Belief in a CREATOR called God in the English language is an individual undertaking, a personal commitment to an ideal/concept of a divine supernatural MAKER.
Belonging to a religious group be it Catholic, Protestant, Bahai, Islam, (even a cult group) only provides opportunity for spiritually like-minded believers to worship, pay homage, & express devotions of love & other divine inspired emotions of holiness as a cohesive group.
A believer is at complete liberty to pay homage or worship the CREATOR any time, place or with whomever, as long as the motivation is homage to & acknowledgement of the SUPREMACY of the MAKER.
Religious organizations not withstanding however, whenever, or by whomever's authority established, & supposedly representing a divine God; has zero personal relevance to any individual believer of the Creator, in the paying of homage, love, devotion, submission to Him unless one choses to allow it that privilege. Thus unless one choses to belong to & adhere to an organisation administered and functionalized by other humans claiming to be somehow knowledgeable of what our Maker wishes that we should conduct our entire living experience, then it should be perfectly permissible for one to pay homage to Him in one's respective duly respectful way. And most certainly if one's innermost intent is to do entirely only that - pay Him homage, acknowledge His supremacy as well as our entire dependance on Him, bringing glory & honor to His name by our live, would an omnipotent Creator be displeased?
Many individuals both past & contemporary, who though not affiliated spiritually to any organized religious groups, through their acts of (the universally accepted understanding of) good, put many of organized religious groups' combined (claimed) acts of glorious 'achievements' to the uttermost insignificance, in as far as values of holiness, charity, generosity, as well as love, & sacrifice for God & man are concerned.
Thus if one decides to stand by oneself, or as a group; outside of the known human 'CHURCH' (as now understood by believers)YET holding steadfastly in every way humanly possible with one's understanding of GOD's Will for one; would one be denied Kingdom when He comes into His Glory?
He came that the blind have sight. Yet how many are yet still blind?? Or do some not wish to be awake since basking in the (seeming) warmth of the Church's 'benevolence', has lulled us into spiritual stupor? Have we become unable to exercise any discernment, like lost sheep, losing even the little god-given clarity of thought when matters pertaining to correctness of Church affairs/conduct, are subconsciously given blanket 'imprimatur' !
Yes give to Caesar what is rightfully Caesar's & to God what is God's.
Most certainly we cannot give to Caesar what rightfully should only be for God?
Each one of us has to thus make up our own mind (& heart & spirit) to whose authority shall we bow!
Or should one just take the easy way & follow the path of least resistance & most fashionable?
Be an atheist ?
Oh well.....