destiny is our's to determine & when things don’t seem to be going in the right direction we pray it will be set right. When it was, we felt He concurs with our wishes.
Be assured that in the first place HE decided to give what we asked NOT because He concurred with our desires BUT because what we are going to be receiving; even though it seemingly was prayed for by us, was actually His Will.
Now did we not know that when all this started we had through the first Man messed up everything? And was there anyone to pray & beg and beseech and appeal that He sends His son to redeem our lost grace?

NO, nobody even had any inclination to even think that.
NOT Adam, NOT Eve.
NO ONE prayed that we be saved & returned to Grace.

It was just not un-prayed for by any living being.

And though nobody prayed for the mess to be undone for the restoration of our lost salvation, he came, in human form, in order we not go 'mad' to see Him coming as He really is .... Almighty God Himself!
Thus without need of our praying, or begging, or appealing, or beseeching, to regain our lost inheritance, by His sacrificing of Himself, by His consenting to debase His Sovereignty, we received our Salvation.

Therefore be assured that it is no coincidence that what you are about to pray for, if granted, will never be in need of being un-prayed for.

His plan for us is we just be worshipful, faithful & true - to all things - all thoughts - all desires - that is of Him & would be as He would wished for.

Do you busy yourself attempting, with all the prayer requests that makes you into a "prayer warrior", to "intercede" for all those people who meant plenty to you (yourself included) that they lived happily (or in the case of your enemies, die horribly) ever after?

Attempting through your "intercession" to change situations, to bend things your way?
As if there was any authority apportioned to you as if you in all your presumed religious arrogance had a special connect to Him.

Do not delude yourself
as the worms or the birds or pigs = with them too you rank.

There is no need to do all that, for His Will, will be done whichever ideas you may have or otherwise be entertaining.
Any mess or situation you may have created or prayed for will, because of His Love for you, be set right with no need for you to un-pray what you pleaded for with mistaken intent that had made such Massive Mess.

Just as was your lost Salvation redeemed, without need for you to un-pray those pleas for self indulgences or other similar self centered requests, which caused the Fall, in the first place.

Such is His Love for you.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Hurray I "came out" ..

                 Fárging with my trash can ...

Don't do your trash can in PUBLIC ...

Many don't give a sh•+
see no great deed.
who cares if you came out
from the closet 
with your trash can, indeed?

That you had more resources, 

or less of nothing
plus more of everything.
In truth 
you have less of most good
more of most useless.
& yet 
you thought erroneously 
much more of yourself. 

Not untrue

nor deniable 
that the
 & other ± °*‡° 

has all an equal place in the dark/shade/sun/rain/storm
designed made owned allowed by HIM

who is to deny or allow vain glorious antics -

BUT for GAWD"S sake 

don't fárg

in public

Oh no 

NOT with 
your trash can !