Wednesday, December 21, 2016
MYTHS of Yawnnnn
“..the special taste of mommy’s cooking increases in exquisiteness & relishies†-ness the longer she been "gone"..."
And like all such stuff bandied around the human camp
f'instance :
GOSPEL †oo†hs
TORAKoranic Verses
Mossaadik TABLETS
'truths' people feel good about are
.... really nonsensical l.i.e.s ....
Ou†right fibs & fakeries to placate the thinking public
more potent, yet less soul destruct than the opium of yawn...yore.
No one alive knowing & living in conditions hell-like
[even in SUCKcessFOOL 1st world nations] want to face their
daily †øXîç & Lé miserablé$$.
Every one thinking with even 1/5th of their mind wants to 'escape'.
Fantasies become
truth seRUMs
magic PO†ions
to help lift the daily downs
allowing for a nicer view
holding the tears inside from overspill...
deadening the pangs of pain from disabling, crippling...
If one could really go backwards in time to one’s ancestral first mother's cave cookery kitchen
her 'forte' would probably be
'charred-brontosaurus thumbs'
"charred to extinction"
BUT they sure would have tasted 'mummy'
jéåløoü$ $éîzü®é
Same Old Same Old Same Old...

If u think ur troubles are BIGGEST in da whole kampong of Rålålîtåmpøñg i will not say ------ not so.
Cos YES yeS ¥és (heard this Yes! Yes! Yes! b4 ? :)
ur Problems look real B. I. G. from ur short sighted self pitying fucked faced arse hole loser viewpoint.
To kautim abit ur problems, u have to -----
Hoi wake up
to fact
ur farged troubles/predicaments definitely
NOT due to Ajjib
NOT due to not enuff Rm
NOT due to Rm smaller than toilet paper
NOT due to no job.
NOT due to no degree.
NOT due to too many mouths to feed.
NOT due to other people make it more miserable
NOT due to other ppl's fault.
IT DEFINITEly is due to ur own:
lousy Choices
bad Decisions
lack of Efforts
want eat more less work
want free & easy w/o hard & tuff
high niamah kind of hai expectations just becos ur trained in some useless poliFARGtechniq & got DeepLOmahai w/o any value anywhere except in Rålålîtåmpøñg area kod!
no use ya, trying hard at all lah, when CONFIRMED oredi lah, EVERYONE ELSE make ur life F. A. R. K.
So better appear pretend to clever & connected,
abt world affairs like U so know all about Life & other bull shit / cow dung,
and got chance only,
U every day everywhere farking
'moan' like a PIG in labor
'cry' like abandoned new born in WC
'complain' like politician who lost deposit
'blame' others
just like many other losers of this farked but still insisting is great nation
Sure la u can only see:
how 'difficult'
how 'suey soeow'
how 'tough'
how other ppl make ur life BAD for u !
u fark faced ass hole head like DICKind
Look at;
Wat have u NOT YET DO to make ur life a little less troubles?
Other than blame Ajjib, moan, cry, complain, swear at bad luck, scold the moon, the rain & the everyone else-
including GST [oooo fuck]
Oh yes lah, so easy for other ppl to tok kok to u lah
the fella house got, paid up, nicer than ur car paid up oso, money [Rm like urs too], but plentier than u to [easily] spend
YES YES YES (u hear tis b4 "yes yes yes"? tis u clever to do yaaa :))
HOI fark-faced asshole buttHEADick
the one who to ur stoopid moronicism look like set up-
for 35 cibai years hE WORKED, SWEATed BLOOD & cried TEARS like R.E.A.L. tears - not CGI ones u so like to look at in ur hand held screen in that unreal world.
And he pay & pay & pay somemore until he balls become hijau & kookooNING
& own
the house,
the car,
& hv the Rm
same as ur Rm oso just as cheap to spend
U, only know ah, things expensive ?
All the "goodies" he got didn't drop into his open mouth or open
Arse or open cunt woi !
BTW who promised it going be EASY ?
Ah JJib ah?
Yr father ah?
Yr mother ah?
Yr grandfather ah?
Yr boss ah?
Yr ex-Boss ah? (u got sacked correct? or resign cos u dun like the HR fella... NOT HE DUN LIKE U woi!!)
Yr partner in the bedMINton court ah?
Yr girl fren ah?
Yr boy fren ah?
Yr bapok fren ah?
Yr dog ah?
Yr cat ah?
Yr sell char koew teow fella ah?
Yr MamakThir sell roti canai wan ah?
Yr ekor woman ah?
Yr Tua Peh Kong ah?
Yr next door maid from 6th world country ah?
NOBODY promise u ANYTHING lah !!
To make ur B.I.G. problems go away
like that so clever fella who selling
''the Art of Whore'' - some ''cumSOON'' fella or something :
- hv 3 ways -
1. Do nothing
JUST sit, stand oso can, squat is ok, half squat with butt jutt outt oso good.
And bitch blame EVERYONE
don't forget to also blame GST
[fyi other "SUCkcESSpOOL" nations oso got GST]
why U so jealous SinKapoor ah?
They only pretend looking good.. so get FDIs from soh chai countries
'hoh kua boh ho chia'!
in the meantime enjoy the glam from ur loser gang, all with same attitude..
so clever to BITCH yaaazzz!
2. Do Everything
MAKE like a bendang buffalo, or dog or pasar malam vendor, or double jointed hustler on streets of hard stones with no lights -
try to make the fucked situation abit less fucked.
AND The Besttest
The Fastest
The Easiest
The Most Effective
THE MOST LESS plentiFOOL in effort wan ----
Jump from menara TALIKOM [or some HIGHer building]
P.L.E.A.S.E make sure high enough so u flat ursrelf completely!
& please c no one below OK?
Oh so soli --forget--
Get fucked
become hooker, whore, prostitute, chicken, keh.
at least ur self-employed, a fuckéé -
got NO BOSS !, yea?
••••••-- the oldest, easiest, zero effort, power assist JîB ooops JøB
ever deVICEd by human beens --••••••
ur farder & mudder farg until skin cum out to born u & now u eveli day complain, bitch, farg eveli one except urself
becos u wan easy, power assisted, self drive...
wat u wan some more?
chose no 4 la
spare the whine
passing over please, the wine ooops where hv wine only got tuak/toddy/samsu/ gor kar pee
Jéåløü$ $éîzü®é
Feel good
In the beginning days, soon as the 1st man, spies the 2nd; coming over the horizon; unless the intruder [only 2 males were here then, yet “intruder”] comes bowing & scrapping on hands & bended knees, the 1st will immediately tighten his anal sphincter, his left testicle go green, & his heckles will rise.
Such is that admirable creature called ‘man’ fashioned in HIS image.
Most definitely something’s not so right; either in the actual events of us being fashioned in HIS image or the narration of the tale about Man & HE was deodorized, sanitized & transmitted with intent for public consumption & unquestioning acceptance ?
TRUTH being elusive in almost every facet of man’s maneuverings, & dealings with other man; it is never likely to be 2nd nature.
The day dawns when there is nothing else to be got;
when Man become non-material;
with no urges,
or needs to upsize
.. perhaps then TRUTH would be easier
transmitted - heard & told.
Jéåløü$ $éîzü®é
circa : 00o0
Friday, December 16, 2016
Money can buy
That which money CAN buy, would be ‘such stuff’ of the here & the now; even if such stuff are the trades in ‘futures’ or the "speculatives" on stocks & shares which seemingly are not, yet are too of the here & now.
Literally if there is anything money can buy; “such stuff” would be of the period while ‘life’ is coursing through one’s bio-physical system.
What money can NOT buy is neither Romantically Poetic or illusionarily delusional fairy tale folk lore-y;
IT is of a higher, non human/non-material order.
What money can NOT buy would be that of
Elevated NATURE.
While Nature would be akin to:
~ that bunch of bloomingly fragrant Frangipanis;
~ or that beautiful creamy foamy milk shake that has one drooling;
~ or that goat; with that awesomely handsome tangy coat of tawny brown
~ or the Cuggi handbag made from the hide of aforementioned goat; which grazed on that bunch of bloomingly fragrant Frangipanis; the milk from the udders of which came that beautiful creamy foamy milk shake that has one drooling over.
need be distinc†ly dis†inguished as
Dis†inc† from Nature of
- the frangipanis
- the goat
- the milk shake
- the Cuggi handbags.
If LOVE is perceived as
• -——- •
“†Hņ’’ relationship wherein one ‘pays, spends, emotes & commits' to a relationship with another person, inseparably binding, till one exits life
“†Hņ’’ extreme, more than temporarily transient ~ hot flushes, which over-wham one
as one lays hands on,
& gets close to the power generated
by that awesome deafening R..O..AAå..R of the 16 cylinders of
THE ultiMATE AUTOmobile which not only
ROLLs but too
“†Hņ’’ near death experience which overcomes one when visions of unreal fantasies assume a truer than life reality; as the spherical metal ball; against all impossibilities, drop$ unerringly into that recessed spot on the roulette wheel.
an »»» either- instant-death or heaven-now-forevah «««
‘love’ & other “such stuff ” of Nature which can be acquired by expanding one’s ‘resources of material purchasing powers’ —are not of
ElevatedNATURE - not of SuperNATURE
wherein HE take being.
The expanding of ALL & EVERY ‘resource’
available to anyone’s beck, call or command;
would NOT enable one ever to
The L.O.V.E.
that need ñø oñe’s
‘buying powers’
for IT
ågápē • ly
Jéåløü$ $éîzü®é
circa: 00ø0
Friday, December 2, 2016
What else is TRUE...?
From plain & simple observations, with no necessity to acquire Sherlock Holmes-like powers of deductions; from simple using eyes to see "look for" more than what meets them & much ‘hands on’ involvements, it is confirmed [till otherwise disproved] - many accepted norms, sacred truths (so claimed as divine ones too) & so called:
'right way of life'
'correct standards of conduct'
were actual contrived & hyped up B$ for agendas that are more often than not “profit, power, pleasure” oriented.
No one, few bother to refute the correctness or confirm the
un-authenticity of such faked “fact$”.
Why care when one is here so briefly & in a blink of the cosmic eye one is no more alive...[which should not be construed as becoming non existing] -
Other than in cases where immediate fakes are fatal, to both the faker & the one who accepted compliance viz in a medical crisis when infusing type “B” blood as if it were type “A” as cross matching & typing is exhaustive.
Or just plain non screening for infectious diseases in blood products,
"..the donor is such a nice
decent-looking guy, he can't possibly be HIV positive..."
Or in a situation where the outcome of an act is immediately apparent - as in a war - bombing ‘friendlies’ instead of the ‘nasties’ cos it takes less effort pressing the ‘fire” button than calculating the telemetry.
Besides most us, mortals, are ‘E’ffed•• in a short jiffy, (99 years too long?) who bothers bashing himself senseless & probably dead, against an "immovable" 'superior force' just to set 'records' straight.
Further & more crassly, with greater gall than ever imaginable
--- '..the guy dealt a dead hand wasn't any relative of the perp anyways... AND besides what's one or two less of the population of teeming infestive'vermins'..'
So UNLESS it bring$ plenty; or one is suicidal or BSDMW inclined, attempting to clarify disinformation & manipulative reinforcement of such untruths, half truths & total BS - propagated, promoted & accepted since day zero as the status quo, would disenchant almost the entire herd of “up till now” friendlies.
They would turn so unfriendly against that crusading quixotic lone deRANGER or against even a band of a few ‘merry men’ attempting to reverse or set right the status quo that more wrath than 26 [yes twenty-six] virginal women scorned would be unleashed at the poor b•st•rd or b•st•rds as the case may be.
Julian Assange & Edward Snowden would cringe at the h.e.l.l.ishness of the fury unleashed.
They should know being on that end of the shhtickk .
If much more than “plenty” is at stake or if it is so 'personal' to the one/ones attempting resetting half fakes to total correctness; the attempt definitely is
futile/fatal & definitely non-productive.
So non-glam, so non-worth the doing, that even delusionally yours, Signioure Døn Quixøté himself would quiver & quake & quobble just ‘hellucynating’ over the try.
One of such half truths being overhyped from day zero & given greater than genuine augmentation is LOVE derived
The Human Sexual Orgasm.
This is as insignificant a non-topic, such a non-event like breathing through the mouth or listening with the ears, or theorizing maybe sound is more a particle than a wave, from the solid evidence of bits and pieces of ear wax.
Or as earth-shaking mundane as ' will feel full after eating and will be hungry otherwise..'
If anyone ever has eyes in strange places (the butt?) one would spy more significant game changing half truths, quarter truths as well as a mix of these 2 fractious unfulls that purposeFOOly do not tell it as it is,
instead, are spun into "true”.
the more insignificant the item;
the more it's everyday-ness;
the more mundane the event;
the more would be the multitudes of the general public, impacted,
& intentionally of course compacted into monetarily pecuniarily positive manure, or material returns for the WEBspinning master$.
These many $punned bull sh•† are daily created & given
$acred-cow-credence, established as HOLé¥ $tatu$ that demand respect & honor, & are enshrined as irrefutable at-risk-of-death national $acrament$ AND wor$hipped |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lie: 1/2 Truth: An essentially accepted/assumed/promoted as correct & sought after & desired value
the human being’s sexual high point - climax/orgasm - provides the greatest incomparably sensual satisfaction ever humanly attainable.
Fact: sexual orgasm actually only affords a very brief satiation of the sexual appetite/libido. - not only is that high point of
<S. H. I. O. K.>
so fakingly projected by mass media in countless visuals, as the defining ecstatic attainment of a heaven-like convulsive reaching of the peak of the fark being untrue
it truly is not a cataclysmically overwhelmingly sensual fireworks-like & all that jazz trip --as one has been exposed to, as are portrayed, all hyped up by media; down through the ages since the 1st day after the 'demon' mass media was born (probably w/o much orgasmic SHIOK between it’s corpulating parents).
The feeling of having had a "good game" don't even last till the last wisp of smoke from the post copulation ciggie is dissipated into the exhaust vents.
The mass media [messy media?] in almost every transmission for public consumption, seldom if ever, say it as it is.
What one sees or is subtly made to feel or adopt as good as real & as true - is not what one gets AT ALL & often actually are baited hooks dangled before the gullibly impressed [to be consumed] public consumer .
The agenda of the mass media almost always i$, at root, the almighty dollar;
besides also being mouthpiece of the related, but un-conjoined twin
- the powers that pull, control everyone's’ strings of ‘life’
or ‘rope’ -around the neck
[the hangman's noose] - as the case may be.
Hence if one thinks or ‘rightly’ believes that "L0vE" makes this, our world go round,
one; as they say, has another few more thinks cumming.
The many values bandied insidiously in the air waves, the aether, as well as in print, in declarations by RELIGIOUS authorities, claimed as divinely sourced.
The fact that $exual orgasm$ never could satisfy the libido;
for any reasonable period of time; as eating a great meal would satisfy hunger for a longer period;
makes many go on paths of deviant pervasions & risky practices, attempting to attain or enhance, or prolong & increase that “feel” which can never be more than the same sensation as a ‘urinating or sputum squirt’ into a chamber pot - after much expansion of m.s.t. [money strength time]
Basically that elusive high point of a sexual sensual Shiok that cums complete with a fuller more lasting satiated SATISFIED feel, is not
naturally achieved & in all actualities never existed.
it is
an enticement to ensure the preservation & propagation of the species~
the human
- THAT = the real purpose, reason for the
rewarding s. h. i. o. k. -
rewarding s. h. i. o. k. -
for which every living creature would gladly die, sacrifice freedom, limbs, even life,
is not a super sexual s.h.i.o.k never comparable to any other sensual highs
- as projected -
a post coital ‘fullness’ in which the satiated hero & heroine would unfailingly supposedly bask (as portrayed) in a loooong post tumescence blissfull heaven, on a sail boat bobbing in an almost calm sea with the sun set in the far off.
With that wild eyed maniacal wet dream embedded in the cross-hairs of almost every self-respecting squir†
- when within & around the whiff of the females' pheromones, these pééshoo†ing squir†$ , would attempt to attain that nonevent
& even unto death (or a fate, worse)
little knowing it
..the s.h.i.o.k.. is ‘engorged’
to be more a roar than the whimper it really is.
Hence with every successful copulative act fervantly sought after perpetuated with no other greater motive, aim or intent than to
oneself sensually, & sexually
the HUMAN species is kept viably,
under no any significant likelihood of achieving
it’s as pointfull anticipating the general public to realize & accept sexual orgasm, not as a $uperman/Lois Lane Sensual HIGH in the Blue Skies event;
as it is pointfull trying to assure a double-mastectomized female you love her ‘ALL’ just the same.
The TRUTH is
what else is true?
siqmann f®åü∂
circa: 00o0
Monday, November 14, 2016
Recipe for †RUMP roast
The New Yorker :
“His level of egotism is rarely exhibited outside of a clinical environment'”.
Clinical Environment
Accordingly the Post tRUMP win elicited the very admirable exhortation from the New Yorker :
"To combat authoritarianism, to call out lies, to struggle honorably and fiercely in the name of American ideals—that is what is left to do. That is all there is to do”
It reflects
"Nobility: Fairness: CONsiderations: SELFlessness"
in tRUMPian USA
One has to define “AMERICAN” Ideals.
Are ‘American’ ideals same, at odds, unpalatable to the Ideals of others, of a different culture, different ethnicity, different economic status; yet of that same exact DNA’d ideals of the Race called Man.
Do Man then, need to zoom in, to view a smaller perspective, through the only window: ‘American'?
What about the ones being, going to be, will be made less acceptable by tRUMP'$ - the President of the U.S.’s Ideal$?
What about their Ideals?
Are theirs reflective of America’s?
Or are the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, nth world’s ideals as unpalatable to tRUMPish ideals; now aka AMERICA’s CONtemporary IDEALs {hopefully for the next 4 years only}; as America’s are to them?
Should there then not be an IDEAL of plain good-ness, plain non-partisan Human ?
Besides: the very ‘bold’: now aka ‘antiquated’ ‘irrelevant’ & ‘undoable’ statements engraved on that statue: in the harbor,
that New Yorkers & others
so 'happily',
so 'PAT.riot.ically' pose- in, on, by,
with -
“hey, sefie”
“no see, no hear, no speak, no think”
“I am ok enough already, ssssank Q”
“nothing to be gain'd here, let’s move on”
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
[Due to insufficient space; for convenience; for brevity; for D tRUMP's ease : “Gimme. Gimme. Gimme”]
be dug up, reviewed & given a greater LIFE in everyday people's perspective ?
when one refuse to acknowledge, to look in the eye,
the ugly, dirty associated with that B.A.D. ‘F’
And one would rather, side step, work around, pretend it will go away, or just plain wait it out -
till HE comes again ---
what remains after cleansing it, deodorizing it, making it palatable, acceptable, or surrendering it to HIM
one's LIFE becomes a LI_E
Jéåléøü$ $éîzüî®
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